Lost connection just before the ME of Raw, watched it and kept checking the site in between to see if it was working yet -- nope. Finished Raw, goofed around online a little bit between refreshing the forum page, finally checked with the forum Twittah machine to make sure it wasn't "just me" and confirmed my suspicions. Watched a little TV while texting a friend as per usual, still keeping a check on the site. Bitched on Twitter. Looked up what happened after Raw went off the air, refreshed the site, bitched on Twitter some more. Played a little God of War: Chains of Olympus. Refreshed site, sent one last Twitter gripe, went to bed. Got up, checked site, got ready for work, saw a Twitter post and responded with a facepalm tweet to the forum, came to work, checked site, attended a 2 and a half hour meeting, checked site -- :yay: here I am!