Thoughts on Kairi Sane?

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Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
I have to be honest & say I'm still "undecided" about Kairi...



Let me explain...

Now I like Kairi as a wrestler/worker...especially when she
starts stomping around the ring & screaming wildly...and her
Interceptor Spear & Insane Elbow are both fantastic moves
that I could watch her hit over & over again...


I just can't get into her overall look & "gimmick" (if you can
call it that).

Now Kairi is a beautiful woman...and she's more than simply
Asuka 2.0...I present this photo as evidence of that...



But I just don't "Get" the Pirate Princess "gimmick"

To me her theme music is dull & lifeless, her ring attire is kind
of plain (too much white) & I just don't get why she's a Pirate

Is it a Manga/Anime reference? Am i missing something here?

And like I said earlier...Kairi is more than just a smaller version of
Asuka...but its hard not to compare the two...and to me Kairi just
seems to be lacking "something" that Asuka has.

Now I just want to state again that I think she's an amazing wrestler
& she's far more interesting then most of the other women who work
for the company (main roster included)...but like I said...something
about her just feels off to me.

Maybe a new entrance theme & ring attire would fix that? Or
maybe I need someone to explain to me why she's a Pirate
Princess or what actually means. I've said...Kairi is a fantastic wrestler & that's what
matters the most to me...but...I think she could be even better if
a few minor tweaks were made.

Of course no matter what...I hope she's the one to take Shayna
down soon...or later...either way is good.
Last edited:

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
We never really know what WWE is going to do with a wrestler until they actually do it. Perhaps they will recognize the popularity of Asuka and feel they want to try it with Kairi as well.

Hopefully they won't look at her in terms of being another female Japanese talent and make their decisions based off that. Hopefully they will put that aside, as it should be, and decide where to go based on her ability and appeal.

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score

Blessed image. I can't wait for the day these two finally wrestle each-other. I still remember the disappointment that Kairi got eliminated from the Rumble before Asuka came out (and by Dana Brooke too).

But I just don't "Get" the Pirate Princess "gimmick"

To me her theme music is dull & lifeless, her ring attire is kind
of plain (too much white) & I just don't get why she's a Pirate

Is it a Manga/Anime reference? Am i missing something here?

And like I said earlier...Kairi is more than just a smaller version of
Asuka...but its hard not to compare the two...and to me Kairi just
seems to be lacking "something" that Asuka has.

Now I just want to state again that I think she's an amazing wrestler
& she's far more interesting then most of the other women who work
for the company (main roster included)...but like I said...something
about her just feels off to me.

Maybe a new entrance theme & ring attire would fix that? Or
maybe I need someone to explain to me why she's a Pirate
Princess or what actually means.

She's a Pirate Princess because she has legitimate history with sailing. Like, national tournament levels of history with yachting and she had Olympic aspirations for it at one point. She confirmed this on twitter . . .

Side-note, searching for that twitter was more annoying than I thought, it still only took a minute or so or else I would've given up but I thought if I searched her @ & Yacht, I'd get her tweets about Yacht, not people tweeting to her about Yacht. Twitter should have an easier way to search through specific people's tweets (I mean, they might and I just don't know about it, I'm willing to accept that as more than plausible since I barely touch the thing).

Anyway, the logic jump from high-school to college sailing team tournament participator to Arrrggghh I'm a Pirate Princess still may be a bit much to you, it's not for me I accept most gimmicks on the basis for personality identifiers alone but yeah, if giving you the reason will make you accept Kairi Sane as your lord and savior, then I'm happy to help convert another. Seriously, I think it's pretty cool that Kairi incorporated her personal history into her wrestling persona, but of course you would have no way of knowing that just by watching NXT (you might've from the MYC, I can't remember if they ever mentioned it). I only know it for the same reason I know stupid facts about Asuka like she use to perform Rakugo, because I'm a big stalker fan of hers.

