TNA Bound for Glory 2012 Discussion Thread

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Sep 12, 2012
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That PPV was soooo fucking weird to actually watch. I mean it started out legitimately good. 3 really solid matches. I couldn't say anything negative about them. I gotta say that this was actually the biggest crowd I've seen in a live TNA show. They actually filled the floor and the 100-200's which they really never do. They were a loud raucous crowd... and in classic TNA fashion they built them up and let them down terribly.

Match 1 - RVD vs Zema Ion - 'classic TNA' hot X-Division opener. That dude Zema is pretty good. RVD still has it, and they had that crowd ROLLING.

Match 2 - Joe vs Magnus - TV Title - just a good solid match. Magnus is very talented and cut a killer promo before hand. Joe was amped up from the crowd and motivated. Good little match. Joe retains.

Match 3 - Storm vs Roode - Street Fight - this was the match of the evening by far. I really recommend everyone see it because it was HOLY FUCK ULTRA VIOLENT. Storm fucking bled buckets. BUCKETS. They did chairs, trash cans, tables, thumb tacks, beer bottles. They did everything man.

Here is where TNA dropped the ball for the rest of the evening. That match ends and the crowd is just insanely jacked, and the next thing you see is this Joey Ryan fucktard on the screen cutting an awkward promo. 87% etc etc... literally you can feel the wind being sucked out of the heat balloon or whatever The crowd is just *dead*.

Then he wrestles Al Snow for about 10 minutes. TEN MINUTES. Maybe it's less, but it felt that long. It felt longer. The crowd was sooooo dead. It gets worse. Matt Morgan interferes to help Joey Ryan beat Al Snow. Crowd says "Uh okay". They literally said that in unison.

The PPV was way downhill from there. The rest was just a trainwreck.

The only other cool thing that happened the entire night was Sting and Bubba hitting a Doomsday Device. That's about it. I can't remember anything else remarkable the entire show. The other TWO HOURS of the show.

TNA. What a joke. I'll try watching Bound for Glory next year. I hope it brings the same laughs this one did.



Cry About It
Dec 17, 2010
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Wasn't really a fan of the PPV, but one thing i'd say is somewhat of a positive is that given the numerous title changes we should hopefully get a bunch of new stuff now even though i'm not keen on the majority champions.


Sep 9, 2012
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Please guys, just grow the fuck up and learn to enjoy the damn thing - "BUT THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO BOOK SHIT!"... Is the response I'm imagining that going to get but really, TNA proved they know how to make things interesting; Devon as Aces & 8s leader isn't as bad as people think, it was completely left field and leads to a ton of questions but it kinda made sense with the events of last night and Bully Ray putitng over was great.

Aries losing the TNA title was great, now TNA's Punk is no longer the champion, the belt can regain something to it; I honestly believed Storm/Roode shoulda been the belt match but that's my only complaint.

RVD & Texicans winning the titles weren't bad decisions, quite nice ones actually and in the case of the tag team titles, it allows Kaz/Daniels & Styles/Angle to continue their feud without interfering in the belt scene, thus adding more to the next ppv.

Eugh, people need stfu and learn to enjoy the shows.
Maybe you need to stop visiting forums where people express their opinions. That isn't me being sarcastic but instead of moaning about what others thought of the event deal with it.

To be honest I didn't enjoy the show and I was so bored that I skipped through some parts. The only parts I did enjoy was Devon turning out to be a member of Aces & Eights and I majorly marked for Hulk Hogan 'cos I'm old school like that. No-one can deny the presence Hogan brings to the ring. I was really annoyed at the anti-climax that was James Storm vs Bobby Roode and also Austin Aries dropping the belt to a wonderful role model like Jeff Hardy.


Prove me wrong
Dec 3, 2010
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Thoughts, Thoughts & Thoughts dedicated to my Hero Joesph Park and his super human lawyer strength

RVD/Zema was cool, but while i was watching it i got the impression that the meeting for putting the match together was "I'll do my stuff, and you do yours. Maybe i'll sell for you if i feel like it" The opening minutes were terrible they tried to do that feeling out process but ended up playing to the crowd too much. It does pick up when RVD starts bumping tho. Oh and the ending was just out of nowhere which kinda hurt it **1/2 Botch the RVD theme music :lmao

The build to this Joe/Magnus match has been under the radar but has been really well built up, Magnus has come along was since his British Invasion days and he showed it here. Just a really good match. I had no doubt that this would be worth watching. ***

The Roode/Storm match WOW, I find it really odd that this match is showing up in the first hour of the show. BUT WOW this was 18 minutes of pure unadulterated hatred and violence. The booking was intense and made both guy look like a million dollars. And tbf this is how the feud had to end really. I think the best thing King Mo did during this match was provide facial expressions. Some of these were pretty funny. ****1/4 Storm's balding was old school NWA level.

