Yh could work. Kinda like Bryan being in the Wyatts.
Basically...but maybe something a little deeper with Killian being
kind of "Creepy" while Nikki Cross can attack Becky constantly
over a period of time leading to a Last Woman Standing match
as the breaking point in the feud where Becky either wins or
breaks down & joins SAni†Y becoming the second Twisted
Yh very intriguing idea. Failure can either make or break a wrestler. Carmella failing her cash in maybe the best thing to happen to her. If she does win shes like Natalya, a transitional champion with zero heat. Her failing and making her own title like the self entitled princess she is will give her a story to work with and create heat.
They need to do something with her...I actually think she's one
of the few women on the roster with an actual personality...but
her booking has been absolutely terrible...even worse than Nia's
on RAW...which is saying something.
Yeah Sasha works perfectly as well. It maybe an idea to not make it a female version of the million dollar belt. Why not somthing fresh and new? Like the Legit Boss title or the Fabulouse title..those championship names are terrible lol.
I guess I just like the Million Dollar belt because it has a history
in the WWE...hell you could even bring back Ted Dibiase for a
promo or two.
You could always "revive" the Divas title & have one of the
"Total Divas" start wearing it around, perhaps make a strange
rule that only a member of Total Divas can challenge for it...and
if it doesn't work out...simply have unification match sooner rather
than later.
Sounds good. Great way to introduce Peyton and Billie. Those two have so much personality they are going to make an impact straight a way. Other teams you can have are just all the other woman randomly put together. Probably keep it to a 8 team tournament. Knowing WWE they will have the Bella twins win it. Fair enough I suppose.
I really like the idea of the Bella Twins "putting over" Peyton
& Billie at Summerslam in the tournament final...because I
don't want part timers to hold the titles (I mean if Nikki &
Brie are going to come back full time then fine...and with
Daniel back...Brie may not be that far away)