The Wrestling World Has Changed: A 2001 WWF / WCW / ECW Story

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WCW Thursday Thunder
Thursday, Week 2, May 2001
Greensboro Coliseum, North Carolina
Attendance: 20,556

The show opens with a video package regarding Steve Austin and Triple H's rivalry... flashbacks to Survivor Series 1999, Armageddon 2000, and then the two coming to work together... A shocking series of events over this last year and a half...

Rating: 85

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Eric Bischoff comes out to the shock and surprise of the entire crowd, coming out to the faithful WCW North Carolina crowd. He gets into the ring and tells everyone, "I'm back!" Before he begins, he alerts everyone to the sudden passing of J.J. Dillon, who had passed away earlier in the week. There's a 10-bell salute and tribute on the screen in remembrance of the late Dillon. Getting back on track, however, he tries to explain why exactly he's here...

He explains that months ago he tried to purchase WCW months ago, but was disappointed at his inability to see the deal done and over with...

We cut backstage and Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are just informed that Eric Bischoff is in the ring. The two of them look pissed and rush as fast as they can. Cutting back, Bischoff asks the fans just how safe they think WCW will be under Stephanie McMahon's rule...

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Triple H asks just what the hell he's doing here, and Stephanie demands to know, "Just who gave *you* permission to be in *my* ring, Bischoff!?" Triple H tells him that, "I could walk right down that aisle, right into that ring, and take you out of here *by force*, but... backstage I ran into some old friends, who'd happily vent their frustrations against you for free..."

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However, it was not who Triple H and Steph were expecting, as Booker T comes out. The two stare each other down and Booker T asks Hunter, "You want some? Well get in line, sucka. Maybe you should hear the words of someone more important than you two clowns. Ladies and gents, Linda McMahon.

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Linda McMahon comes onto the titantron. She's located at WWF New York and in her best business suit, she lays down the law. "Stephanie, I'm sure you're wondering what Eric Bischoff is doing here. Well, as a matter of fact, I'm gonna tell you why he's here. He's officially, as of tonight, *my* eyes and ears in WCW. Did you think I would just let you have free reign, knowing who you are? Bischoff is here to make absolutely sure you don't give Triple H or his friends any free rides and easy opportunities. They will have to earn everything themselves. This Power Trip isn't going to get away with everything easy as far as I'm concerned."

Linda goes offline as Eric Bischoff leans against the ropes with a smug grin and Triple H and Steph look frustrated, and Hunter warns Bischoff, "You better not get in my way, Eric. I'm going to be WCW Champion for the first time tonight." Bischoff interjects, "I'm afraid... you'll be far too busy to challenge Booker T for the World Heavyweight Championship. But don't worry, I got plans for you tonight..."

Hunter scowls but shrugs, "Fine... that's just dandy, but I see Booker T over there looking for a fight, and I've got a few friends that are aching to kick his ass." Booker T gets in the ring and shakes Bischoff's hand, saying, "That's cool, sucka. I'll take on your little friends, but brother, you better remember I got friends too..."

Rating: 76

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Up on the titantron, we see Test carrying a steel chair, "Hey Hunter, expecting someone?" The camera pans out to see Edge and Christian laid out. Test declares that if Hunter's too chicken, they'll just have to see Edge and Christian later tonight.

Rating: 55

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Back in the ring, Triple H and Steph are in and Booker and Trips are nose-to-nose, arguing and looking like they're ready to fight... suddenly...

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Holy shit, it's JEFF JARRETT!!! Bischoff, Triple H, and Booker T look on in complete shock as Jarrett steps out from the back and looks pissed off. "What in the hell is the meaning of this!? Where's Vince Russo? Isn't he still under contract here!? You see, if Russo were still here, instead of this used-car salesman, ya know, slapnuts over there, I wouldn't have to go around interrupting the show! Where's my title shot!? Bischoff, you sure you ain't handing it out to false idols? As for you, Steph, I demand contrition, and a formal apology for your idiot dad trying to fire me while my contract was IRON-CLAD! As the Chosen One, I think I have enough stroke to ask for and demand answers, dammit! Well? I want it right now!"

