Thoughts on improving the site.

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The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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I don't remember who it was, but someone said they once wanted to see how bad wrestling can get that would make me not want to watch it. I watched so much BAD WWE over the years because I am loyal to wrestling.

I blame myself for the site not getting the traffic it used to. I stopped putting up chats and rate threads because no one was using them. But I should have kept them going because they are like news and keep things going.

I am going to change a few things. It will take a little bit of time, but I do love this site and I am dedicated to bringing it back up.

I am sorry to everyone who left because they didn't like some of the decisions I made. But if I hadn't done them, we probably would be dead by now.

A lot of people felt like this was a protected home and they think that got lost. But it didn't. Home is what you make of it.
If the forum died then, it would have atleast had a respectable ending. That’s all I gotta say.

But also go fuck yourself, Roadster. Good to see RWKs still living rent free in your mind what? 2 years on? 3?

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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If the forum died then, it would have atleast had a respectable ending. That’s all I gotta say.

But also go fuck yourself, Roadster. Good to see RWKs still living rent free in your mind what? 2 years on? 3?

So, it would have been a respectable ending for two people who knew their forum was dying to sell it to a guy for a lot of money, only to have it die, leaving the guy who bought it with nothing?

That's not respectable at all. But that was EXACTLY what was happening.

I consider it respectable to try to help that guy's money to not go to a total waste and run the site the way he wants it to be ran. After the sale, the majority of people stopped posting BEFORE I allowed older people back on the site. Regular members barely posting one post a week is abandonment. I tried to get the regular members to post more, to hang out here more, but it didn't work. So I had to find people who wanted to post here.

I like you Reag, but you don't know all the stuff that went on behind the scenes. I do. I was behind the scenes watching it. And my number was goal was not to leave Cam holding the bag.

The forum ending like that would not be respectable. It was downright rotten.

I am sorry my decisions upset you, I truly am. I considered you a friend. I am also sorry if I created problems by having a full group of people who couldn't get along with each other. But I don't think I acted disrespectfully for the reasons I mentioned above.
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Jan 9, 2021
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If the forum died then, it would have atleast had a respectable ending. That’s all I gotta say.

But also go fuck yourself, Roadster. Good to see RWKs still living rent free in your mind what? 2 years on? 3?
I promise you, nobody cares. (Also, quick maths; 2021-2016 is 5)


Jan 9, 2021
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This romantic look towards Solidus and Solid Snake as owners from @The Reagmaster and people alike really has to stop. Forum wars aside, us bickering aside, they're truly bad people that probably need to be locked up in a mental ward. FYI, I don't believe any of you are and I believe the majority of you know that they're bad people. You don't gain anything anymore from catering to them. Move on, appreciate the good of the admin team and continue using the site like normal. Nothing changed. However, if you think you've outgrown the forum, that's totally fine too. I, in many ways, have had that for years. However, if you're leaving because of me or whatever petty hatred you have against Roadster, then please just rethink your decisions.
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-looks at CM Punk in AEW-

So about me suggesting the site being rebranded to the AEWForums/AllWrestlingForums ?

CM Punk

AJ Styles
Dec 27, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
If the forum died then, it would have atleast had a respectable ending. That’s all I gotta say.

But also go fuck yourself, Roadster. Good to see RWKs still living rent free in your mind what? 2 years on? 3?
kinda on topic on this, but like what’s up with people holding grudges on the internet? Like if someone bothers you that much, just block them?

what’s up with people refusing to use the site if other people are unbanned? how does it affect your enjoyment of said site? You’re on the Internet, there’s no safe space but there is literally a button that’ll keep you safe which is the block button.

same thing with Reddit. I had to literally subscribe to subreddits which I enjoy and my Reddit experience is way better now that I don’t see crap I don’t wanna see or read.
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CM Punk

AJ Styles
Dec 27, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
I’m surprised how many people like Solidus and Britta knowing they’re borderline homophobes, islamaphobes, probably #AllLivesMatter and anti-vaxx.

Irwin R. Schyster

The Showoff
Mar 31, 2013
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If people had the balls to stop feeding the trolls, they’d go away/stop trolling because it would be boring getting no reactions.

The fact that people feel the need to engage is hilarious. It’s text on a screen, let them be stupid by themselves. Ignorance is bliss.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I kept my mouth shut a long time about Solidus and Snake after I became a mod. But they were not good people. I knew several times they would have liked to get rid of me and Solidus never wanted me on the forum team and only promoted me because Shadow nagged him for months to do it(It was not too difficult for me to go back and read the forum team chat before I was promoted).

They tolerated me when I came out because I was doing a lot of site work for them and because I . But neither were happy about it.

But honestly, Indy is right about them. They were borderline paranoid delusional And many of you who think they liked you, trust me. They didn't.