I love her ring attire, partially for all the little nautical motifs layered in there but also because I think it does a really good job of subtly directing attention to her Elbow. Like the use of only one elbow pad and how big and colorful the sailing compass on the pad is, like the colours are black and like gold/brown I think but they're so bright and do a good job of standing out among her generally white attire. At least for the money shots of when she officially signals for the drop. That said, I did prefer the yellow attire more than the all white. Not only for having a bit more colour but it still maintained the same philosophy of highlighting her finish since the elbow pad remain white, there's a greater contrast there that I thought really worked.

The one thing I definitely agree with you on here is that her entrance theme. There are instrumental pieces are do think are nice, but boy does it not have any energy to it. I feel like they wanted to have people singing with the yo ho ho ho parts but it just doesn't work. All her themes, the ones I know of anyway, have this clearly pirate leitmotif to them but while her other ones carry this epic grand adventure battle side, the one she's using now feels like the music you'd play on a leisurely boat-ride. It doesn't carry any impact. And this especially makes me frustrated because for the Mae Young Classic, she had a great theme. Second best to Rhea Ripley's (who I hope kept hers) imo. I recall you saying before you never watched the Mae Young Classic so here you go . . .

This theme is still what'd you expect for pirate music but it has a near immediate grandeur to it that's completely lacking at any point in her current one. I really wish WWE just kept this theme for her when she made the transition to NXT . Her Stardom theme was also epic. I'm only linking it because WWE probably couldn't use this, I don't want to litter this post with too much media posts, and it's not really relevant. This one takes like 40 seconds to build up so I'm not sure it works as great as entrance music, haven't really watched much of her Stardom stuff but I love the song. It does carry a strong level of grandeur to it when it gets to the hook and it kinda reminds me of Soul Calibur.

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
What torch and pitchfork...*puts away torch and pitchfork*
Use the Broom if you have to...

I knew you were awesome for a reason.

Blessed image. I can't wait for the day these two finally wrestle each-other. I still remember the disappointment that Kairi got eliminated from the Rumble before Asuka came out (and by Dana Brooke too).
Yeah...Kairi was a last minute replacement for Alicia Fox...
and they didn't change the booking in anyway...hence why
she was eliminated by DDana Brooke.


Can I just say that the more I think about the Women's Rumble
the more I hate it. So many cool moments & possibilities were
possible...but they didn't really deliver on any of them.

She's a Pirate Princess because she has legitimate history with sailing. Like, national tournament levels of history with yachting and she had Olympic aspirations for it at one point. She confirmed this on twitter . . .
Oh...Okay. I guess I can understand that.

I love her ring attire, partially for all the little nautical motifs layered in there but also because I think it does a really good job of subtly directing attention to her Elbow. Like the use of only one elbow pad and how big and colorful the sailing compass on the pad is, like the colours are black and like gold/brown I think but they're so bright and do a good job of standing out among her generally white attire. At least for the money shots of when she officially signals for the drop. That said, I did prefer the yellow attire more than the all white. Not only for having a bit more colour but it still maintained the same philosophy of highlighting her finish since the elbow pad remain white, there's a greater contrast there that I thought really worked.
I just think it needs more color...the design itself is okay...but its just
too white for my liking.

The one thing I definitely agree with you on here is that her entrance theme. There are instrumental pieces are do think are nice, but boy does it not have any energy to it. I feel like they wanted to have people singing with the yo ho ho ho parts but it just doesn't work. All her themes, the ones I know of anyway, have this clearly pirate leitmotif to them but while her other ones carry this epic grand adventure battle side, the one she's using now feels like the music you'd play on a leisurely boat-ride. It doesn't carry any impact. And this especially makes me frustrated because for the Mae Young Classic, she had a great theme. Second best to Rhea Ripley's (who I hope kept hers) imo. I recall you saying before you never watched the Mae Young Classic so here you go . . .