Bischoff tries to set the record straight, telling Jarrett that nobody has been given a title shot. In fact, at Slamboree, there's gonna be a match to see who gets to go for Booker T's title at Bash at the Beach. Tonight though... Triple H goes one-on-one with Kurt Angle, to settle the score from the Royal Rumble. Stephanie McMahon looks on in bewilderment and can't believe what's happening. Bischoff furthermore states, "To ensure nothing happens, no interference or anything... it's gonna be in the confines of a SOLID STEEL CAGE."

Jarrett isn't pleased, and says, "I shouldn't have to perform like a damn circus seal, so you better tell me straight, slapnuts; am I in the Slamboree match or not? Another thing too, what happened to Ric Flair? I knew we were getting new owners, but what happened to him!? Ric was doing a damn good job as CEO and frankly, it's a goddamn travesty that Vince sold out the Magnificent Seven." As he's finishing though... from the crowd comes...

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"Hey yo." Scott Hall is in the building and this crowd is electric. "Jeff, mang, everybody has to qualify to get into the match, so do us all a big favor, and shut quit'cha bitchin' and shut the hell up. Who even chose you anyways? I certainly didn't. Not even when that Russo forced me to. Let's not forget I was driven outta here back then too. Nobody even gives a single damn about the Magnificent Seven; it was just one cheap attempt by you to leech off the nWo's... Thunder... brother." Hall looks around and smirks, "Hell, you wanna talk about stroke? I can book myself, where I want, when I want. Hell, why don't you come face me tonight Jarrett. I'll offer up the nWo's spot in Slamboree to you if you can beat me. Very simple Jeff... beat me, you're in, nWo's out. But just a word of the wise, chico; there's a receipt for SuperBrawl for you comin'. I was gone for a year because of you, Jeff, and brother, I don't forget."

Eric Bischoff looks intrigued and nods his head in approval, he declares that the match will be for tonight. Everybody eyes everyone, while Stephanie McMahon looks pissed off, Bischoff can't help but smirk and look smug.

Rating: 77

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In back we see Billy Kidman being interviewed by Lillian Garcia. Kidman talks about his history with Rey Mysterio and Konnan and wishes them the best of luck in the WWF. However, he needs to look forward to WCW and needs to re-establish himself as the future of WCW's singles division.

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In comes Torrie Wilson, taking Kidman aback. Wilson mentions that it's nice to see Kidman have some passion again, but he just scoffs at her. He says she isn't genuine and that she's nothing but a gold-digger since she split from Shane Douglas and he crapped out. Torrie Wilson says she's been entirely genuine and that she'll be cheering and rooting Kidman on tonight.

Rating: 56

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Billy Kidman vs. X-Pac w/ Albert

We see a fast-paced and high-flying fight between two incredibly gifted athletes here. Pac controls the pace in the early going, and tries to go for a big X-Factor, but it's countered by Kidman into a BIG SPINEBUSTER! Kidman climbs the turnbuckle to get ready for the shooting star press, but Albert throws the ring bell into the ring. The ref is distracted and goes to fetch it, giving Albert the impetus to throw Kidman off the top of the rope! X-Pac immediately locks in his Buzzkiller submission and the referee has no choice but to call for the bell in 5:22. The ref tries to get Pac to release the hold, but he refuses.

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Out comes the APA, who angrily chase off X-Pac while Bradshaw and Albert face off against one another. The two of them jaw-jack with one another and Bradshaw demands that the bell rings.

Rating: 65

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Bradshaw vs. Albert w/ X-Pac

Farooq joins the commentary team and the group of commentators say that it's now a looser WCW now. Farooq says that, "Hey, sometimes matches happen very organically, and I think it's time we get rid of the X-Factor, we'll even do it Pro Bono." However, out comes Scott Hall to watch the match. Bradshaw controls the match throughout and it's a big hoss match. The big spot happens when Albert accidentally hits X-Pac, knocking him off the apron, although Hall catches him. Albert is then hit with a Clothesline From Hell in the confusion and Bradshaw gets the win in 4:44. After the match, Nash comes out to watch Hall's back as APA looks at them cautiously, and Albert looks at X-Pac very disappointed and frustrated.

