And what wrong did he say? Goldberg is literally the worst wrestler this industry has ever seen. He’s capable of doing 3 moves, guy can’t even sell a headlock
In terms of literally just wrestling, you’re correct: he’s literally one of the worst ever.
However, What Riddle fails to realize, is that Goldberg headlines for every other reason. Goldberg is good at everything else: mic, persona, and character. He sells tickets, and you always know a fight is about to ensue when he shows up. Sure, it’s getting old seeing him show up and barely be able to do 3 moves, but he still sells tickets, gets pops, and has a persona that the general fans eat up. Also, and this may not be saying much, but he’s got more personality in his pinky than Reigns or Rollins do in their whole body, which is very sad considering that those are WWE’s most pushed stars as of late.
I know Riddle is simply criticizing Goldberg because of his wrestling, but he also seems mad because he’s main eventing against guys like Brock and such, and feels guys like himself should be headlining instead. But, again, what Riddle fails to realize is that “wrestling” isn’t always the only thing that gets you over. Riddle needs to also be an entertainer. Mic work, strong character, and amazing persona, along with of course wrestling skill gets you the farthest in WWE. There can be exceptions to anything, but I think Riddle has a lot to still work on before he gets his dream match with Brock.
So until Riddle can be better than just being a good wrestler, IMO, he should prob just STFU. Right now he’s a bro stoner who can wrestler well. His mic skills are lame and persona sucks.