Time to get a little serious

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Mar 29, 2010
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As most people would know, I really like Cena, but the past few weeks have brought out the worst in his character. I don't mind him mocking Sheamus, but some of the shit he's been saying is pretty annoying. Obviously it's not Cena's fault and it's what gets written for him, but he's much better when he's more serious. I don't mind some kidding, but in a serious situation you have to be fucking serious.

Hey, everybody stop what you're doing and go do some research on Annapolis, Maryland.

For my research I have gathered a sample population, and thus far it has indicated that they're not a very intelligent bunch from Annapolis, Maryland.


May 14, 2010
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Annapolis, Maryland
ey, everybody stop what you're doing and go do some research on Annapolis, Maryland.
Hey, stop bashing me and actually make a post that pertains to this thread.

God damn you are Blue, just stop posting, fuck. About 3x the people watched wrestling during the time of that shitty bold in your shitty post. And probably 4-5x actually watched wrestling. Also, pics of these grown men, because I can guarantee there's probably like 2-3% of them out of male WWE viewers in the entire country.
Reread above posts then shoot yourself. J Bonez already established that in a more respectful way than your smurf ass. Don't jizz all over the keyboard trying to reply to me.


Active Member
Jun 29, 2009
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He's partly the reason I've almost entirely quit watching the WWE. Just can't take him/the WWE seriously (I use that word lightly) anymore. It's seriously just a joke. Can't wait until him or his character dies or he inevitably fucks off to acting or something. Just go away so this product can be majority aimed at people > 9 years old again.

So what? Yeah they're good, but think of how good they would be if they weren't limited to what they could say or do. Who cares about PG (it was actual PG in part of the Attitude Era fyi, shit doesn't really matter), it's just that the WWE is awful and awfully geared and directed to ADD children and people like McFly (redundant).

That's the only guy you can think of? You're either mentally handicapped or have the most awful, horrendous memory on this forum then. John Morrison, R-Truth, REY FUCKING MYSTERIO, Kofi "smurf" Kingston, Khali, Santino, Hornswoggle, Mark Henry, Jerry Lawler, sigh..

God damn you are Blue, just stop posting, fuck. About 3x the people watched wrestling during the time of that shitty bold in your shitty post. And probably 4-5x actually watched wrestling. Also, pics of these grown men, because I can guarantee there's probably like 2-3% of them out of male WWE viewers in the entire country.

I think I'm in love...


Apr 29, 2006
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Just a few points;

1. Any grown man wearing ANY type of WWE merchandise is just not cool. It doesn't just apply to Cena shirts. Lets just say a girl is sitting at a bar and see's a guy with a Jericho shirt and another with a Cena shirt. She isn't going home with either of you.

2. Stop longing for the attitude era. It's not coming back, not with MMA stealing the 25-50 demo. The WWE is in the business of making money, not in the business of pleasing a bunch of 16 year old punks who like to complain on the internet. Its so lame to hear a 16 year say that the attitude era was better. You were 5 when the attitude era was around. You don't remember it nor do you know it. Sorry, you were born in the wrong decade, life sucks.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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Chill the fuck out and read what I ACTUALLY wrote... I said "of the guys that a get significant amount of mic time, the only guy that I can think of that plays up to the kids is Cena".

Most of the guys you countered with get little or no mic time.... Khali & Hornswaggle? Get the FUCK out, man!
??? I'm perfectly chill. Just because I used cuss words and caps, I'm angry or agitated? Lol. Don't tell me you're turning into McFly. Anyways, out of my list: John Morrison, R-Truth, REY FUCKING MYSTERIO, Kofi "smurf" Kingston, Khali, Santino, Hornswoggle, Mark Henry, Jerry Lawler. R-truth, Rey Mysterio, and Santino all get ridiculous amounts of mic time, probably more than Cena. Rey just cut the worst and most blatantly suck-up promo of 2010 in that regard, about a couple weeks ago. I haven't been watching Raw that much, but I remember another lame ass promo John Morrison and R-Truth did together on Raw not long ago, trying to rap/breakdance or some shit. Note, that nothing was specified as recent. Most of these examples were tacked on in consideration to the past several months. And in the past several months, all of those guys, minus the obvious ones who don't really even cut promos and I just threw them in because their characters scream kid-friendly crap (Hornswoggle, Henry, Kingston), have had SIGNIFICANT mic time, significant enough to denote the direction the WWE is obviously going.

As for Khali and Hornswoggle, who really cares if they get mic time? Why is mic time even a factor or brought up? The entire lame ass characters and actions involved are most of the appeal to the children and what this thread was implying.

