"There's probably no god, now stop worrying and enjoy your life"

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Good thing you don't go to a Cena school... M I RITE PPLS?

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Just my two cents, and this isn't taking into consideration any point of view beyond comparing atheism to christianity. say the atheists are right and the christians are wrong. Worst case scenario? The christians and the atheists die, and nothing happens. Whoopy di doo! If the atheists are wrong and christians are right? Then the "ignorant" christians live in eternal paradise while the "intelligent" atheists burn in effigy.

Looking at the pros and cons of this situation, I really don't think I want to take the chance of not being a christian and ending up wrong.


^Lol, so you'd rather believe in something you don't necesarily want to, just so you know you're not taking any chances, and you're going to be safe no matter what, than actually choose a logical choice, for reasons other than being "guanteed" safety?
That speaks volumes.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
I must of phrased that wrong. lol. Given the evidence, considering that there is good points supporting the existence of an intelligent being *I dont care if people call Intelligent Design junk science* and in support of Atheism *too many to note* if I were faced with a choice of Christianity or Atheism? I would go Christianity every time. If you fuck up in life, you know theres at least one being in the universe that will forgive you. In atheism, your condemned for life even if you change. In Christianity, you have something to hope for. In atheism, you see no point in living so you might as well kill yourself.

Once again I also want to clarify that this was only considering comparing atheism to christianity. Me personally? I am non denomenational, but I am personally rooting for the Gaea energy theory. Where we are all of the earths energy and when we die we simply return to the earth to come back and a new form of life. Kinda like a poor mans version of reincarnation.

But like I said, comparing the end results if I only had the two to choose from? Fuck yeah I would choose christianity. If I were an atheist and believed in nothing, I would of killed myself by now. Legit. I fully admit I use Christianity as a crutch, I have no shame in that. Because I know my limits, and I know by going at it alone, I would never make it for a day.
Feb 8, 2007
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Australia... and no, I do not ride around on a Kan
Theres nothing wrong with it, I mean its opinion right? I don't get offended when people walk around saying there is a God, so why should they get offended for an ad saying there is no God?

I don't believe in God, I think religion is taken too far by some people. if you wanna believe, hey thats great, believe all you like, but don't go constantly badgering me or other atheists about how we believe in God. Don't go forcing you beliefs down other peoples throats., if I don't do it to you, don't do it to me.

I go to a catholic school, it doesn't bother me at all even though I am not religous. But I never walk around school saying how they are all deadbeats cause they believe in God or that they shouldn't believe in God, cause its their life, their choice.


I must of phrased that wrong. lol. Given the evidence, considering that there is good points supporting the existence of an intelligent being *I dont care if people call Intelligent Design junk science* and in support of Atheism *too many to note* if I were faced with a choice of Christianity or Atheism? I would go Christianity every time. If you fuck up in life, you know theres at least one being in the universe that will forgive you. In atheism, your condemned for life even if you change. In Christianity, you have something to hope for. In atheism, you see no point in living so you might as well kill yourself.

Once again I also want to clarify that this was only considering comparing atheism to christianity. Me personally? I am non denomenational, but I am personally rooting for the Gaea energy theory. Where we are all of the earths energy and when we die we simply return to the earth to come back and a new form of life. Kinda like a poor mans version of reincarnation.

But like I said, comparing the end results if I only had the two to choose from? Fuck yeah I would choose christianity. If I were an atheist and believed in nothing, I would of killed myself by now. Legit. I fully admit I use Christianity as a crutch, I have no shame in that. Because I know my limits, and I know by going at it alone, I would never make it for a day.

Right, btu what I'm saying is, it really sounds like you're just saying you would choose religion because it is a safer bet, and because you know that if you're right, you'll be rewarded for it.

All I'm saying is that, IMO, I'm not gonna go and make myself follow religion just for the fact that it ma "pay off" in the end. I don't follow religion, and that's that.

As for your little theory, that's pretty whacked man, lol, but go on with what you like, it's your choice.
I'm pretty simple in my beliefs though:
It's called dying for a reason. Why? Because once you die, you're dead.
Nothing more.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
But in the long run, even if you die for a reason, according to atheism, its all for naught anyway. lol.

But as to the actual topic, let them run their ads all they want, no skin off of my nose really. I'm a free enough thinker to let the flying spaghetti monster feed me pasta all day. lol


^Finally, you got back on topic, lol.
That's all this is really about. Just seeing who has a problem with any of these ads.