Rating: 67

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Backstage, a limo pulls up with the license plate "KLIQKID". Out comes Shawn Michaels in nWo Wolfpac gear.

Rating: 77

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Out comes Trish Stratus to a decent crowd applause. She shows clips of her match with Chyna last week and says she shouldn't say anything as it'll make the McMahons angry, but she feels used like fodder to set up Chyna for Jazz and feels disrespected. Trish thinks no matter how little respect the McMahons have for her, the fans want to see more of her. That maybe, just maybe they want a peak at her unmentionables. Maybe they want to see all the divas. She rolls a clip of the newest WWF Divas Home Video Series: Divas in Hedonism. Featuring every diva.


Suddenly we hear a familiar sound in the Thunderzone. The roar and crack of Sable's whip reverberates. Sable says, "I hope you don't mind me interrupting your advertisement, but I have a little promotion of my own. As of right now: Sable is back; this time in the WCW. And the more things change, the more they stay the same." She says all the men have come to see her and the women still want to be her. Especially Miss Trish. She can badmouth Vince all she wants, but it's clear he's tried to model Trish's entire career on replacing Sable. Sable doesn't blame her for standing up to Vince, but takes umbrage with her talking smack about Stephanie. She says Stephanie called her up and made amends with her about her father's sexual misconduct in 1999.

Sable would like to thank Trish for helping her prove her point by letting Vince make her bark on live television. She claims Stephanie then offered her a job with WCW the first chance she got when she had the authority. Sable leans into Trish's face and lingers there like she's gonna give her a kiss and instead slaps Trish's face. Sable leans through the ropes to leave. Trish is furious and demands Sable come back and face her.

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Eric Bischoff interrupts the tension to tell them he likes a good cat fight as much as the next person. But we wrestle on Thunder. He tells Sable her divas days are over. She needs to work for a paycheck. Eric suddenly goes down like a sack of potatoes after being smashed by Jeff Jarrett's signature guitar.

Rating: 68

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Sable vs. Trish Stratus

Sable immediately rolls up Trish and attempts to pin her off the confusion. Trish kicks out. Trish fires up. Trish slides out of a TKO attempt by Sable and goes for her Stratusfaction, but Sable dumps Stratus to the floor. Trish barely makes it back in time to beat the count. She's hurt her ankle from the drop. Sable goes for a Sable Bomb. Trish powers thru a back body drop of Sable to the mat. Trish musters enough to try to kick Sable's block off. But, Sable pulls the referee in the way. Trish further aggravates her ankle on the kick. Trish checks on the referee. Sable uses this moment to kick Trish ankle out from under her and hit the Sable Bomb for the win after a groggy count in 4:35.

Rating: 53

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Kurt Angle is frantically searching for Saturn and asking if anyone has seen him. Shawn Michaels arrives with his bags and bumps into Kurt Angle as he asks him. Shawn says he's not seen Saturn, but he's a big fan of his work and style. He tells Kurt that the nWo would love to have an Olympic Gold Medalist. And if he needs helps tracking down his medals or help with anything else, throw it up. Angle says he's flattered, but he really can't think about anything right now except his medals. Shawn tells Angle good luck with his match later and Angle ghosts him still asking about his medals.

Rating: 80

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Booker T and Test are discussing their tag team match and Test reminds Book they are TNT, baby. They are dynamite. When Kurt Angle walks up to them and asks them if they've seen Perry Saturn? Test tells Kurt they're a bit busy and he's not seen him. Thinks he might be doing WWF New York next week. Booker tells Angle to quit worrying about a man having his medals as he's got an opportunity tonight. Book says he didn't become a 4-time WCW champion by letting pipsqueaks get under his skin. Focus. Booker T and Test are both whacked from behind with steel chairs as Edge and Christian come in.

Christian leans down to tell Test he was right to whack them earlier as Triple H told them take Book out. In exchange for the title shot they are due. Edge rebuffs "we." Christian corrects it as Edge's owed title shot. Edge thanks them for the opportunity for a receipt and they except the challenge for the tag team match. Christian looks over to Angle and tell him he needs to focus. Edge tells him it's time to make things right. We can't be rebuking friends like Triple H. He tells Angle to make it square and to not mess this up for them. Christian tells him just so we can get you to go back to normal if he fixes this, they'll help him find his medals.

