The Black Widow > Any other submission.
Logic??? I use AJ logic for analyzing problems. If you don't agree with me, I don't know what to tell you. I know that AJ can defeat the undertaker if she was given the chance.
Can a Black Widow break your arm like an Arm Bar? No? But the Black Widow make you fake knocked out.
So who is going to stand and help you apply this move? Black Widow is kayfabe, You need your opponents help to do it. An Arm Bar is a MMA hold and is used in UFC. Doesn't take a geniusActually, if you ever did a REAL Black Widow submission to someone in real life like I did, you would know that it's a very devastating submission. Here's the breakdown of the submission:
So all that V.S. a simple armbar??? Fuck you. I'm staying with my favorite submission, the Black Widow.
- Pivots the shoulder, and with enough pressure, it will break it or dislocate it.
- Wrenches the arm, causing arm muscles to tear.
- Puts a lot of pressure on the neck, causing severe discomfort.
- Twists and bends the torso, which can tear muscles and hurt the spine and ribcage.
So who is going to stand and help you apply this move? Black Widow is kayfabe, You need your opponents help to do it. An Arm Bar is a MMA hold and is used in UFC. Doesn't take a genius
Very true, your opponent needs to stand and "help out" for the move to look good, but you can still apply it to a resisting opponent in real life and still do damage with it. Of course you and you're opponent are going to fall to the ground, but if you bend their torso the right way before they fall, then the submission is going to do more damage on the ground than standing up.
"Doesn't take a genius"!
The Undertaker vs AJ Lee
The bell rings. A.J charges and Taker hits her with a big boot. Taker picks her up and hits her with the chokeslam, and then a last ride, old school, a tombstone, and then puts her in hells gate. AJ taps.
Winner and still undefeated at Wrestlemania: The Undertaker.
What idiot would let someone lock it on them? The only way it can work is if someone lets you put it on you. reality..........
The Undertaker V.S. AJ Lee:
The bell rings. The undertaker closes in, AJ gets out of the ring and runs around, making the undertaker too tired to fight, and he becomes an easy opponent from there.
Winner: AJ.
Idiot, all you have to do is put your leg over their neck, grab their arm, wrap your other leg around theirs, lean back and start pulling. I'm not talking about the spinning part, that you can only do if they're already half-knocked out.
Undertaker is a savvy veteran. Why on earth would he even consider chasing her around, he's a master of the ring. He's not an idiot like that.
Anyway, The Undertakers powers give him strength and he sacrifices A.J to the devil. Taker wins.