Joey Ryan/Al Snow was that filler match we all knew it was going to be. They basically did nothing and said let's not have any story telling and lets wait till the SWERVE MATT MOGAN return, that's right MATT MOGAN. I'm not against the Ryan/Morgan duo but giving this match 9 minutes was a bad idea. * The use of the word head in this match was better then the whole match.

Tag Team Title Match was good, but this was really hard to keep track of. With six guys in the ring at once, you are bound to lose your damn mind watching this. The finish comes when Chavo hits the Frog Splash for the victory. Yeah that's right the Mexican team is the tag champs cause they are more over then AJ/Styles, wait that's not right. Oh i get it they are better heels, wait that's not it. They are better in the ring, that's not it either. Yeah IDK why this happen cause i don't personally the WCTOTW accomplished everything yet and i was enjoying their scumbag run. ***1/2 Chris Daniels's entrance :lmao

Knockouts Title Match was better than expected but tbf my expectations were pretty low for this. Tara's boyfriend is revealed and i have no idea who he is, FUCK THIS COMPANY. He's not even a wrestler. *3/4

Sting & Bully Ray vs. Two Men From Aces & Eights, well we all knew this wasn't gonna be that CLASSIC tag match and more of have a brawl to kill some time then do the normal tag formula then lead us the that SWERVE. And that is what we got but the SWERVE had me shocked cause the whole time i was thinking it was Bully the snake but instead it was Devon. So much enjoyable hilariousness in this 1. Joseph Parks rips out of his cuffs and attacks As & 8s, why didn't he do that 3-4 weeks ago in the clubhouse? 2. DEVON in the Ace's & 8's "it was always me" :lmao


The World title match was damn good, thankfully. I have Roode/Strom as the MOTN but this one wasn't that far behind really, the crowd participation really made this match for me. The crowd was split throughout this contest. This is why you need to leave the Impact Zone. You just get more feeling and emotion with an audience like this. I also loved the near falls during the finial stretch of the match. ***3/4 - **** Aries looked like a million bucks here with this performance.
Sep 12, 2012
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Please guys, just grow the fuck up and learn to enjoy the damn thing - "BUT THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO BOOK SHIT!"... Is the response I'm imagining that going to get but really, TNA proved they know how to make things interesting; Devon as Aces & 8s leader isn't as bad as people think, it was completely left field and leads to a ton of questions but it kinda made sense with the events of last night and Bully Ray putitng over was great.

Aries losing the TNA title was great, now TNA's Punk is no longer the champion, the belt can regain something to it; I honestly believed Storm/Roode shoulda been the belt match but that's my only complaint.

RVD & Texicans winning the titles weren't bad decisions, quite nice ones actually and in the case of the tag team titles, it allows Kaz/Daniels & Styles/Angle to continue their feud without interfering in the belt scene, thus adding more to the next ppv.

Eugh, people need stfu and learn to enjoy the shows.

Shut the fuck up and learn to enjoy the shows?

This is how you end a post that you began with telling people to grow up? OK JOSE! :KANE:


Nov 13, 2010
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Please guys, just grow the fuck up and learn to enjoy the damn thing - "BUT THEY DON'T KNOW HOW TO BOOK SHIT!"... Is the response I'm imagining that going to get but really, TNA proved they know how to make things interesting; Devon as Aces & 8s leader isn't as bad as people think, it was completely left field and leads to a ton of questions but it kinda made sense with the events of last night and Bully Ray putitng over was great.

Aries losing the TNA title was great, now TNA's Punk is no longer the champion, the belt can regain something to it; I honestly believed Storm/Roode shoulda been the belt match but that's my only complaint.

RVD & Texicans winning the titles weren't bad decisions, quite nice ones actually and in the case of the tag team titles, it allows Kaz/Daniels & Styles/Angle to continue their feud without interfering in the belt scene, thus adding more to the next ppv.

Eugh, people need stfu and learn to enjoy the shows.

I'm guessing frustration here.


WCW Halloween Phantom
Aug 6, 2010
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Maybe you need to stop visiting forums where people express their opinions. That isn't me being sarcastic but instead of moaning about what others thought of the event deal with it.

To be honest I didn't enjoy the show and I was so bored that I skipped through some parts. The only parts I did enjoy was Devon turning out to be a member of Aces & Eights and I majorly marked for Hulk Hogan 'cos I'm old school like that. No-one can deny the presence Hogan brings to the ring. I was really annoyed at the anti-climax that was James Storm vs Bobby Roode and also Austin Aries dropping the belt to a wonderful role model like Jeff Hardy.

I think EOR might have been being sacastic here Taker.

Sounds by the reviews that there were more negatives than positivies sadly. It is a shame as it has mostly been a very good year on ppv for TNA and to let it down on their biggest show is a blow.