Why did Roode run to the ring with the belt only to drop it on the f*cking ground again?
Oh holy shit the dude cop who shot the kid apparently was in the KKKK, anon just had an update on it.
Boo for no Impact and therefore no LD next week. Color me disappointed.
Why did Roode run to the ring with the belt only to drop it on the f*cking ground again?
Roode throws hammershots and clubbing blows at Lashley who kinda throws weak ass glancing shots that don't make contact back.. and we're off the air. :downer: Boooo!
Who's making the Lucha Underground LD next week? @Tsar
I'd say so, bro.These ld's aren't coming to an end.
I need to check that out. Even a friend on Facebook mentioned how good it and something else is and how happy he is to have Styles there. Think I'm missing out.
It sucks these LD's are coming to an end. Yes, Lashley does burn.
GrammarNazi, amusement is a spice of life best shared.