The WWE Chronicles

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Emperor DC

Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score
The WWE Chronicles

The weekend of the 28th of March was set to be remembered for various reasons, the main ones being the weekend of the 24th annual Wrestlemania and of course the fond Farewell that Ric Flair would give as he faced Shawn Michaels at Wrestlemania, which would turn out to be his last ever match., However, all these events were added to when Vince McMahon revealed he felt it was time to shake things up a bit. Not with a draft, but a reversal of things that had become consistent and almost boring. McMahon was going to install some fresh momentum into the company in the only way he knew how and that was an impactful way at that. McMahon did not mince his words at all. Out went the ECW brand, Mike Adamle, and various other talents including The Boogeyman, Snitsky and Viscera. In came a whole new wave of optimism as McMahon revealed that although not a draft, he would be shaking the two rosters up and would be redefining and rebalancing the rosters over the next 24 hours before the next edition of RAW went to air. McMahon proclaimed that every star would need to be on their toes because with brand new rosters set to debut, and the return of the more popular brand exclusive Pay Per View events also, the stars of the WWE would need to step up and prove themselves worthy of their spot in the most famous and luxurious wrestling promotion in the world today…and ever. The new wave of the WWE was approaching and it would wash away the people that were not worthy or ready of their place. Get ready world, the new wave of the WWE is approaching and set to come to shores near you soon!!


General Manager
Eric Bischoff

‘JR’ Jim Ross
Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler
Lillian Garcia
Maria Kanellis
Todd Grisham

WWE Champion
Randy Orton

WWE Intercontinental Champion
Chris Jericho

World Tag Team Champions
Bob Holly & Cody Rhodes

WWE Womens Champion
Beth Phoenix


Beth Phoenix
Boris Alexiev
Brian Kendrick
Candice Michelle
Charlie Haas
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Jericho
CM Punk
Cody Rhodes
Elijah Burke
Hardcore Holly
Jeff Hardy
Katie Lea
Lance Cade
Mickie James
Paul Burchill
Paul London
Randy Orton
Shad Gaspard
Shawn Michaels
Shelton Benjamin
Trevor Murdoch
Triple H
William Regal

Tag Teams & Factions
Cryme Tyme {Shad Gaspard, JTG}
Golden Standard {Shelton Benjamin, Elijah Burke}
Hardcore Holly & Cody Rhodes
Redneck Wrecking Crew {Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch}
The Hooliganz {Paul London, Brian Kendrick}



General Manager
Theodore Long

Michael Cole
Joey Styles
Tony Chimel
Josh Matthews
Gary Cappetta

World Heavyweight Champion
The Undertaker

WWE United States Champion
Montel Vontavious Porter

WWE Tag Team Champions
John Morrison & The Miz

WWE Cruiserweight Championship


Adam Pearce
Bobby Lashley
Chuck Palumbo
Curt Hawkins
Gregory Helms (Injured)
Harry Smith
James Gibson
Jimmy Yang
John Bradshaw Layfield
John Cena
John Morrison
Ken Doane
Kelly Kelly
Matt Hardy
Matt Striker
Montel Vontavious Porter
Mr. Kennedy
Nattie Neidhart
Rey Mysterio Jr. (Injured)
Seth Skyfire
Shannon Moore
Steven Richards
The Big Show
The Miz
The Undertaker
TJ Wilson
Zach Ryder

Tag Teams & Factions
John Morrison & The Miz
Sinister Youth {Zach Ryder, Curt Hawkins}
The Stampede Bulldogs {Harry Smith, TJ Wilson, Nattie Neidhart}
The Untouchables {Deuce, Domino}


Backlash – 27th April, 2008 – 1st Mariner Arena, Baltimore; Maryland

Judgment Day – 18th May, 2008 - Qwest Centre, Omaha; Nebraska

Veangence – 8th June, 2008 - San Diego Sports Arena, San Diego; California

Great American Bash – 6th July, 2008 – American Airlines Arena, Dallas, Texas

Summerslam – August 10th, 2008 – Conseco Fieldhouse, Indianapolis; Indiana

Unforgiven – 7th September, 2008 – Quicken Loans Arena, Cleveland; Ohio

No Mercy – 21st September, 2008 - Rose Garden, Portland; Ohio

Bad Blood – 12th October, 2008 - US Airlines Centre, Phoenix; Arizona

Saturday Nights Main Event – 8th November, 2008 – Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, NY

Survivor Series – November 23rd, 2008 – TD Banknorth Garden, Boston; Massachusetts

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

Looks promising. A few promotions from development, as well as bringing in Adam Pearce. I wish you luck on this.


