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Location: Hollywood, California - "Club Embargo" owned/managed by the "Head Pimp in Charge" Slate Bass
Date: A time long forgotten
In Scene: Eden, her boyfriend Fiore, and "Head Pimp in Charge" Slate Bass
Off Screen: ---
"You can take our coats, and uh, careful with my gals' fur, it's worth more than you probably make in this dump."
Fiore gives his and Eden's coats to the woman at the coat check by the entrance of "Club Embargo". Once their coats have been checked in and they each receive the return slips, Fiore intertwines his arm around Eden's and guides her through a curtain leading into the main part of the club.
"You know, this place doesn't seem as bad as you made it out to be. It looks pretty cool in here."
"The last time I was here it looked a hell of a lot worse. But fancy lights, some smoke machines and a new bar won't change my mind. Once a dump, always a dump."
Eden looks around the club, admiring it in all of its purple, funky charm.
"I kind of like it. Who did you say owned this place again?"
"Of course you'd like a place like this, I-ugh god, I don't get you sometimes E. And yeah, some flamboyant, fedora wearing f***ot. Think he's a wrestler or something, y'know that playfighting, fake shit on TV."
"A name, Fiore, what's his name?"
Fiore starts chewing some gum as they walk towards the bar.
"Ah it's like "Jake Race" or some shit. The fucks it matter for? Only guy's name you need coming out of your mouth is the guy that's going into it, i.e., me."
Eden rolls her eyes and looks away from Fiore as they get to the bar. A female bartender comes over to the couple.
"Hello ma'am, sir. Can I get you two anything?"
"Eh why don't you ask that later after the misses and I have had a few drinks, then maybe the three of us can make it a party."
The bartender puts on an uncomfortable face and looks over to Eden, who is fiddling with her nails.
"Riiiight...uhm, well speaking of drinks, is there anything I can start you two off with?"
"My gal will have one of them girly drinks, like a strawberry daiquiri. Let me get some Jack."
Fiore picks up a napkin, spits his gum into it and crumples it up.
"E, I need to hit the men's room. Watch my drink for me when she gets back. Oh, and toss this for me, will ya?"
Fiore grabs Eden's hand and places the crumpled up napkin in it, before giving her a kiss and walking away.
"Let me take that for you, ma'am."
The bartender takes the napkin and throws it away in a bin behind the bar.
"Ok, I know it's not my place, but girl, are you ok? Like, he's...."
"A walking waste of human skin?"
"You said it, not me."
"I...Fiore...he...he means well, and I know he loves me."
"I really hope so. Uhm, sooooo, are we opening a tab in his name, or?"
Eden pulls Fiore's credit card out of her pocket and hands it to the bartender.
"Great, I'll be right back with your drinks. Let me know if you need anything."
The bartender walks away to get other orders and mix drinks.
Eden sits at the bar, by herself, and a few minutes go by with no sign of her boyfriend Fiore. She starts messing with her phone, playing games and going through social media.
"Two drinks for the lovely lady in the white top."
Two glasses clink onto the bar in front of Eden. She looks up to see who has come to bring her the drinks.
"You're dressed pretty flashy to be a bartender."
"Eh-heh, well you're right baby, I'm not a bartender."
"Then should I trust these drinks?"
"Considering I own this joint, I think those drinks should be just fine, honey."
Eden's eyes widen.
"Wait, you're the one that own's this place?"
"Welcome to Club Embargo, where your funkiest secrets stay safe from the public. I'm the Jive-Talkin', Pimp-Walkin', Funk-Lovin', Head Pimp in Charge...Slate Bass. And who might you be, m'lady?"
Eden smirks at Slate Bass and lets out a small laugh.
"I'm Eden Martinelli. And I must say, Club Embargo is a rather fine establishment. I'm not necessarily one for Funk music, but the vibe here is nice. And, I'm sorry, my boyfriend told me the person who owned this place was a wrestler named Jake Race?"
"Well I'm sorry Ms. Martinelli, but he's either hard of hearing, blind to pop-culture or, uh, just stupid. I'm far more than just a wrestler, everyone here and every person in California can attest to that. Speaking of your boyfriend..."
Slate lowers his shades, leans over the bar and looks around the club in an exaggerated and sarcastic manner before returning his focus to Eden.
