The Smackdown on Smackdown 9-19-08

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Mar 9, 2007
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Smackdown starts off with a recap of last week. WWE Vids > all

Michelle McCool vs. Maryse
In a rematch of Unforgiven, we get blonde vs blonde. MIRROR MATCH. FIGHT!!! Jim Ross mentions the champ coming out first (ZOMG SP!!!) Basic mat wrestling to start and Michelle takes the lead. Maryse takes the lead and panders to the crowd before taking to ti Michelle. Nice athleticism from both leads to Maryse taking a time out and Michelle mocking Maryse, ZOMG TAUNT STEAL!! Michelle gets tripped up on the apron and the Frog is in control. Ortonish lock that Michelle fights out of but Maryse just beats her ass. Michelle finally gets back into it with a spring board dropkick and a flipping neck breaker. Maryse fights back but Michelle hits a pepsi plunge from the canvas ftw. I bet Taker said she could do that just to piss HHH off >_>

Winner: Michelle McCool
Match Rating: **

Eve goes into Vickies office and talks to her about Taker. And apparently, the Big Show is now the director of Smackdown. SUCK ON IT KEVIN DUNN!!

Festus w/ Jesse vs. Ryan Braddock
This was pretty much a squash match. But it was cool to see this kid wrestle. He looks like Raven to me. He's a big motherfucker too. I also liked how he manhandled Festus. I dont think anyone, even Taker, has done that. After getting some heat, Festus comes back and basically kills the guy and then BEFORE making the pin, he starts wrapping him up in tape. I dont get that one. I guess this new gimmick is only till they get to My Network TV.

Winner: Ryan Braddock
Match Rating: *1/2

Shelton Benjamin vs. R-Truth
Some nice heel work from Benji to start out and then some even better mat wrestling. Benjamin rides him to the ropes and talks too much shit as he gets a hard elbow to the face. Truth with the unnecessary flippy elbow but Benji fights dirty to get back into it. Another pointless flippy move but it cant stop Shelton NOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW as he hits an exploder and locks in an over the knee backbreaker. Benji throws him Benoit/Bret Hart back style into the turnbuckle and locks in a CHINLOCK!!! R literally fights back into it in a way ive never seen before. Its the street fighter vs. the wrestler. Sleeper by Benji, chinbreaker buy Ruth, yea, I said RUTH. Axe kick misses and Shelton goes for a German but its reversed into a pin for the win!

Winner: Ruth
Match Rating: **1/2
Post Match: Greg Helms with a weird drop in, like Gazoo from the Flinstones. If youre under 23 you have no idea what the fuck im talking about DUM DUMS!

Jeff comes out and cuts a lame promo, sorry fans. He says he doesnt like how HHH said Jeff Hardy would never get the big one. Well Jeff if you keep getting drunk before getting on airplanes you never will. Jeff then speaks of how he thinks Vlad the impailer is a cunt. The interrupts him and lames it up too. Jeff does a nice play on "The". The asks Jeff if hed rather have a match or go shoot up and THE match is on....

Jeff Hardy vs. The w/ Zeke
Hardy is pissed and bitch slaps The. Hardy goes for something like a piledriver an gets reversed followed by a clothesline to the floor. The is in control when we come back from commercial with a one legged crab. Hardy gets to the ropes but The keeps up THE ground and pound and locks in THE crab again. Jeff fights out again and hits a mule kick and THE corner dropkick followed by his, I used to know the SD vs Raw name of the move, suplex into a facebuster. THE pace quickens until THE kicks Jeff square in the jaw. Hardy is sent into THE ropes but goes for THE whisper in THE wind. Zeke, however, distracts him. The goes for Sliced Bread but Jeff Hardy hits THE backslide fTw.

Winner: Jeff Hardy
Match Rating: ***
And After: Vlad THE Impailer kicks Jeff in the face and KOs him.