Jun 18, 2007
Reaction score
Memphis, TN.
This looks very good, I love the idea of having Adam Pearce on the SD! roster! Great backstory, rosters, everything. I'll be checking it out.

Emperor DC

Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score

Monday Night RAW 1.1
‘The Backlash Begins…’

At Wrestlemania 24, we said goodbye to the phenomenal wrestler and man that was Ric Flair, and we then said an immediate hello to a new era in the WWE. With ECW null and void and roster changes aplenty, the spectrum of the WWE has changed forever and the WWE talent are ready to step up and make an impact. Wrestlemania has come and gone, and now the future is what we are looking to. What will happen, as the Backlash begins?!

RAW started off in style, at least if you’re a fan of Randy Orton because the WWE Champion was the man that emerged to start off the Wrestlemania rebound edition of RAW. As usual, Orton had a demented look in his eyes as he proclaimed his dominance upon the WWE world after his epic win the night before. Listing the names of the men he had defeated over the past few months, Orton came to Shawn Michaels. Before Orton could continue, the man himself made his way towards the ring. Looking glum after the events of the night before, Orton made no attempt to shy away from the subject, profusely claiming that Michaels should return to the back and ‘sit down and digest what he had done’. Michaels came back with a rebuttal of his own, claiming if Orton had his way he would have ended Ric Flair’s career months ago without a second thought, a claim that Orton didn’t dismiss, but endorsed. This annoyed Michaels quite clearly and the two men came face to face, the tension boiling over, Michaels remembering that Orton was also the man that had put him on the shelf for the majority of last year…

As the tension threatened to turn into something more, an arrival of a man of epic proportions put paid to the simmering hate and disrespect. Triple H, complete with shades made his way out onto the stage. Himself looking saddened after the vents of Wrestlemania 24, he backed up his pals words about Ric Flair. However, it was clear there was simmering fight between the two. Triple H turned everyone’s attention to the fact that Michaels was obviously out here to stake his claim for the WWE Title. Smiling, Michaels nodded his head. Hunter himself returned a smile of his own before becoming straight faced and straight laced, telling his old friend and foe in no uncertain terms that as long as he was breathing, he would always be in line before Shawn Michaels for the WWE Title, proclaiming that despite their partnership upcoming tonight, he was going to show why he is The Game and why he is ‘that damn good…’. Orton became a bystander to proceedings as Michaels and Hunter store down, the friendship making way for the fighting instincts of both men. As both men looked for a chink in each others armour, Orton dropped his title and crept behind Michaels. The crowd alerted Michaels and he managed to duck Orton’s attempted shot before Orton turned around into a Sweet Chin Music!! Orton rolled out of the ring as Michaels and Hunter store towards each other. Orton looked on frustrated and demonic as Michaels raised the WWE Title into the air, making a statement of intent. All Triple H did was look on, shades off and a look of intent on his face. However, these two men would need to put their instincts aside as they reformed as a team for one night only, but realistically, how could they with both men wanting to make an impact and a statement so much?


The action inside the ring started off after the break as Hardcore Holly and Cody Rhodes took on the Redneck Wrecking Crew in non-title action. Rhodes showed his vast improvement throughout this match, aided by quick tags he administered to Holly who in turn was happy enough to watch on as his protégée stapled his mark as a good young talent. Despite the talent and authority shown by Rhodes and Holly, it all came to a bizarre and unfortunate ending. After miscommunication between Rhodes and Holly, Murdoch came from behind Holly, rolled him up with the tights and got the 3 count! The crowd, and Rhodes in particular couldn’t believe it as Cade and Murdoch broke free from the ring and hugged all the way up the ramp, celebrating their unexpected victory, securing their place as a dominant force and contenders to the World Tag Team Champions. Holly and Rhodes looked on after the match, Rhodes looking shocked and Holly looking even more then shocked, more so frustrated and annoying at their failure to get things done in the heat of the moment…

We switch from the ring backstage. That is when we see Randy Orton walking through the halls, apparently on the lookout for the man he needs to become his partner for the main event. Orton walks past and as he turns around the corner, he finds William Regal sipping on a cup of English Tea. Orton and Regal exchanged heated words. Orton turned to Regal’s time as General Manager of RAW, stating how well he did and that he did his job better than anyone else in that position. Regal though wouldn’t be swayed and told Orton he knew what he was up to, and it wouldn’t work. Real admitted he didn’t like either Triple H or Michaels, but he didn’t like Orton either, and he hoped all three men got what was coming to them in due course. Orton looked on, intrigued but frustrated his search had failed to reap any rewards even still. Regal just smiled as a manic Orton walked away, continuing to scour the backstage realms.