Edge says we've already lost Rhyno to ECW, we can't lose each other or a powerful friend in a good spot. He says it's bad enough they dropped the ball and the WWF tag team titles to the Brothers of Destruction. Christian says he set it up and when the time comes, you'll know what to do. "Don't let us down, chumpstain."

Rating: 61

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Billy Gunn vs. Kanyon

We see Billy Gunn face off against Kanyon. During the match Kanyon unties the turnbuckle pad. After a ref bump Kanyon attempts to snake eyes Billy on it. Billy slips down Kanyon's back and pushes him into the steel and hits a One and Only. Kanyon however kicks out. After a decent back and forth Billy whips Kanyon into the steel and attempts to capitalize on it for a second time. Kanyon dodges a splash into the corner and drops Billy with a Kanyon Cutter for the win in 5:22. Who betta, indeed.

Rating: 68

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Triple H walks up to the nWo locker room and sees Hall and Nash discussing Jeff Jarrett being a tool. He tries to enter the locker room, but it's locked. He asks the nWo if Shawn is in there and Nash nods. Nash tells him that Shawn knew he'd be by and that he very much looks forward to getting with him later. Triple H says he wants to know why Shawn didn't tell him he was returning to work and why he didn't join him.

He says if anyone was going to fill Stone Cold's shoes, it would be the Heartbreak Kid. Instead he joins the nWo. Hall tells Hunter to relax. He says all good things come in due time and he needs to be patient. It will come to him. Triple H says fine, he knows where to find him and vice versa. He has a match to prepare for and he wishes Hall luck. He says he better have a good answer for why he talked to Kurt as well as he walks off. Hall and Nash smirk and enter.

Rating: 75

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TNT vs. E&C

In a pretty solid match, Test & Booker T (TNT) take on Edge & Christian. It's sort of a match building up a story. It ends when Edge and Booker T are brawling on the outside. While the referee is distracted with that Christian brings in a chair. As Christian attempts to swing it at Test the referee notices and grabs the chair out of Christian's hands. Christian is hit by the big boot and Test pins him to win the match.

After the match, Test sees the chair and picks it up. Edge slides with a chair of his own, but Book yanks it out of his hands, too. TNT crack Edge's skull with a Conchairto. Test sees Christian and slams him with a few chair shots for good measure to ensure he doesn't get back up.

Rating: 68

Clips from the formation of the 2000 nWo are shown including Goldberg injuring Bret Hart and Jeff Jarrett spraying Goldberg. Jeff Jarrett bringing the Harris Brothers into the nWo 2000 is shown as is his war with the Outsiders over the commissionership. The Sid Vicious, Jeff Jarrett and Scott Hall triple threat match for the WCW World Championship at SuperBrawl 2000 is shown.

Rating: 74

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Triple H storms in all hot and bothered. Ranting about Eric Bischoff getting in his business. Triple H is furious he can't get any face time with Shawn Michaels and is pissed he has to face Angle again. Triple H leaves in a fit to get ready for his match, but swears if Eric sticks his nose again near him there will be hell to pay...

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Angle sneaks out from behind and sighs. He retorts, "I don't understand why everyone is freaking out. He says it's just a match. One we've had before. If I knew this would be this big a deal, I wouldn't have suggested it to Bischoff." Stephanie asks him why was he talking to Eric. He says he ran into him looking for his medals and Eric asked him for his opinion.

Seeing as his gold medals weren't the only gold he fancied draped around his body, as well, he suggested he and Triple H have a rematch. He puts his hand on Stephanie's shoulder and swears from him to her he doesn't know what the nWo is planning and he is not apart of it.

Rating: 79

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Eric Bischoff is holding a compress to his head and stretching his jaw like it pains him deeply to move it. Torrie Wilson enters the room. She says she's sorry for what Jarrett did to him and asks if there's anything she can do. She says this as she presses her breasts towards his face. Eric looks like he's suddenly feeling better and smirks. Eric says if the nWo don't finish off Jarrett tonight, he vows to make him pay. He picked a fight with the wrong man.