Italian Outsider

Active Member
Apr 19, 2007
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Just my two cents, and this isn't taking into consideration any point of view beyond comparing atheism to christianity. say the atheists are right and the christians are wrong. Worst case scenario? The christians and the atheists die, and nothing happens. Whoopy di doo! If the atheists are wrong and christians are right? Then the "ignorant" christians live in eternal paradise while the "intelligent" atheists burn in effigy.

Looking at the pros and cons of this situation, I really don't think I want to take the chance of not being a christian and ending up wrong.

that's ''Pascal's bet on God'' theory fyi.:laugh:
ever heard about it?

and can be reversed btw.

If god doesn't exist:_the atheist used his life well.
_the religious wasted his entire and ONLY life on a stupid belief.
If god exist:_the religious may end up in paradise, sure, but considering how many sins those who calls themselves religious do, they are going to hell anyways.Actually they are going to hell even before atheists, at least atheists committed sins, but weren't so hypocrite to call themselves religious.
_the atheist goes to hell too. he blames god for not giving him any hint of his existance, other than a 2000 years(or more, or less, depenind on the religion) story.

so yea, stop worrying,enjoy your life, do your best.Even if a god exist, your actions will talk for you, even if you don't follow a stupid men-made belief.


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Fact: Jesus is fiction

Fiction: Jesus is fact


Just my two cents, and this isn't taking into consideration any point of view beyond comparing atheism to christianity. say the atheists are right and the christians are wrong. Worst case scenario? The christians and the atheists die, and nothing happens. Whoopy di doo! If the atheists are wrong and christians are right? Then the "ignorant" christians live in eternal paradise while the "intelligent" atheists burn in effigy.

Looking at the pros and cons of this situation, I really don't think I want to take the chance of not being a christian and ending up wrong.

That's a really Blue answer, imo. It just sounds like the typical religous response that athiests will burn in hell because they don't believe in God.

I was not raised to be athiest. My parents both believe in God and made me go to Sunday School. I made my first communion when I was 8 years old. I am no stranger to the story of Jesus. I chose not to believe in it for my own reasons. I know that the persona of God is that he loves everyone equally so the religious theory that athiests will burn in hell when they die is bullshit. If there is a God, he wont shun people just because they didn't believe in him. I'm sure that he would respect people and probably understands that believing in an invisible man is hard for some people to swallow.

Moonlight Drive

It's rather pretentious and ignorant to believe humans are the highest beings throughout the universe imo.

Problem with atheists I've met is the fact they often are hypocrites. They don't want religion shove down their throats, but then what makes them think Christians want atheism shoved down theirs, or it being made a joke of?

It's not like I'm a mormon, but I do believe in God or some higher power. The Bible isn't meant to be taken literally (especially the creation myths, ffs), it's just a book of morals. And if people can use religion to give themselves hope and make themselves happier, people should respect that.

As for the billboard, it's extremely disrespectful. I wouldn't be offended, but I'm sure there are a lot of people who would be. You don't believe in God. We got the message a long time ago, move on and enjoy your own lives.


It's rather pretentious and ignorant to believe humans are the highest beings throughout the universe imo.

Problem with atheists I've met is the fact they often are hypocrites. They don't want religion shove down their throats, but then what makes them think Christians want atheism shoved down theirs, or it being made a joke of?

It's not like I'm a mormon, but I do believe in God or some higher power. The Bible isn't meant to be taken literally (especially the creation myths, ffs), it's just a book of morals. And if people can use religion to give themselves hope and make themselves happier, people should respect that.

As for the billboard, it's extremely disrespectful. I wouldn't be offended, but I'm sure there are a lot of people who would be. You don't believe in God. We got the message a long time ago, move on and enjoy your own lives.
But couldn't I say the same thing when I see all these bible ads, and church ads?
You believe in god, we get it, now move on and enjoy your life...

Really, everyone should just STFU about who should or shouldn't be aloud to put ads up.
If religious people want to show off their love for god, and put up ads about religion, they can, but they shouldn't bitch when atheists do the same.

But if atheists want to put up signs about them not believing in god, they should also be aloud to, without beign critisized, and should also realise that if they're going to, religious people are entitles to as well.

Both religious and non religious people have the same problem. They have no problem shoving shit at people, until it's done by the opposite side.

That being said, religious people still suck:D

Moonlight Drive

I understand where you're coming from. I don't really care, but atheists have to understand, these are some deep seeded beliefs a lot of people hold very dear to themselves.

Putting up billboards is fine, but it's not like church ones say 'You shall burn in hell, enjoy your afterlife'