Before RAW went to a commercial break, a hype package began airing showing man doing various exercises routines in an abandoned gym. The man talked over the video, declaring his dominance and skill as a trained fighter of the Martial Arts, Judo, Sambo and any other conditional fighting discipline there is. The man turned around and let himself be known as Boris Alexiev, proclaiming himself the ‘Best Fighter in the World’. The man turned back around and walked away from the camera as the image faded and text started to fade onto the screen.

‘Best Fighter in the World’ Boris Alexiev – Coming Soon to RAW


RAW returns with Charlie Haas backstage in his locker room, receiving a warm reception from the crowd quite surprisingly. Haas soon stops in his tracks as into the picture walks a man he knows all too well: Shelton Benjamin! The crowd are a mix of cheers or boos as the former best friends and partner reunite on screen, all be it briefly. Shelton raised a slight smile, but Haas didn’t, unsure of what to make of Shelton and his motives. Benjamin didn’t say much but said how nice it was to be back on RAW with such a good friend. When Haas enquired about what Benjamin wanted, Benjamin didn’t say anything, except wish Haas luck for his match later tonight, making specific notice towards the fact he is now partnered with Elijah Burke, the man Haas faces in his match later on…

The next match up on RAW was a continuation of an old rivalry as CM Punk and Chavo Guerrero made their debuts on RAW as active competitors of the brand. The former Extreme stars put on a showcase, much better in standard and atmosphere as their previous encounters. The encounter was precariously level, only for CM Punk to step up to the mark at the crucial time and take the match in his grasp and finish Chavo off with the Anaconda Vice after what was a series of devastating moves leading into the finish, including a ‘Welcome to Chicago’. At the matches’ conclusion, Punk celebrated, only for his attention to be turned to Guerrero making his way up the ramp, seething in anger and mouthing in no uncertain terms that revenge would be his. Punk just shrugged the words of the former ECW Champion off, celebrating his successful first night as a full-time active RAW participant.

We once again see Randy Orton walking through the back. This time he runs into none other than Chris Jericho, the very man he had disagreement after disagreement with in late 2007. Jericho and Orton exchange verbal blows as Orton once again tries to keep Jericho sweet, playing on the fact they both have huge egos and the talent given to them by god. According to Orton, they would be a match made in heaven. Well, not according to Jericho who flatly refuses the idea, just like Regal did earlier. Jericho insists that while it would be a pleasure teaming with the worst 3rd generation star in WWE history, he has business to attend to in the Highlight Reel. Jericho walks away as Orton seethes. In the meantime, JR hypes that coming up next Chris Jericho once again hosts the Highlight Reel…


We are back on RAW and like mentioned before, it was time for the Highlight Reel with Chris Jericho, looking especially dapper in his usual rock star outfit. With the IC Title sitting proudly on the stool behind him, Jericho made no hesitation in introducing his guest, a man who is a multiple time Intercontinental Champion, and actually the men he beat for that title earlier in 2008! Yes, that was right, the guest on the Highlight Reel was the returning Legend Thrilla’, Jeff Hardy! The crowd went suitably wild as Hardy bounced out to the ring. As soon as he got there, he came face to face with Jericho who of course used questionable tactics to beat him for that title. As Jericho showed off his title, Hardy explained his absence, saying ever since he left, he couldn’t get it out of his head that he didn’t deserve to lost his title and that he wouldn’t have if Jericho would have been able to beat him clean. This didn’t annoy Jericho, and seemed to have the opposite effect as he just laughed the comment off. This made Hardy come back by proclaiming that he came back to RAW for one thing, and that was to challenge Chris Jericho to a match at Backlash for what he feels is rightfully his: the WWE Intercontinental Title! The crowd went wild in anticipation of the match as Jericho rubbed his chin, looked at his title and pondered the prospect. After much pondering, Jericho let Hardy know about his past achievements and that he has done more than Hardy and his idiotic brother ever could, drawing huge heat from the crowd. Jericho just laughed before stating he would be happy to face Hardy, because he could put him on the shelf once again and prove to Hardy what it takes to be a Champion and keep the belt. Jericho then got up close into the face of Hardy, and slowly raised the Intercontinental Title above his head, making a clear statement to Hardy at the same time. The crowd were clapping and cheering as 50/50 chants and cheers for both men reverberated around the arena, the match set in stone and the anticipation growing already…