Rating: 63

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Jeff Jarrett vs. Scott Hall w/ Kevin Nash

Jarrett and Hall have a pretty heated match with brawls all around the ring and through the crowd. Torrie Wilson joins commentary halfway through the match and is then joined by Nash who was at ringside. Torrie says she's just scouting the new WCW and wanted a better look at the action. Tony asks her about Eric. She slyly avoids his question and mentions plans to make amends with Billy. Nash is also wondering why she's here. She asks Nash if he remembers when he brought her into WCW in 1999 to play mind games with Ric Flair and his son. She leaves commentary when Hall goes to give Jarrett the Razor's Edge and he back body drops Hall to the mat.

Torrie grabs Jarrett's guitar and slides it into the ring before grabbing the referee's attention and flirts with him. Jarrett goes for the guitar, but Nash yanks it away. Hall hits Jarrett with a low blow and a stroke on a chair she also slid in. After the match, Torrie blows a kiss at Jarrett while leaving with the Wolfpac to the back. Jarrett is not happy camper.

Rating: 74

We get a video package of Shawn Michaels and Triple H DX skits from 1997. The Hell in a Cell from Badd Blood. Shawn Michaels screwing Bret Hart at the Survivor Series. Mike Tyson's raw debut. Shawn Michaels getting hurt in the casket match with Undertaker. Losing to Austin.

Rating: 75

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Mick Foley is in New York to promote his new book "Foley Is Good", which is Coming out this week. Foley talks about his history with the McMahon-Helmsley Faction / Power Trip. He talks about losing his job as Commissioner and cracks a joke about Regal. He says WCW gave him an opportunity to shine as Cactus Jack before Mankind. He wishes the WCW fans and superstars good luck in their new journey in Titan Sports.

Rating: 76

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We're in the back with Gregory Helms as he bumps into Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley. Gregory makes a joke that his last name is Helms and hers is Helmsley. Stephanie makes a light chuckle and welcomes Gregory back to WCW and asks him how he's feeling to be here? He says he loves being the backbone of WCW again. But wonders why he's still working ECW. He asks "what's up with that?!" He says that kind of schedule is for superheroes. He guesses being the champion of cruiserweights comes close in WCW.

She informs him it was part of the deal she made with Paul. Since he technically did draft the WCW Cruiserweight Champion so WCW had to comprise to get it back. Helms postulates why they need it when ECW also drafted the WWF Light Heavyweight Championship. Seems like light heavyweight overkill. Especially since Lynn is washed up. Stephanie agrees about Lynn and that ECW has its plate full and doesn't really need it. However, she needs to go tend to her husband before his main event match.

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Helms sees K-Kwik hanging around and asks him how it feels to be in a WCW locker room? Helms says it's great to be back where the big boys play and can't wait to dip his toes in. K-Kwik says he just wants a chance to prove himself since WWF and ECW have passed him up. Helms says he'll need to do that here. It's not ECW where Lynn is still clinging to his delusions. He says RVD is right and that he should hang it and the WWF Light Heavyweight title up.

Helms says maybe he can help him with that. Since he's still working ECW shows as the other lightweight champ and says it would be nice to have twice the gold and half the work load, though. Maybe he knows who can help with that. K-Kwik says gold is nice, but so is beaten up leather and duct tape and asks Helms if he wants to see something?

K-Kwik pulls out the WWF Hardcore Title and says in the commotion on ECW after he got the news he was traded... He pinned a napping Rhyno and took the title with him since ECW wasn't gonna miss it. Heat was already hardcore. Helms says it's more likely this unsavory citizen just went through Sir Rhyno's bags and stole it as he's admitted. Someone immediately smashes K-Kwik's head with a long piece of wood. Helms backs up with his hands in the air.

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Hugh Morrus steps into frame and says that's not how a hardcore champion earns his title and says he'll show him. Hugh picks up K-Kwik and then powerbombs him through a close by table for snacks and then a referee counts. Hugh Morrus declares himself the new WCW Hardcore Champion and tells K-Kwik welcome to WCW Thunder.

