- Joined
- Apr 16, 2016
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- 45,547
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- 20,975
- Points
- 128
- Location
- New Brunswick, Canada
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The Rules
General Rules
- Characters:
A: You may have one to two active wrestling characters at a time. You, however, may reasonably have as many side characters as needed, including managers. Just it has to make sense and not be over-inflated.
B: You are not allowed to be a real wrestler, and instead must make your own character. We want original wrestlers created by you. They can be men or women since the roster is co-ed, meaning men and women have matches against each other, but they are presented as equal skill-wise. So losing to a girl or defeating one isn't a bad thing, trust us.
C: As well, speaking of originality, Avoid having a total knock-off character, or stealing someone else’s! We are fine with people taking inspiration from their favourite performers and often it is the case. But if it as far as taking the same look, moves, entrance, and only changing super duper small things, we are going to ask you to modify it. Granted, we understand there is a degree of subjectivity, but we have been around long enough to get the idea of what is going too far into plagiarizing something already established. - Be respectful and civil to both creative and your other forum/roster members out of character. Even if you are not part of the fed and you are trolling or are disrespectful in OOC sections, we have every right to ban you from threads. We will not tolerate people trying to create drama.
- If you sign up, you may not post a promo or make/post in a social media thread until you are accepted. This is often done by us either a reply to your thread to say you are accepted and/or a Like rating from a creative member. We can deny people if their sign up fails to meet requirements, something has to be changed from it, or we fear potential problems if you are in the fed.
- When Booked: Talk to who you are facing in a DM either on here or on another platform such as Discord. Decide what the match will be like, including a finish, and relay it to creative on here or Discord. We are open to giving ideas, and we want things to be civil. Creative will step in if you are unable to decide on a finish and then you must respect the final decision.
- If you would like to be booked in a match, please respond to the thread posted before each episode is released or message a creative member either on the forum or on Discord.
- To be considered active, unless there is a reason you can’t post, you must post at least one promo or a segment a month and/or post in the social media sections relatively frequently. If you can’t post a promo for some reason and you tell us, we can work something out. We can be very understanding if you explain and we get that there are bigger priorities than an RP game. If not, then creative has the right to temporarily remove you from the roster until you are active again.
- No making spam posts in the OOC thread or making spam threads. If you would like to partake in discussion about the fed, even if it is a specific question like “What’s your favourite storyline?” Or “Hey, what direction should I take my character? Etc,” most the time it is fine for the normal OOC thread. As for promo/segment feedback, there will be a specific thread just for that.
Promo and Segments Rules/guidelines:
- Post your promos with either a new thread that has the Promos prefix, or if you would like it to be on a show as a segment, please Direct message it to the creative team on the forum, or if you have us on Discord, the segment can be saved in a Google Doc, and you can just send us the link.
- Swearing is allowed, however, please refrain from the use of racial and homophobic slurs. There is a difference from being a heel, or trying to be “funny,” and being a jerk and coming off as discriminatory. We’d like to at least make this fed accepting to people from different walks of life.
- Overly Edgy Stuff:
A: The absolute no-no: When it comes to the content of promos aside from what is stated rule two, some things we absolutely do not allow are rape, and the killing/implied killing off of characters and non-characters. I genuinely wish we wouldn’t have to say that for them all, but we have seen situations regarding some of these things in feds we have observed or been in multiple freaking times, sometimes at the exact same time. There have been people who tried to commit rape promos a few times, and some people have tried to kill other characters or their own off. It’s really hard to find any justification for rape in a promo as it is rightfully morally wrong and no matter how insane your character is, these two things should not happen. This ain’t Lucha Underground or the one segment from Impact where Allie got killed off (I still weep over it), and there are better ways to write a character off or get heat than those options.
-These two above, if in promos, we have a full right to ban you from the fed, history of misbehaviour or not-
B: Nudity/Sexual Content: As for sexual acts and etc, look, characters… probably gonna have it? But we don’t need to see it in the promo or segment, and we’d rather your character generally be as reasonably covered up as you can while in an industry of men and women in spandex. As for nudity, we don’t need to see it in a promo, although implied nudity where we can’t see it is fine. Just don’t go overboard with it or abuse it or else we may need to step in.
C: Other: As for other mature/edgy content and subject matter aside from what we already stated generally may be explored if appropriate but it must be dealt with respectfully and executed correctly. If done right, it can make a storyline more engaging or even more relatable, but if you go too far or do it just for shock value, it makes people uncomfortable or can cause the wrong reaction. As a whole, it is a case-by-case issue. If you are unsure, talk to creative. If people have issues with the content in someone's promo, please talk to creative and we will deal with it accordingly and we will resolve it whether it requires a rewrite, removal, or disciplinary action if it is that serious and/or repeated. - No using other people’s characters without permission/approval of the content in the promo! This even includes authority characters. We want you to have some say over the presentation of your character, and if two characters interact in a promo, we want you both to work together and we even encourage it to make a storyline better. But, there can be issues with using anyone on the roster at any time without double checking.