As RAW came back, we got treated to an eagerly awaited contest as Charlie Haas met Elijah Burke who was making his debut. Shelton Benjamin was at ringside for the match and cheerleaded for Burke against Haas who at several points in the match seemed tense and unforthcoming, fearing the possible interception of Benjamin into the equation. The fright did not come to fruition, although Burke did pick up his win by cheating tactics namely a poke in the eye and a roll up thereafter. As the contest ended, Burke showed his ruthless side as he went on the attack on Haas with kicks. Benjamin entered the ring and pulled Burke away, urging him to stop. Burke gave a solid, profound look to Benjamin before smiling and stopping, delivering a parting shot to Haas in the form of a kick. Benjamin raised his partners arm into the air in celebration, much to the crowd’s chagrin. Burke started to make his way out of the ring. As they got to the top of the ramp, Burke looked back and smiled towards Haas who was just coming to. Benjamin gave one solitary glance in the direction of his partner, showing a slight hint of discretion and guilt over the beat down of his pal. Regardless, he followed Burke with Haas left to lick his wounds…

Once again we get treated to the sight for sore eyes that is Randy Orton. Clutching his WWE Title, Orton barges into the Office of RAW GM, Eric Bischoff. Bischoff looks pissed to say the least as he slams down the phone he was on and gets up close and personal with Orton. Orton claims to Bischoff that as WWE Champion, he shouldn’t have to run around looking for a partner and if anything, Michaels and Triple H should have to face eachother, not team together to face him. Bischoff ignores his pleas though and tells Orton in no uncertain terms he will be forced to find a partner, and has half an hour to do so, otherwise he will go up against the reunited DX in a Handicap match. Orton seems shocked as his jaw drops, he picks up his WWE Title and busts out of the room. Bischoff looks on and smiles as a furious Orton picks up the pace, forced to search high and low for anyone to help in his hour of need…


As we came back we saw some women’s action. In a number one contender’s bout, Mickie James met Victoria as both women battled to see who would be next to meet the dominant battleaxe that is Beth Phoenix. For the first time in a long time, the Women put on quite a good spectacle, taking people back to the sorts of matches undertaken between Trish Stratus and Lita. The two were given around 10 minutes to strut their stuff and they did just that. James came close on several occasions to getting the win, only for Victoria to get it instead…clean. The crowd couldn’t believe their eyes and as Phoenix emerged from the back, you could see that behind those big, bright eyes there was a resemblance of fear about what she would have to face. Victoria nodded her head and made the universal belt taunt as Phoenix simply nodded her head, making it clear she has no designs on losing her grip on the Womens Title, or her dominant winning streak anytime soon…

The camera switched to the back where we saw Charlie Haas walking through backstage, holding his mid-section after the earlier assault by Elijah Burke. As he walked along the corridor, he ran into Eric Bischoff, a man who seemed to know exactly what he was thinking. Charlie Haas made it clear he wanted both Benjamin and Burke inside the ring together next week, whatever it took to get his hands on both men. Bischoff, unable to grant such a command to a member of his active roster said he could have one man, but that was Elijah Burke in a rematch from tonight. It was a take it or leave it offer and keen to get revenge, Haas accepted the offer before making it clear to Bischoff that the only man that needs protection is going to be Elijah Burke come next week.

As we switched to a locker room, we saw Triple H lacing his boots up and looking intense and ready. He turned towards the camera and came in close. Hunter reinstated his command and proclaimed to the world that he was the rightful WWE Champion, whatever the name plate might happen to say. Triple H promised he would take out anyone that stood in his way, and if Shawn Michaels was one of them, then so be it. The strong words received a mixed reception from the crowd as he turned around and walked towards the arena. With an unmatched intent in every one of his steps, it was clear that Triple H was all business and more ready for business now than ever before.


We come back and we are ready for the Main Event. As DX wait in the ring, reunited but with tension in their veins, Randy Orton comes out onto the stage and he looks a lot more happy about his predicament than earlier in the night. Orton proclaimed that he always felt confident he would find a man to be his partner, and he had done just that, and the man was someone who along with himself had dominated the WWE hands down for the last year. That man was none other than the Rated R Superstar Edge! The crowd were in shock as Rated RKO reformed for one night only also to make it a match of reformations and the continuation of a legendary feud.

The match itself was something to behold, all four men putting it on the line, although Orton was a little more reserved in his judgment of entering the ring along with two of his long-time rivals. The match was hard fought and got over 15 minutes. In some ways, after the dampened down ending t their match at New Years evolution in 2007, this was the match to end the feud, a whole 12 months and more later. Although they both tried, Edge and Orton lacked the solid unit feel that Triple H and Shawn Michaels had, albeit their problems. This cost them the match in the end, Orton once again being outwitted tonight, this time by a Pedigree by Triple H. As the match ended, both Michaels and Hunter came together and stared into each other’s eyes, the match now a distant memory and the fate of the WWE Title burning brightly in their souls…and their eyes. Hunter and Michaels can clearly be seen mouthing to eachother their own reasons why they feel they deserve their shot at Randy Orton and the WWE Title.

