Album Listen #118: Listened to this a few times in the past, to not listen again - and had a few debates about why it isn't the greatest album of all time. It is a decent listen though - although I think its meant to be the sound of classical love making LOL
I'm with you here...Rolling Stone calls it the greatest album, but they stress a lot of their marks on cultural impact, musicianship and production. The Funk Brothers play on this and they are some of the greatest studio musicians there ever was. It's a very important album...It's not my greatest, because I stress other just came out at a time that was very explosive and Marvin hit a lot of the issues head on...
This album is all about the Vietnam war, poverty, drugs and being a person of color where even if you did fight for your country, you're still treated as less than garbage in your own country. No love making here...LOL