Anyhoo, thought id drop in for a bit, don't want to derail the discussion too much. Later y'all!
Later... umm... whatever the Canadian version of "y'all" is! Talk to ya tomorrow!
Anyhoo, thought id drop in for a bit, don't want to derail the discussion too much. Later y'all!
Thanks for stopping by to see us for a bit!tunga: Have fun with.....that. :eww:
Talk to you later, eh!Later... umm... whatever the Canadian version of "y'all" is! Talk to ya tomorrow!
Brooke heel turn next week then
:facepalm1: Dammit Brooke, the only reason for stopping your dear ole' dad there would be for you to say, "Give me the hammer!" and then you proceeded to wail away on Bully Ray yourself. Not stop him to prevent poor Bully from getting hurt. Damn vaginae.
- We almost had Abyss and Joseph Park in the same segment last night. At one point, there were plans for Abyss to come out during the segment where Devon worked over Joseph Park in the ring. There was someone at the taping set to portray Abyss but the plan was dropped over the course of the day.
Visiting at last night's taping in Duluth, GA was former TNA star Sonny Siaki as well as former referee Slick Johnson.