Rating: 51

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Out comes Shawn to a raucous applause. Shawn says all he's heard this past week is why is he back and why did he join the nWo. He says he was also asked by Triple H why he didn't join his power movement to replace Austin. Shawn says the answer to all these questions can be linked to the same line of thought. He says when he forced out of the WWF because of his bad back all he heard was Austin, Austin, Austin.

History repeats itself and this not a history he wants to be apart of. He takes Austin's place. Then Austin comes back and takes it back. He's already been there once. Never again. "The fans may have turned their backs on me for Austin, but they picked me over Hulk and the Hit Man in the WWF. The fans turned on Hulk, too. They drove him out of the WWF just like they did to me. Just like they did in WCW. Eric Bischoff even brought Bret Hart into WCW as his next big thing. It was only a matter of time before he came in."

It's the natural evolution of the business. Hulk, Bret, Shawn as your top WWF babyfaces. Hulk is your first leader of the nWo, Bret is your second leader, Shawn is your last leader. So if any history was to repeat itself one more time it isn't with Austin. He's replacing Hulk and Bret as the leader in the nWo.

"And if Stone Cold comes sniffing around these woods again, I have a receipt from WrestleMania with your name on it. If you're smart, take things back up with Hunter, but I have a feeling you'll stay on Vince's apron strings. You might be asking why no Hollywood, though. He's as big a cancer to the sport as the nWo ever were. Well, Hogan only ever card about himself. Vince knew the draw of Hulkamania would be too strong. He would turn on the nWo just like he did in 1999. Hulk's ego was the only thing that was 4-life for him, brother."

"So, you may as well make money off it and not be screwed by it again. Because even though the fans turned on him, he says he never really turned on the fans. He used the nWo to get them back. No one is ever gonna use the nWo again. Not even Vincent Kennedy McMahon." He's not his Heartbreak Kid anymore. Shawn Michaels is only about that 4-life now. He says all Hogan ever did was try to steal the spotlight from the nWo just like Austin did to him.

Shawn declares now that he's in charge of the nWo he won't make the same mistakes that Hollywood made. He says he ducked Sting for 18 months and then caused the nWo to fall apart once he lost to the Stinger. He says that won't be part of the history that repeats itself. He challenges Sting for a match right now. He then asks the crowd for a big welcome for his best friend and the co-leader of the nWo, Kevin Nash.

Rating: 85

Clips from the rise of the nWo are shown including "look at the clowns" and the Bash at the Beach 1996 main event. WCW turning on Sting, Sting abandoning WCW after the nWo Sting is discovered and Sting in the rafters is shown. Sting defeating Hogan at Starrcade, Sting joining the Wolfpac and Sting and Nash in the Millionaire's Club is shown. Their battle with the New Blood, Goldberg tearing up Scott Hall's contract, Scott Steiner putting Sting, Kevin Nash out.

Rating: 74

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Sting vs. Kevin Nash w/ Shawn Michaels

Shawn makes several distractions early on that allows Kevin Nash to get heat on Sting repeatedly. Sting makes a fiery babyface comeback. Hits all his signature spots including his classic no selling. Sting goes for a Stinger Splash in the corner and Shawn cracks him in the head midair with his own bat. A lifeless prone Sting hangs over Nash and the turnbuckle. Nash drops him off the ropes with a jackknife to win in 6:07

Rating: 75

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"Shawn. Shawn. Shawn. Look at you run around here like a madman ranting and raving about how the fans replaced you. Did you forget how a year ago I replaced you as the WWF Commissioner as well? Why aren't we worried about that history? How about I see you live in the ring next week in Minneapolis, Minnesota! That would be my wish as the former commish. Have a nice day. Bang bang!"

Rating: 78

We get a video package of Triple H, Kurt Angle and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley defeating T&A. Afterwards Angle hugs Stephanie and Triple H attacks Angle. A montage of Kurt Angle hugging and kissing Stephanie is shown. One clip shows Angle saying "ask your wife if I kiss like a pansy." Triple H and Angle do battle at the Royal Rumble. Austin stuns Triple H allowing Kurt Angle to retain his WWF World Championship.

