Thank's, I just feel the build would be much better if the match was announced. They still have time, and I didn't watch last nights show again, so who knows.James Storm vs Mr. Anderson is pretty much a given, I believe they will confirm that soon enough. The Wolves should be in a match, and having been involved with MVP's group, I'd say King and Lashley are going to fight them - they've been building towards this, anyways. Also, I'd assume Willow, Magnus and Bram will be in a match together.
But of course, I agree that TNA need to have announced more matches officially, make sure they (and the fans) know what is going to definitely happen and what's still to be decided - for example, half of the roster is doing their own thing and we still don't know if the X-Division Champion will have a match at all because he's recently only fought Tigre Uno and DJ Z on Impact but then disappeared again. The 4 PPV model would be great for TNA if they would take advantage of the time the have to book the PPV, but heck I'd even say 6 PPVs a year would be better for them.
I do expect to see some screen time for Shaw, I mark for anderson, and anything Ion/Kenny King i'd be down for. They could just get a few moments on the mic and i'd mark.