^Careful.... {...} has an e-badge and he's not afraid to use it!
What.. I don't even think I've even referred to being a mod yet EVER, even as a joke.


Active Member
Apr 26, 2010
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??? I'm perfectly chill. Just because I used cuss words and caps, I'm angry or agitated? Lol. Don't tell me you're turning into McFly.

I couldn't give a shit about cursing. Slinging about insults whilst missing the crux of my post suggests a distinct lack of composure at best.

Anyways, out of my list: John Morrison, R-Truth, REY FUCKING MYSTERIO, Kofi "smurf" Kingston, Khali, Santino, Hornswoggle, Mark Henry, Jerry Lawler. R-truth, Rey Mysterio, and Santino all get ridiculous amounts of mic time, probably more than Cena.

Your having a fucking laugh.... Those that I highlighted get very little or no mic time. Even the likes of JoMo and Turth are lucky to get to cut a promo once every few months.

Rey just cut the worst and most blatantly suck-up promo of 2010 in that regard, about a couple weeks ago.

You don't think WWE keep Rey away from the mic as much as they can given how far up the card he is? Maybe, maybe not but he doesn't get regular mic time.

I haven't been watching Raw that much, but I remember another lame ass promo John Morrison and R-Truth did together on Raw not long ago, trying to rap/breakdance or some shit. Note, that nothing was specified as recent. Most of these examples were tacked on in consideration to the past several months. And in the past several months, all of those guys, minus the obvious ones who don't really even cut promos and I just threw them in because their characters scream kid-friendly crap (Hornswoggle, Henry, Kingston), have had SIGNIFICANT mic time, significant enough to denote the direction the WWE is obviously going.

Well you're starting to argue a point that I never made to begin with...

As for Khali and Hornswoggle, who really cares if they get mic time? Why is mic time even a factor or brought up?

You replied to a post of mine SPECIFICALLY responding to a comment about PROMO's...

The entire lame ass characters and actions involved are most of the appeal to the children and what this thread was implying.

Maybe so, but if that's the case then why quote my post telling me how wrong and stupid I am...? You were already on a rant and just continued your rant at me, so yeah... chill.


Active Member
Mar 29, 2010
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I couldn't give a shit about cursing. Slinging about insults whilst missing the crux of my post suggests a distinct lack of composure at best.
I didn't miss the 'crux' of anything. Admittedly, I may have ranted a little.

Your having a fucking laugh.... Those that I highlighted get very little or no mic time. Even the likes of JoMo and Turth are lucky to get to cut a promo once every few months.
Who doesn't read what who actually wrote again? You seem to be the one who missed the 'crux' of my post since I clearly wrote that none of those guys receive mic time in my rebuttal with the exception of R-Truth. And you have to be insane to believe he doesn't get any mic time, he had a promo three weeks in a row on Raw not long and I'm 100% sure of that. Oh and not to mention, he has the most obnoxious, blatant, apparent, kiddy-friendly piece of shit theme song/entrance in the history of the WWE.

You don't think WWE keep Rey away from the mic as much as they can given how far up the card he is? Maybe, maybe not but he doesn't get regular mic time.
I guess you missed (again) the part of my post that said I'm taking into consideration the past several months.

Well you're starting to argue a point that I never made to begin with...
Um.. what? The entire point of this thread is based on the fact that the product is too childish and PG, revolved around the epitome of that nature in Cena, of course. You alluded only to mic time as a reasoning for this, which it isn't, thus I listed wrestlers who influence the product towards the PG side not because of their mic time, but by their characters. Because they don't NEED mic time to represent the product in a childish light. And it didn't strip away from my point much as the majority of my examples were indeed legitimate, thus still garnering sufficient merit. I already said I ranted a little and threw in those names to represent the broader point, but there's really no need for YOU to disregard my argument over minuscule simplicities. No need to argue in semantics.

You replied to a post of mine SPECIFICALLY responding to a comment about PROMO's...
Yeah, but I was trying to imply it would be stupid to strictly focus on the promos as much more elements contribute to the kid-friendly product we currently have. But I agree, technically it wasn't part of your original point, so you can disregard if you really must.

Maybe so, but if that's the case then why quote my post telling me how wrong and stupid I am...? You were already on a rant and just continued your rant at me, so yeah... chill.
To be fair, I was simply questioning since your reasoning was so ridiculously narrow-minded.

Sigh typed up the entire post and hit fucking back, w/e.

Pat Patterson

Jul 15, 2010
Reaction score
WWE is for children. We market directly to children. Young, supple, defenseless children.