As both men get into a verbal tug of war, little do they know that Randy Orton is sneaking up behind Shawn Michaels. Orton pushes Michaels into Triple H who falls hard through the middle ropes and to the outside. Michaels turns around, only for Orton to leap into the air and gain his ultimate revenge for earlier tonight, nailing an RKO on Michaels! Orton’s fans go wild as the crowd look on shocked at the disintegration of Michaels and Hunters friendship, their bond denied and obliterated by their need for Championship gold. With all men laid out around him, Orton lofts his title into the air, towards the bright lights above him. Orton once again has a manic look in his eyes as he surveys the damage below him, clutching his WWE Title tight, his grasp over Michaels, Hunter, the WWE Title and Monday Night RAW never any stronger than it is right now...


Current Card for Backlash:
Date: 27th April, 2008
Location: Baltimore; Maryland
Event Music: ‘All Summer Long’ – Kid Rock

WWE Intercontinental Championship; The Long Awaited Rematch:

Chris Jericho © VS Jeff Hardy



Feb 18, 2008
Reaction score
Really good first show, considering it was a recap I can't really give a full review of it, but from what I've seen of the recap style I think it's far more entertaining than fully written shows.

Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Boris Alexiev a Russian gimmick Santino had in OVW or something?

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

It's different from anything I have ever seen in this section, but that isn't neccessarily a bad thing. The tension betwen Michaels and HHH was intersting, as was Haas/Benjamin/Burke.

Riggs said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, wasn't Boris Alexiev a Russian gimmick Santino had in OVW or something?
Yes, he had the gimmick of a shoot fighter.


Great show. I did not get time to check out your BTB on the other forum but now i get to catch up on what i missed. This must be an amazing BTB especially with all the talk of it on the other forum. Good luck.

Emperor DC

Jun 5, 2008
Reaction score

Friday Night Smackdown 1.1
‘Era of the Deadman: Part Deux’

After the fraught emotions of last Sunday’s Wrestlemania 24, Smackdown is on the rebound with changes afoot. With new staff, new talent and a whole new attitude, Friday Night Smackdown enters a new era, an era dominated by the most deadly star in all of the WWE. With a deadman on the loose and new stars in and around the scene, sniffing around for his Championship, what does lay ahead in the future? Will Smackdown continue to be ruled by the Undertaker or will a new breed of star step up and add a furious intent to the blue brand? This first week of this deadly new era should tell us all we need to know about what lay ahead for the Friday night brand…


As Smackdown started off, a video tribute to the new World Champion, The Undertaker was played on the big screen. But as it played, it was then that the music of the obnoxious loudmouth Mr. Kennedy hit. The crowd were hysterically booing him as the camera cut from the video to the developing situation. Kennedy trudged down to the ring with an air of arrogance in every step. Kennedy got on the stick and made it clear in no uncertain terms that people didn’t want to see some cheap tribute video to a man that had seen his time. Apparently, the crowd wanted to hear from the man was was back on Smackdown to ‘change Friday nights…’. The crowd obviously didn’t agree, but Kennedy didn’t let this dent his enthusiasm. Playing on the crowds emotions like Piano strings, he proclaimed that he knew they were sad when he left, and that is why he had come back, to make them happy once again. Once he was done manipulating the crowd, Kennedy moved on to the World Champion himself, baiting his former bitter rival like only he could. Cutting him deep, Kennedy claimed that Undertaker couldn’t beat him, and wouldn’t have beat Edge, Mark Henry and Bib Daddy V if it wasn’t for the submission, saying Undertaker wasn’t worthy to be called a true World Champion. Kennedy that told the crowd he had come to Smackdown not only to save them from the boring predicament of Undertaker as Champion, but to become the World Champion himself! Before Kennedy could give his reasons for this bold statement, he was interrupted by the General Manager, Teddy Long!

Back in full authority of the show after the removal of Edge and Vickie Guerrero, Long set about retaining and strengthening his position in charge of the blue brand, instructing Kennedy not to get too carried away in the process. Long admits that whilst Edge has gone and that has left a whole, it doesn’t mean Undertaker will get it all his own way. The crowd grumbles, and Kennedy smiles…until Long says the same to Kennedy, promising him he will need to earn his stripes and that what he has done in the past means nothing in the new age of Smackdown. Kennedy scoffs at this very suggestion as Teddy Long puts him firmly in his place, much to the crowds delight.

