I've really been straining my brain here... Cena vs Orton, a match I liked before... Getting rid of a belt, something that's long overdue... Orton's finally a heel again... I'm naturally inclined to hate this match, but am not sure why outside of the "WWE" in front of "TLC". Guess it's that WWE really having a problem with giving us good things right now. After the Bryan push and a radical change in direction, going back to business as usual is a letdown on top of just being really stale. It's really because of that that people seem to be up in arms like never before right now.
The other problem is Orton. Orton was doing a fine job when this angle was hot. Yeah, he was a paper champion, but he was also a remorseless asshole who destroyed the dreams and the careers of Cody and Goldie and attempted to ruin other characters (and the Miz, who we all would have appreciated). That worked well IMO. But right now his problem isn't his painful dullness on the mic (that's obviously a problem...) because a smart booker can play around that (but shouldn't have to). Orton plays a great badass when his actions speak louder than his words, so of course they have him playing a giant pussy. Randy Orton is a paper champion with zero momentum going up against Cena who is... well... Cena.
Guess they're doing what they have to do. Fifty years of history. Eleven years of split championships. It all ends Sunday night... unless it doesn't.