
I was wondering about some of the talent that TNA doesn't utilize. Then I thought about Hernandez and AAA and I was wondering. It wouldn't hurt TNA to have an indy promotion as some sort of main resource pool for new talent. Sort of like TNA's old relationship with ROH. I think a developmental territory would do TNA a lot of good and in the long run put an ease on their walets. Yeah it may cost to build new stars but It costs more to bring in these WWF[E]/WCW/ECW Alumni who ask for more money than they really are good for. TNA used to be good at this until Dixie Carter came around. TNA bulit AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Christopher Daniels, and hell even Jeff Jarrett as I didn't give a damn about him in WCW or WWF. Anyways, the bottom line, TNA can benefit by having some homegrown talent in the future or making bigger names out of indy guys.