Has anyone stopped and wondered why they deleted every single private message on the site before selling it to Cam? They looked at your private messages, they expected Cam would do that too (trust me, he doesn't and neither do I) and they were worried about what others were saying about them

They were not good people and didn't give a shit about you.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I’m surprised how many people like Solidus and Britta knowing they’re borderline homophobes, islamaphobes, probably #AllLivesMatter and anti-vaxx.
I would not have been shocked to see them at the insurrection.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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-looks at CM Punk in AEW-

So about me suggesting the site being rebranded to the AEWForums/AllWrestlingForums ?

As it looks like we may be on the verge of another war, I definitely want people looking for a forum to know the site isn't really about WWE only. But what I will do for the moment is rewrite the "About us" blurb because that is what shows up when one does a Google search.

You have to be careful about rebranded a site, because it often will have a negative effect on the members you already have.

For example, I used to post on a forum called The owner changed the name of the forum and rebranded it as a site for everyone. There was already tons of non Christians on the site, talking about many other things including Christianity. Well a huge petition was created by an Atheist on the site demanding it be changed back to Christianforums. Atheists, Buddhists, Hindus and all sorts of other members signed the petition. His rebranding was killing his own site.

So I will start with the "About Us" blurb and we will look at other things going forward.


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Jan 7, 2014
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It's kinda funny that some people would rather come on the site when it's owned by alt-right islamophobic anti-semetic xenophobes than come on a site with me because I made jokes at other people's expense. On top of that, pretending their absence has something to do with moral turpitude. The fact is, as long as the crack they're licking is nice to them up-front they don't care about the character of the person they're dealing with.

It's everyones prerogative to choose whether to come on this site or not, that's totally fair. Some people just decided to stop coming, some moved on. Anyone who visited this site, regularly, when it was owned by those other jamokes, and put in a concentrated effort to boycott it when I or Indy returned might want to step back, and realize the idiocy. If you outwardly say that you'd rather support anti-semites over normal people so long as it means I get banned then that's fair play. There's nothing else to say. Anyone who grants moral equivalence between mocking RWK and actual bigotry and hatred is a dunce anyway.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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It's kinda funny that some people would rather come on the site when it's owned by alt-right islamophobic anti-semetic xenophobes than come on a site with me because I made jokes at other people's expense. On top of that, pretending their absence has something to do with moral turpitude. The fact is, as long as the crack they're licking is nice to them up-front they don't care about the character of the person they're dealing with.

It's everyones prerogative to choose whether to come on this site or not, that's totally fair. Some people just decided to stop coming, some moved on. Anyone who visited this site, regularly, when it was owned by those other jamokes, and put in a concentrated effort to boycott it when I or Indy returned might want to step back, and realize the idiocy. If you outwardly say that you'd rather support anti-semites over normal people so long as it means I get banned then that's fair play. There's nothing else to say. Anyone who grants moral equivalence between mocking RWK and actual bigotry and hatred is a dunce anyway.

It goes further than that. More than one of the people who were loyal to them and hate the fact that I let you and Indy come back are members of the LGBTQ community. And as the only reason I ever became a mod is because they didn't know I was gay. And when I came out, I had too much support from most of the active members and I did too much of the work for them to get rid of me.

Yet people from that time period who are LGBTQ seem to prefer when they were running the show, than when an openly gay guy is running the show (I mean Cam, of course).

So anti Jews, anti gays, anti liberals, anti science, anti vaxx, anti common sense and common decency, anti Islam people who very often talked bad about their members behind the scenes are preferred over a few people who have apologized for the past and do nothing more than poke light fun at each other.

Wow. Fucked up.

Anyone who feels that way needs to drop the moral highground. They don't have any.

CM Punk

AJ Styles
Dec 27, 2011
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Ontario, Canada
I had to keep my mouth shut too a lot of times and it wasn’t because I was scared of getting mod removed, but I have lots of memories on this forum from the PM alone. Sucks that they got rid of it.

And I highly believe that Solidus was brainwashed. Idk if these guys still view the site as guests but I still remember he was into Lady Deathbane at first and I also remember him saying he said shit Britta would like to hear cause he wanted “dat ass”. Somehow he actually believed all her bullshit perspectives.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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I had to keep my mouth shut too a lot of times and it wasn’t because I was scared of getting mod removed, but I have lots of memories on this forum from the PM alone. Sucks that they got rid of it.

And I highly believe that Solidus was brainwashed. Idk if these guys still view the site as guests but I still remember he was into Lady Deathbane at first and I also remember him saying he said shit Britta would like to hear cause he wanted “dat ass”. Somehow he actually believed all her bullshit perspectives.

I seriously doubt they pay any attention to it all anymore.

I didn't know either of them as long as you did. But imagine... being influenced that much because of a cute ass. Sad.

It's not like I would let Cam have THAT kind of influence over me. Nope. Not for a moment....