- Please make your promos readable and understandable.
-Clearly distinguish when there is dialogue and when it is scene-setting/actions. There are multiple ways of doing this and if you are unsure, see other promos, ask a more experienced member or a creative member for help.
-This also includes having respectable grammar within your promo and sentence structure, along with making it colours we can see. Not everyone has to write as if they have a PhD in English writing and we all make mistakes, but if we can’t understand what you are saying, there are problems.
-If creative see issues with that and you fail to improve/try, we have every right to not book you until it is at a somewhat readable level.
6. Do not mention real-life wrestlers or promotions. In this Universe, they do not exist. What is World Wrestling Entertainment? All Elite Wrestling? Who are they? Who are these Bucks of Youth? Or the Man with 3 H’s? You get the idea.
7. No cutting shoot promos! There are better ways to voice frustrations then trying to shed the veil of a character and just bash the fed or members in it. This goes for using “insider terms” in your promo. If you are caught doing a shoot, brother, we have every right to automatically kick and ban you from the fed. However, the idea of a “worked shoot” may still be used with approval from creative and even then, it still has to make sense story-wise. We have seen people try to work it into the storyline by bashing an authority character/creative as storyline without having any actual conflict with the creative in the storyline and it never works like that.
Match Summary Template:
Match type
Person 1 vs Person 2 (etc)
Commentary beforehand, often written by creative w/your input.
Match summary, ideally 1-3 paragraphs
Person who won
(Match time)
Post Match Commentary etc.
Also if the finish is super-duper detailed with Russo-Level swerves, we may write the ending segment style.
Example 1:
*Pacing back and forth in his locker room after seeing his tag team partner go through a brutal beatdown, Johnny Breeze kicks a trash can before screaming into a camera.*
Breeze: Bill Freeman! Jake Viper! You two are going to pay for what you did to my best friend!
*He wipes his long hair out of his eyes*
Breeze: It doesn’t matter when or where it will be, I’m getting my revenge!
Example 2:
Pacing back and forth in his locker room after seeing his tag team partner go through a brutal beatdown, Johnny Breeze kicks a trash can before screaming into a camera.
“Bill Freeman! Jake Viper! You two are going to pay for what you did to my best friend!” He wipes his long hair out of his eyes. “It doesn’t matter when or where it will be, I’m getting my revenge!”
*Pacing back and forth in his locker room after seeing his tag team partner go through a brutal beatdown, Johnny Breeze kicks a trash can before screaming into a camera.*
Breeze: Bill Freeman! Jake Viper! You two are going to pay for what you did to my best friend!
*He wipes his long hair out of his eyes*
Breeze: It doesn’t matter when or where it will be, I’m getting my revenge!
Example 2:
Pacing back and forth in his locker room after seeing his tag team partner go through a brutal beatdown, Johnny Breeze kicks a trash can before screaming into a camera.
“Bill Freeman! Jake Viper! You two are going to pay for what you did to my best friend!” He wipes his long hair out of his eyes. “It doesn’t matter when or where it will be, I’m getting my revenge!”
-This also includes having respectable grammar within your promo and sentence structure, along with making it colours we can see. Not everyone has to write as if they have a PhD in English writing and we all make mistakes, but if we can’t understand what you are saying, there are problems.
-If creative see issues with that and you fail to improve/try, we have every right to not book you until it is at a somewhat readable level.
6. Do not mention real-life wrestlers or promotions. In this Universe, they do not exist. What is World Wrestling Entertainment? All Elite Wrestling? Who are they? Who are these Bucks of Youth? Or the Man with 3 H’s? You get the idea.
7. No cutting shoot promos! There are better ways to voice frustrations then trying to shed the veil of a character and just bash the fed or members in it. This goes for using “insider terms” in your promo. If you are caught doing a shoot, brother, we have every right to automatically kick and ban you from the fed. However, the idea of a “worked shoot” may still be used with approval from creative and even then, it still has to make sense story-wise. We have seen people try to work it into the storyline by bashing an authority character/creative as storyline without having any actual conflict with the creative in the storyline and it never works like that.
Match Summary Template:
Match type
Person 1 vs Person 2 (etc)
Commentary beforehand, often written by creative w/your input.
Match summary, ideally 1-3 paragraphs
Person who won
(Match time)
Post Match Commentary etc.
Also if the finish is super-duper detailed with Russo-Level swerves, we may write the ending segment style.