"Where might he be? It's a little ridiculous to leave a marvelous lady such as yourself all by her lonesome."
"Why, is it dangerous in here? Should I be worried?"
They both smirk at each other.
"Oh no, baby. Club Embargo is as safe as possible. I assure you, nothing within or around the perimeter of my club is unbeknownst to me. Cameras, both armed and unarmed security, as well as the fact that multiple athletic acquaintances of mine would have no problem getting funky on some fools."
"Hmph, sounds like you have everything pretty well covered-"
"Aye, who the fuck are you?!"
Fiore has finally returned from his trip to the bathroom and angrily walks towards Eden and Slate Bass.
"Hello sir, I'm Slate Bass. The owner of Club Embargo. Pleasure to make your acquaintance."
Slate Bass hold out his hand to Fiore, who does not reach out to shake it.
"Fiore, I thought you said you knew the owner?"
"Shut up, I do know the owner, and-"
"Hold on a second, I think I remember you. Yes, that's right! You were the idiot that got drunk and tried making out with the cardboard cutout of Rihanna, right before you were tossed out. I was the one that called you a cab to make sure you got home safely."
"Yeah, yeah asshole, what a fucking gentleman. Screw you. What're you doing talking to my woman?"
"Is this really the appropriate behav-"
"Actually zip it you goof. E, why the fuck are you talking to this jackoff?"
"I was bored, you left me sitting here doing nothing. He struck up a friendly conversation, what kind of bitch wouldn't talk to somebody that's being nice?"
"I told you to watch our drinks while I went to the men's room, not to talk to some guy that looks like an entire fruit factory exploded on him."
Slate removes his shades and interjects.
"Fiore, is it? You know I'm just a little bit curious. Is "going to the men's room" the new way people are referring to banging a hooker in the alley behind Club Embargo? Because if that's the case then thank you, you taught my video surveillance team and I some exciting new slang."
Eden's eyes widen and her jaw gapes open in shock and anger.
"He what?! Fiore you were doing what?! How dare you, you piece of--!"
Eden's yelling is cut short as Fiore suddenly slaps her with the back of his hand, causing her to fall off of her seat.
"Bitch, don't you yell at--!"
Just as quickly as Fiore slapped Eden, Slate decks Fiore square in the mouth, knocking him unconscious in front of the bar.
Eden, with a ringing in her ear, looks over at her unconscious boyfriend.
"I do believe he interrupted you, Eden."
Slate has come around to help her up.
"A "piece of shit" is what I feel like you were going to call him? Rest assured baby, we'll be sure to throw him in the biggest pile of it outside of the club."
Eden takes Slate's hand and accepts his help getting to her feet.
"Are you alright?"
"I'm fine. Better than fine actually, thank you. You didn't have to do that, I'm sorry-"
"I know I didn't need to, I wanted to. I may come from a world where men and women may compete freely, but that doesn't mean it's appropriate in any other context. Question for you, do you live with him?"
"Actually, I do. Well, I guess did."
"Right, it wouldn't be safe for you now. I'll tell you what, and feel free to say no, but you can stay at my place. Well, one of my places. I can send somebody to gather your things. And don't worry about paying me for using the place."
Eden tilts her head and smirks.
"Thank you. Actually, I think I might be a little worried of him finding me, and staying by myself might be dangerous and scary."
Eden puts on a puppy-dog face of innocence and bats her eyes at Slate.
"Why don't I literally stay with you? A big, strong, capable man like yourself could certainly protect me. I mean, look at what you just did."
Eden takes Slate's hand and rubs her thumb across his knuckles. Slate looks over at Fiore, who is getting picked up and carried away by security. Slate looks back at Eden, a twinkle in his eye.
"Certainly, darling."
Eden, with a slightly bloody lip, leans in and plants a kiss on Slate.
"Shall we tear away the night while it's still young, my warrior?"
Slate and Eden interlock their arms and proceed to exit the club after getting her coat. Once outside, a valet pulls up in Slate's car and hands him the keys. He opens the door for her and she steps in. Slate starts to walk around to the other side.
"And sealed...with...a kiss..."
The driver side door opens, Slate sits in the car, and the door shuts.