Rating: 79

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Triple H says he doesn't understand why Angle was once again sniffing around his wife or why he's being courted by the nWo. He vows to put an end to Angle's obsession with his wife and his spot once and for all and will get answers from the Showstopper. He will not let Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, or even the nWo to hijack the spotlight from him and his Power Trip. Bischoff or not. He warns Angle to "always keep your enemies close and your friends even closer." He says he knows who he can rely on in a jam.

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Eric interrupts and tells Lillian he's got this. Eric says Triple H seems a bit too lost in the weeds for such high stakes tonight. Eric says, "last time you two faced was for the WWF Championship when Stone Cold cost you the match at the Royal Rumble. Now you can't seem to go into battle without a bevy of 'friends' at your dispos--'able.' The cage match will even the playing field. So help me if one single living soul attempts to circumvent my authority and enter that cage I will fire them on the spot", he warns. Triple H smirks as Eric leaves and says his friends were smarter than that to begin with and there's always another game plan.

Rating: 78

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Triple H vs. Kurt Angle

We get ourselves an incredible match for the main event of Thunder. Angle and Hunter beat the loving dog-shit out of one another. The finish sees Angle and Triple H collide in a double clothesline. Angle slowly gets to his feet and starts climbing the turnbuckle. He looks to the top of the cage and then proceeds to climb. Angle moonsaults from the top gliding through the air. Triple H moves out of the way. Triple H crawl towards the door. He looks at the steps and decides to close the door.

Triple H instead heads to a corner and fumbles with something under the ring skirt. It's his trusty sledgehammer. It appears someone left him a present. Triple H stalks Angle as he gets to his feet and swipes in his direction. Angle ducks his motion and catches him for a release German into the side of the cage. Dropping the sledgehammer. Angle sees it and picks it up and drives it into the Game's temple. Angle passes out on top of Triple H for the pin. Angle once again barely scraps by defeating Hunter Hearst Helmsley. The Game played itself on this night of Thunder.

Rating: 80

Show Rating: 80
T.V. Rating: 16.18 (12,140,310 Viewers)
Last Week's T.V. Rating: 12.94 (9,710,170 Viewers)


Dreams are Endless
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Jesus christ what a show


Fancy a slice?
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That show was insane! Like I am sitting from the sidelines thinking - jesus christ as a rival booker but at the same time, pass over the popcorn what a great show! Felt like a supercard! Really good show Smark for putting the ideas in and Grim for putting the results in play
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Kross Rhodes

Israel Has the Right to Exist
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I have to say I love how you format these shows @Grimus Augustus. Brilliantly written to bring my vision to life.


Dreams are Endless
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I have to say I love how you format these shows @Grimus Augustus. Brilliantly written to bring my vision to life.

Yeah I second this, both from just a regular reading perspective and also from someone that plays TEW as well

Kross Rhodes

Israel Has the Right to Exist
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Yeah I second this, both from just a regular reading perspective and also from someone that plays TEW as well
Yeah, I give him like 10 pages of bullet-point notes and he turns it into art. :drose

And as someone that doesn't play TEW he makes it easy to digest what's going on with it.


Fancy a slice?
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Smark notes vs. My Notes - neither of us play TEW I believe. Yeah
Good luck Bazza

Kross Rhodes

Israel Has the Right to Exist
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Smark notes vs. My Notes - neither of us play TEW I believe. Yeah
Good luck Bazza
I've seen your notes for this week, but I look forward to seeing it written out.
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Kross Rhodes

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That show was insane! Like I am sitting from the sidelines thinking - jesus christ as a rival booker but at the same time, pass over the popcorn what a great show! Felt like a supercard! Really good show Smark for putting the ideas in and Grim for putting the results in play
This was really high praise and I appreciate it, btw. Thank you.


Dreams are Endless
Dec 23, 2011
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It did feel like a supercard, hope you can keep it up next week Smarky boy :cudi
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Kross Rhodes

Israel Has the Right to Exist
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It did feel like a supercard, hope you can keep it up next week Smarky boy :cudi
Thanks. It'll probably like our TNA watch where every couple episodes you get one that feels like a supercard.

But I'll be keeping up with the storyline developments like this, for sure. All the way through, hopefully.
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