This theme is still what'd you expect for pirate music but it has a near immediate grandeur to it that's completely lacking at any point in her current one. I really wish WWE just kept this theme for her when she made the transition to NXT . Her Stardom theme was also epic. I'm only linking it because WWE probably couldn't use this, I don't want to litter this post with too much media posts, and it's not really relevant. This one takes like 40 seconds to build up so I'm not sure it works as great as entrance music, haven't really watched much of her Stardom stuff but I love the song. It does carry a strong level of grandeur to it when it gets to the hook and it kinda reminds me of Soul Calibur.
I just think she needs something with more energy...something that reflects
her wrestling style...and I know this will seem EXTREMELY lame & cliche...
but something like this...

Something punchy but with a soaring melody that invokes sailing or flying...

@Mustafar Reginald Thank you for taking the time to write such an in-depth reply.

I really appreciate the effort.


The War Dog Rebel
Mar 28, 2018
Reaction score

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah...Kairi was a last minute replacement for Alicia Fox...
and they didn't change the booking in anyway...hence why
she was eliminated by DDana Brooke.


Can I just say that the more I think about the Women's Rumble
the more I hate it. So many cool moments & possibilities were
possible...but they didn't really deliver on any of them.

I feel bad for Fox but I'm not sure I've ever been happier with an injury replacement. Though partially because I don't count meningitis as an injury so AJ Styles saving us from the Sister Abigail doesn't count. I honestly still love the Women's Rumble, maybe I won't if I go to revisit it but for the most part I really enjoyed it and my memories of it are generally positive. Outside of Kairi being eliminated by Brooke and the women spending too much time outside the ring making it harder to keep track of eliminations than necessary, I don't really have any complaints.

I just think she needs something with more energy...something that reflects
her wrestling style...and I know this will seem EXTREMELY lame & cliche...
but something like this...

Something punchy but with a soaring melody that invokes sailing or flying...

I love that song but I'd definitely wouldn't sign off on it for a theme. I know you're only using it for an example though, I'd want less 'aggressive, for lack of a better term, instrumentation though. I feel too much of her appeal is in her cute charming adorable personality (stuff like her catching that jobber's heart or her catching Bianca's blown kiss) that the 'rough' guitars sounds, again for lack of a better term (I will never be confused for a musician), I feel clashes with her character too much. But the idea I agree with, I still think A New Adventure really worked for her though.

@Mustafar Reginald Thank you for taking the time to write such an in-depth reply.

I really appreciate the effort.

No problem. I usually can't help myself.

Grievous 3D

Is Currently In Stasis
Sep 30, 2016
Reaction score
Townsville, Queensland, Australia
I feel bad for Fox but I'm not sure I've ever been happier with an injury replacement. Though partially because I don't count meningitis as an injury so AJ Styles saving us from the Sister Abigail doesn't count. I honestly still love the Women's Rumble, maybe I won't if I go to revisit it but for the most part I really enjoyed it and my memories of it are generally positive. Outside of Kairi being eliminated by Brooke and the women spending too much time outside the ring making it harder to keep track of eliminations than necessary, I don't really have any complaints.
Look...I'm glad they gave the women a Rumble match...I just think
it could have been booked so much better than it was...especially
with the final 4.

I love that song but I'd definitely wouldn't sign off on it for a theme. I know you're only using it for an example though, I'd want less 'aggressive, for lack of a better term, instrumentation though. I feel too much of her appeal is in her cute charming adorable personality (stuff like her catching that jobber's heart or her catching Bianca's blown kiss) that the 'rough' guitars sounds, again for lack of a better term (I will never be confused for a musician), I feel clashes with her character too much. But the idea I agree with, I still think A New Adventure really worked for her though.
I guess that song was just an example...a bad example...

Something cuter?

I don't point is her music puts me to sleep...
and I don't like that.

Honestly...give her a new theme & some more color
on her ring attire & she'd be near perfect.