Barry current read on smark
Smark current read on barry
I had only five posts by that point and it's kinda didn't make any sense to try and pull this out this early. Just felt like you were trying to force a read by either of us.
To see if either of you would give an overly generous read. Neither of you did
No shit sherlock.

you've had strong opinions on him in the past. Seeing where you lean on him currently isn't really that outrageous either, considering there is also a wagon forming around him. One which I'm lacking to see reason for
Neither of us ever really give strong opinions of one another though. If anything Smark is usually, and I stress *usually*, not always, correct on his read of me. But five posts in there's nothing to really even gauge, nothing to digest from what I have posted.
Also why are people up my ass about smark when i want to push tweet. No one has commented on his terrible vote on rugrat and his awful reason to what was obviously a joke post. Stop being dense n vote with me tbh
You want to push Tweet, which means you're reading him scum, yes?
Stop no selling me ppl n tell me why you are starting all these cases n no selling tweets vote
So you want people to vote your scum read, yes?
Can I ask your case on Tweet please? If it's just Gut read with nothing really to base it on, then wouldn't you technically be guilty of the same thing you're accusing people voting you for, which is having no real reason to vote someone?
I don't think you ever really answered the second half.
And i stand by my smark/barry questioning, it wasnt high level trapping but there was an off chance one would be too generous. I also had no reason to read smark anything but null/town on meta so was worth trying imo
But why do it when neither of us really had any great number of posts? It's fucking garbage?
Its not.
Theres plenty of supporting evidence those two can be butt buddies n easy read each other. Sorry you disagree
No there isn't. There's evidence of me sometimes reading Smark wrong and tunneling him to high heaven.
and the difference, Poyser, is that both Barry and Smark were in thread and active at the time, so asking them both if they have a read on each other seems pretty logical to me, regardless. You asking a read on Odo when he's not really as active or engaged isn't really apples to apples is it?
You think asking someone for a read on another person with only five fucking posts is really logical? You're better than this lmfao.
Because we only have 24 hours, and any sort of play, wether low chance or high chance, is worth it. I ask ppls reads on others all the time for a multitude of strong and weak reasons. It's not really anything sketchy imo
In your opinion it isn't? Well I know an easy way to get town reads from Jeff then, just ask anyone and everyone their reads on specific people.
I mean I find Tweet's opinion that I would just tunnel him regardless erroneous and baby-ish, but the fact he's reaching for the emotional response pool rather than logic does make me feel better about it.
Huh? Tweet really doesn't seem like the type to go for an emotional appeal as scum to you? Really?
1. Chris
2. EV
3. Poyser
4. Lethal
5. Odo
6. Phenom
7. CP
8. Xenus
9. Rugrat
10. Jeffatron
11. Mr. Tweetums
12. Banez
13. Alco
14. Lawles
15. Grim
16. Smark
Tweet should also be light blue
Yet you were pushing him almost immediately pre-empting this. What even.
I think his frustration and explanation for it are based in fact, and I had a feeling he was upset about something else. he had no way of knowing I thought that, and basically confirmed my suspicions with his answers this morning. So using Occam's Razor I feel he's truthful here
This just sounds like a whole lotta nothingburger.
yo dont diss bunny ears, that shit is for real
Can confirm, bunny ears and by extension bunny girl costumes are GOAT tier.
The issue I potentially have with the smark wagon is also based on meta. town smark will reply to literally everything. scum smark cba.
The only thing we agree on rn.