It was then that Long announced that after wondering for days about the Main Event for tonight’s show, he decided that he would give Kennedy his chance to prove to the world, and Undertaker in particular that he deserved his chance at the World Championship. Kennedy smiles widely anticipating his big chance…until Theodore Long announced his opponent: THE UNDERTAKER!! The crowd went wild as Kennedy’s smile soon thawed, even though he tried to keep it as wide as ever. As Long returned to the back, Kennedy stumped up some courage as he delivered a last line of confidence towards everyone in the arena stating he would show the Undertaker what a true World Champion looked like. As Kennedy dropped the mic, his smooth smile started to crack under the pressure as he started to realize just what he had put himself up against here tonight. Even when Kennedy tried to keep a look of reassurance, it was quite clear to all to see that Kennedy was far from confident right now and that when returning to Smackdown just minutes ago, this was not the sort of grand re arrival that he had in mind…


Smackdown came back from the break to the ring where we saw our first action. In action were one half of the Tag Team Champions, John Morrison taking on Shannon Moore. Both men were accompanied by their tag team partners, they themselves proving a distraction for both men. Halfway through the match, Miz tried to interfere on Morrison’s behalf, only for Yang to come around and take it to Miz. The referee ordered the two to stop and they were both separated and led backstage as both Moore, and Morrison in particular were left to fend for themselves. It was Moore who got the better of this as he defeated Morrison after landing the Halo, a move unseen in recent years. Just when Moore went to celebrate, he was knocked out from behind by The Miz who clocked him with his title belt! Miz came out of nowhere, but soon stepped off as Yang came out to protect his partner. Miz led Morrison up the ramp, holding their Tag Titles in their grasp, a sure fire sign of their dominance over the Smackdown tag team division and in particular, Jimmy Yang and Shannon Moore…

In an interview, we heard from the US Champion, MVP, Montel Vontavious Porter, visibly annoyed and frustrated. Alluding to the events of Wrestlemania 24, MVP screamed his dominance, trying to justify that had it not been for the unsportsman-like tactics of Matt Hardy, he would have walked out with the Briefcase. Porter proclaimed that Hardy was jealous, even going as far as to say that Hardy should just ‘move on’ onto his own thing, because MVP was moving on up, and he wasn’t going to allow the leader of Mattitude to ‘ride his coattails’. MVP said tonight was only just the start and that he dared Hardy to interfere, because if he did, he would end him once and for all, destroying his knee and making sure there was a 0% chance he would EVER return to Smackdown again.

A highlight package of the exploits of Ken Doane are shown, paying explicit detail an compliment to his unique offense, powerful strikes and youthful aggression. The package states that whilst being out with injury he has gotten bigger, badder and better than ever, and even more so, he is returning…NEXT!


As Smackdown came back from the break, Ken Doane made his return to Friday Night Smackdown as he took on Steven Richards in singles action. Looking as confident as ever, the roles seemed reversed as Doane acted like the veteran of the match, taking it to Richards and wrestling a smart match in the process. Doane eventually finished the ECW Original off with the RK-Doane, a Jumping Cutter. Doane got the stick after the match and made it clear his motivation had returned and he was ready to make an impact once and for all. Doane vowed that 2008 would be the year of Ken Doane and would truly be…Sensational!!

We then went backstage where we saw Mr. Kennedy walking through the halls, limbering up his hands and knees and looking deep in thought in preparation for his make or break match in the Main Event. As Kennedy walks through the halls, the lights go off in a temporary measure. As they come back on, Kennedy has a look of fear in his face and looks around. Kennedy then goes up to a man who says that he is sorry, they just had a Power Cut. Kennedy laughs along with the man, before tossing him aside and smashing his head against the wall nearest to him, shouting specifically ‘Do you think that was funny? DO YOU?’ The crowd jeers Kennedy as he tosses the electrical expert down to the ground and continues on his way, his mind even more confused than ever before.

John Morrison and Miz move through the back, Morrison appreciating and celebrating the antics of Miz after his match with Shannon Moore. As both men celebrate getting one over, Theodore Long approaches the two men who right away looked miffed. Long congratulates them on their so called ‘Win’ here tonight, but tells them they better not dally, because they will compete next week…against Jimmy Yang and Shannon Moore, putting their WWE Tag Team Championships on the line in the process! The crowd goes wild as Miz and Morrison look on in shock, with Long just delivering a simple ‘Holla’ to the Champions….


