Opening Segment: Roode had me cracking up with his Ireland bit. Crowd is definitely into it, such a nice change from the IZ. We want Devon chants.. classic. Sting is over as hell over there it sounds like. Perfectly acceptable opener
Joe/Magnus vs Crimson/Morgan- I've enjoyed this feud, but of course TNA had to book some Blue stipulation. Still pretty enjoyable stuff for the most part, in large thanks to the crowd. I really hope Joe and Magnus eventually take the belts off of the current champs
Bischoff- As soon as I see him on my tv I consider fast forwarding like I usually do, but hold off to see what the crowd will do. Found it hilarious that the smarks were bowing to him while Tenay talks about how the reaction is negative lol. Crowd is shitting all over this segment as I expected. TNA should have known better to even try this angle outside of the IZ.
Haskins vs Aries- Aries is the main reason I tune in to Impact each week. Crowd was full of Aries marks like myself, which didn't surprise me. Highly entertaining stuff out of the Greatest man that ever lived, but what else would you expect? Haskins botch or near botch of the shooting star press made me cringe. Aries da best though. Would like to see them do more to build the Aries/Shelley feud
Storm vs Roode- Why is this match before the Storm/Bully Ray? Why is this match on Free TV? I had a lot of questions pertaining to the booking, but the match was very good. I liked the ending with Roode trying to get himself DQ'd but Storm getting the better of him until Bully Ray had to help him out. Bully Ray's rock bottom on the belt was cool lol
Tara vs GK- I like that Tara's ass hangs out of her shorts. Gail was beasting like always, one of the best if not the best women workers in the world. Match served it's purpose to make Tara seem like a legitimate threat to GK's title, but she won't win in the title match
More Bischoff- fucking yawn. Yea, we know Hogan is the 'mystery' trainer, and he got a nice reaction. I was tempted to fast forward before, I couldn't resist temptation this time. NEXT. Oh look , a backstage segment with more Hogan/Little Bischoff. NEXT
Bully Ray/Storm- Could have done without this tbh, even though it was okay I guess. Match was nothing special, especially after we'd already seen Storm/Roode put on a far superior match earlier in the show, and we all knew Storm would go over
Good: Aries obviously, somewhat entertaining stuff between Storm/Roode/Bully Ray, and the knockouts division continues to show the Divas division how things should be done. Also still loving the Joe/Magnus team
Bad: Close to literally 1/4 of the show was wasted on the Bischoff BS that I think I can safely say nobody gives a rat's ass about. I like the Bully/Roode vs Storm, but I think they spent too much of the show on these 3 guys. When 75% of your show was centered around 2 feuds, one of which nobody cares about, it's not a good sign.
Overall decent show all things considered, but as always I'd love to see TNA try to actually utilize their extensive and impressive roster instead of ignoring 95% of it