All points made above are spot on and I too agree 100%.
As a matter of fact, the poor ticket sales is certainly the reason they added the Ronda Rousey contract signing on this PPV, them foolishly thinking "ah, this ought to do it". Unfortunately for WWE, people are not stupid and being that this main event is as predictable as it gets, fans don't even have the tolerance to even show up and shit on it.
They wanna boost ticket sales? How about shock the entire fucking world and have Braun Strowman win the Elimination Chamber. Create buzz with the unexpected outcome that nobody sees coming and make fans feel like anything can happen on any given PPV. Make fans regret not going and missing out on a big moment and at the same time make them think twice about missing out or passing on a show when WWE comes to their respective town...
I ain't no genious...I'm just a no name fucking fan....but someone tell me I'm wrong....
You aren't wrong rarely are in my opinion.
The truth of the matter is the WWE restricts & stifles its own talent because clearly those
behind the scenes want to control every aspect of their product instead of allowing it to
grow & flourish naturally creating new stars.
You can only get over in the WWE...if they want you to get over.
I hate to go on about this but I'm just going to say it.
No in-ring performers in the WWE are allowed to look stronger, better or more popular
than Roman Reigns.
The very center of the WWE Universe is a bland, boring performer who gets to defeat
& pin everyone whether the fans want to see it or not.
It all comes down to Reigns being a "controllable company man" instead of someone
with true star potential like Hogan, Austin, Rock or Cena.
The WWE are committed to making Reigns the "top guy" & it has actually become
really pathetic at this point. I mean they were so desperate that they had no other option
but to try & remind people of when Roman was "cool" by reforming the Shield...and even
that blew up in their faces thanks to illness & which I can only laugh at.
When you truly look at how the WWE books their product...its kind of shocking how they
clearly don't give a flying fuck about what their fans want.
They just shovel some pathetic slop into a trough & expect the fans to swallow it down
like mindless pigs no matter what it tastes like.
Well I say...FUCK THAT!!!
I do fear the WWE will eventually drive their entire audience away if they keep walking
down this path of total, absolute control...but that's just my opinion from my perspective...
but then...
I'm just a no name fucking fan...
Like everyone else.