Smackdown came back to see Montel Vontavious Porter in non-title action against Adam Pearce. MVP shows off his arrogance and attitude in this match, almost calmly walking through the match against Pearce. In truth, although having resistance, Pearce didn’t have much else to trouble the US Champion and so it proved as MVP finished him off in just under 5 minutes, delaying the match several times to serve Pearce with even more punishment. As MVP got handed his US Title after the match, his attention was turned towards the stage as none other than Matt Hardy appeared, making his return to Friday Night Smackdown after several months out at the hands of MVP…MVP looks on as he clutches his US Title tight. Hardy starts to walk slowly down to the ring, staring at MVP all the way. Hardy entered the ring and looked ready for a fight…until MVP bailed out of the ring, turned around and walked up the ramp! The crowd jeered MVP as he had lied through his teeth and had no attention of going toe to toe with Hardy here tonight. Hardy looks on and with a blank, emotionless face, stares down MVP even still, motioning that he wants revenge and he wants the US Title. Porter just taps the US Championship and holds it high into the air, making it clear to Hardy that when they do meet again, he will be ready for Hardy, and vice versa.

As the camera cuts backstage, Gary Cappetta catches up with Montel Vontavious Porter. Cappetta asks him if he fears Matt Hardy. MVP gives him a stern look before pushing him away into a wall. MVP looks furious as he stomps off down the hall, in the process looking behind his shoulder every few seconds...


As Smackdown comes back from another back, the crowd gets another shock and surprise as none other than John Bradshaw Layfield, the filthy rich Texan appears in a Smackdown ring for the first time in a long-time. Needless to say, the crowd did not exactly welcome him back with open arms, a fact that didn’t go unnoticed by JBL himself. JBL soon made it clear that the reason he was there was because he was returning to Friday Night Smackdown! According to JBL, he had signed a contract larger than the combined yearly wage of everyone in the arena. JBL proclaimed that RAW had not lived up to his standards and the standard was ‘too easy’. According to the self made Millionaire, Chris Jericho and Finlay just was not enough to get his competitive juices flowing, and he had come back to Friday night TV to dominate the Smackdown roster once more! JBL confirmed that although he wouldn’t be gunning for The Undertaker right away, his goal was to get into a position where he could win back what was rightfully his: The World Heavyweight Title. According to Layfield, it didn’t matter whether there was an alive or dead man wearing the title, he would win it back eventually whether it be through hook, crook or even the means of a payoff because according to himself, JBL was the richest man in the WWE and his self made riches and wrestling technique would be no match for Smackdown, just like the case in 2005! John Bradshaw Layfield was back and he told the crowd in no uncertain terms they were witnessing the ‘Second Coming’ of the Wrestling GAWD! The crowd didn’t take too kindly to JBL, almost fearing the weekly tirades and speeches they would no doubt become accustomed to once again. JBL then celebrated his arrival back to Smackdown as the crowd became aware that this was only the beginning of things to come on the part of the Texan Millionaire.

We go backstage and we see the Caribbean Superstar, Carlito walking through the back. Joey Styles and Tazz both hype up that coming up next, Carlito returns to Smackdown after a couple of years away and is back to make a grand impact in the process…that impact is set to be made…NEXT!


Smackdown comes back to the music of Carlito as he makes his way into the main building receiving a surprisingly mixed reception from the crowd. Carlito didn’t care about the crowd though and make it abundantly clear that he wasn’t going to take any ‘crap’ anymore, and that he was going to be his own man, no Jesus, Ric Flair or Santino Marella to set him back from his goals. It was then that Carlito promised to make an impact, as he set his own Open Challenge to the Smackdown locker room. Dropping the microphone, Carlito limbered up, his confidence unmatched, pretty sure in himself that no one was going to appear that could unduly trouble him. He was soon set aside though when none other than BOBBY LASHLEY returned to the WWE to accept the challenge set forth! The crowd were in hysterics as Carlito’s face dropped in the process, his confidence diminishing from its former level when faced with the man who had stepped forth out of the shadows.

As a promotional video stopped, the match got started and Lashley in the beginning showed a certain amount of rust as Carlito took it to the former ECW Champion. The crowd seemed concerned for Lashley, although ‘The Dominator’ slowly recovered and started to get a footing in the match. After just about 10 minutes of intense battle, Lashley was able to grind out the win with the Running Powerslam, although it wasn’t as dominant as he would have liked. At the matches conclusion, Carlito came into the ring and in a sporting gesture, Lashley held out his hand, only to get his respect slapped back at him…quite literally as Carlito slapped him around the chops! The crowd booed Carlito heavily as he rolled out of the ring and backed up the ramp, looking frustrated and annoyed at being defeated. Lashley just smiles, before coming across in an intense stare, looking up towards Carlito and pointing at him, as if to announce to Carlito is now firmly set in the sights of the successful returnee…