Some neat tricks as Big Show/Vickie make us believe Taker is apologizing to them. OOOOO ITS CHAVO!! ::kenfan

Hectors Hacienda is up. Oh wait, its Carlito's Cabana. The brothers play off each other really well here. Some heelish, I think, work. Until HnR Edgehead come out, oooo I guess they are faces. We get another drop in from Gazoo, DUM DUMS. Im just sayin. HnR Edgehead actually talk. They sound like Deuce and Domino. This is some funny stuff. Too bad HnR Edgehead are the drizzeling shits. Next week its them vs. The Brothers for the titles next week. Carlito calls for some movers and Jesse and Festus come out. HnR Edgehead jump the brothers. Primo rings the bell to bring the big man to life. HAHHAHAHAHA. This is great. Great segment.

Maria and Brie talk till Victoria and Nattie interrupt. They sound like they are gonna expose her, until they tell her YOURE BONING HORNSWAGGLE. I guess the best friends are back together.

The Great Khali vs. Scotty Goldman
We get another lame ass promo before the match. Uh, well at least they are trying. Its a squash. Khali is on his way out. Nuff said.

Winner: The Great Khali
Match Rating: *

Chavo takes control over WWE TV apparently until the Undertaker uses his P0WARZ and gets him in a chokehold from behind. This first person camera shit reminds me of a cheesy WHO DUN IT movie.

Triple H vs. MVP
OMG I CANT BELIEVE THIS. THE WW3 AR3 KILLING OFF MVEEEPEEE BAI F33DING HIM TO H@@ Collar/Elbow lead to a clean break in the corner and some taunting from MVP. Montell synches in a headlock and takes HHH down with a shoulder block. No fucking way. H has 30 lbs on him at least. MVP then hits a hiptoss. It leads to some more showboating. MVP goes for it again but gets a face full of clothesline. HHH then mocks MVP. OMG TAUNT STEAL!!! Montell gets mad and charges HHH repeatedly and The Game just embarasses him. Holy shit! We go to commercial and someone ISNT on the outside!!!

Back on SD and MVP is in control. Montell is working the shit out of Hs arm. MVP gives us a nice array of wrestling and leverage moves until he goes for a diveby kick that misses and HHH blasts MVP in the face. H with this neckbreaker and a spine buster. MVP goes outside and lures H into a trap. He dills H and throws him back into the ring. MVP goes to the top rope and comes down but gets caught in a pedigree.

Winner: HHH
Match Rating:***
And After: Vlad The Impalier comes out and gets into a brawl with H. He pretty much destroys HHH. But HHH is still holding him down somehow.....

This was a pretty good SD. Even the squashes were entertaining on some level. I give this Smackdown a :clap_1: Im interested to see where they go with the WWE Title triangle and how long till Edge comes back!? Make sure you read SPs Raw Review, he's the bizze fo sheezy!!!


Another great review, they make me laugh every time.

It was a pretty good Smackdown and ur right, the squashes were entertaining as well. Pretty sad that they are giving Goldman all these lame promos... they are not getting him anywhere near over. We got three 3 star or more matches on Smackdown which is definaltey more than usual, hopefully the WWE keep it up.


Its weird.. You've often mentioned that you're not impressed with THE Brian Kendrick, yet he constantly finds himself in matches that get high marks from you. The kid's gotta be doing something right.

Good Review. :itchyscratchy:

Primo rings the bell to bring the big man to life. HAHHAHAHAHA. This is great. Great segment.

Of course! I mean, there WERE Puerto Ricans involved >_>


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Mar 9, 2007
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ahh SP all that is, is proof positive that a man cant do it on his own, The is still far less good than people think, but he's not the drizzling shits. He will still give you a pretty solid match. That doesnt mean he is OMG!!!!


Good review Kaedon, I yet again missed SD but oh well, I would have only enjoyed Hardy Vs TBK and the Carlito/Primo thing. Good review and maybe this week I will check SD out :D

PS: I was looking for SPs review but he didn't have one :(


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Oct 3, 2009
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The Smackdown on Smackdown 9 19 08

For the benefit of those that didnt follow CM Punks career prior to WWE let me give you a minor history lesson he was a heel during the early days of ROHRing of Honorand he was SOOOOOOOOOOO OVER AS A HEEL back then and hell be SOOOOOOOOOOOOO OVER AS A HEEL NOW that he did what he did two weeks in a row. So DONT say his heel role is LAME because its about to get even more interesting TUNE IN TO SMACKDOWN 8/14 AND SEE WHAT WILL CM PUNK DO NEXT
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