It's rather pretentious and ignorant to believe humans are the highest beings throughout the universe imo.
Problem with atheists I've met is the fact they often are hypocrites. They don't want religion shove down their throats, but then what makes them think Christians want atheism shoved down theirs, or it being made a joke of?
It's not like I'm a mormon, but I do believe in God or some higher power. The Bible isn't meant to be taken literally (especially the creation myths, ffs), it's just a book of morals. And if people can use religion to give themselves hope and make themselves happier, people should respect that.
As for the billboard, it's extremely disrespectful. I wouldn't be offended, but I'm sure there are a lot of people who would be. You don't believe in God. We got the message a long time ago, move on and enjoy your own lives.
But couldn't I say the same thing when I see all these bible ads, and church ads?
You believe in god, we get it, now move on and enjoy your life...
Really, everyone should just STFU about who should or shouldn't be aloud to put ads up.
If religious people want to show off their love for god, and put up ads about religion, they can, but they shouldn't bitch when atheists do the same.
But if atheists want to put up signs about them not believing in god, they should also be aloud to, without beign critisized, and should also realise that if they're going to, religious people are entitles to as well.
Both religious and non religious people have the same problem. They have no problem shoving shit at people, until it's done by the opposite side.
That being said, religious people still suck