The camera shot went backstage where we saw Josh Matthews stop Mr. Kennedy who looked ready to fight, but preoccupied all the same. When Matthews asked for his thoughts on his big match with the new World Champion, Kennedy wouldn’t give a straight answer, insisting that he was going to do all his talking in the ring and prove to everyone why is the man single handily changing the face of the WWE, one match at a time. With those few devastating, intense words, Kennedy walked out of shot and towards the curtain with Styles and Tazz hyping up the match in the background, stating this was Kennedy’s big chance, and maybe even his only one…


After the commercial we got treated to the Main Event, and the spectacular arrival of the new World Heavyweight Champion, The Undertaker. Coming out to a full entrance complete with druids, coffins and a graveyard set at stage side, the scene was set and it sent chills down the back of everyone involved, including Kennedy. Kennedy’s confidence had remained, but he seemed like he couldn’t help be overawed by the new Champion, despite wrestling him on numerous occasions on his first tenure on Friday Night Smackdown. When the match did eventually start, it was clear that Kennedy’s tactics were to take the match to Undertaker right away and test the Undertakers resolve and in particular, fitness after his epic battle with Edge just hours prior…

Kennedy showed a willingness to attack Undertaker and stand toe to toe with the Deadman. Undertaker himself seemed to take his time to get a foothold into the match and as the match wore on, seemed to hold onto the adrenaline that was still pumping throughout him from the events of the night before. The match was even right up to the end in an entertaining, enthusing closing sequence. Kennedy looked like he had the match made but after a series of reversals, Taker managed to nail Kennedy with the Tombstone and get the pinfall victory…but only just. As Kennedy laid flat out on the arena floor, the lights dimmed and the Undertaker knelt in the centre of the ring, his belt held out in front of him, symbolizing his grip over the Smackdown kingdom…

Just when it looked like Undertaker would stand tall at the closing stages for the second night in a row, Undertaker fell forwards and as the lights came up, none other than Umaga was seen just following through after a devastating kick to the back of the head! The crowd were in shock more than anything as Armando Estrada clambered into the ring, united alongside his Samoan Wrecking Machine. Umaga knelt down and picked up the World Title, stretching it above his head and screaming in passion and intent. What looked to start out as a straight shootout between Kennedy and Undertaker had developed into a three way chase with Umaga making his intentions clear!!


Current Card for Judgment Day:
Date: 18th May, 2008
Location: Omaha; Nebraska
Event Music: ‘Take It All’ – Zididada



Jun 1, 2008
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Well i havent actually given you a propa reveiw but I have read it and what a great show smackdown was.

I got banned (and I shouldnt have) on the other forum just after u began your BTB, but I'll try to keep up with things this time. If you keep this thread going its gona become one of the best.

Good luck.


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Feb 8, 2008
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I think we have another DX 3:16 here, I think you write good shows but mate you are arogant, you said that you were in the top five newcomers, well, no way are you with tyhat atttidude.

Anyway, good show, I loved the angle between Kennedy and Undertaker, they had like every angle/promo/match kinda thing on the card, lol.

CT Styles

Rosewt01 said:
I think we have another DX 3:16 here, I think you write good shows but mate you are arogant, you said that you were in the top five newcomers, well, no way are you with tyhat atttidude.

Yes, but he can back it up.

Rosewt01 said:
Anyway, good show, I loved the angle between Kennedy and Undertaker, they had like every angle/promo/match kinda thing on the card, lol.



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Are you confused about me saying Kennedy and Undertaker or saying it was good?

If it was about Kennedy and Taker, hence the lol, I meant that6 alot of it was them, look out of all the paragrphs (20), 7 (I thought it was more) were about Kennedy or Taker, or the title picture.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

I sense a Triple Threat feud coming hehe.

I don't really know how to comment on a show like this. Kennedy was good throughout the show. Idk what else to say lol.

rosewt01 said:
Are you confused about me saying Kennedy and Undertaker or saying it was good?

If it was about Kennedy and Taker, hence the lol, I meant that6 alot of it was them, look out of all the paragrphs (20), 7 (I thought it was more) were about Kennedy or Taker, or the title picture.
He is obviously saying it is weird that you are calling him another DX 3:16, then saying that it was a good show.

WCW Rules

May 27, 2008
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La Florida
I think we have another DX 3:16 here, I think you write good shows but mate you are arogant, you said that you were in the top five newcomers, well, no way are you with tyhat atttidude.

He's arrogant, yes, but that's just who he is. :D It's fun to be delightfully arrogant at times; it gives you some... freedom, if you may.

In any case, bro, you already know how I feel about this thread. There's no need for me to reiterate the same, tired words of wisdom.