Name: Tom McBrady
Nickname: T.M. "The Original Trademark"
Weight: 250
Height: 6'2"
Age: 28
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Class (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face... for now at least.
Gimmick: The quintessential athlete.
Personality: Dresses in suits, ties and wears aviator sunglasses. Cuts promos like the Rock.
Entrance Music: "Re-Education (Through Labor)" by Rise Against
Entrance Details: "Re-Eduation" hits and TM walks out onto the stage wearing his trademark Aviator sunglasses and wrestling gear. He throws up a salute to the crowd and continues walking to the ring. When he gets in the ring, TM poses on the top turnbuckle and salutes the crowd again.
Finishing Move 1: "Trademark" (Fireman's Carry Fall-Back Face-Buster)
Finishing Move 2: "Welcome to Phoenix" (Top Rope Moonsault)
Trademark Move: AA Spinebuster
Submission Move: STF
Highflying Move: Dropsault
Five - eight common moves:
1. Double-Underhook Backbreaker
2. European Uppercut
3. Powerslam
4. Snap Suplex
5. Back suplex
6. Arm Drag
7. Lariat
8. Big Boot
Taunts: Motioning to the opponent to bring it on.
Movesets: ???
Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Clean
Match Style (Select three):
Weapon of Choice: Chair
Specialty Match: Ironman Match
Character Rep:
Nickname: T.M. "The Original Trademark"
Weight: 250
Height: 6'2"
Age: 28
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona
Class (Face/Tweener/Heel): Face... for now at least.
Gimmick: The quintessential athlete.
Personality: Dresses in suits, ties and wears aviator sunglasses. Cuts promos like the Rock.
Entrance Music: "Re-Education (Through Labor)" by Rise Against
Entrance Details: "Re-Eduation" hits and TM walks out onto the stage wearing his trademark Aviator sunglasses and wrestling gear. He throws up a salute to the crowd and continues walking to the ring. When he gets in the ring, TM poses on the top turnbuckle and salutes the crowd again.
Finishing Move 1: "Trademark" (Fireman's Carry Fall-Back Face-Buster)
Finishing Move 2: "Welcome to Phoenix" (Top Rope Moonsault)
Trademark Move: AA Spinebuster
Submission Move: STF
Highflying Move: Dropsault
Five - eight common moves:
1. Double-Underhook Backbreaker
2. European Uppercut
3. Powerslam
4. Snap Suplex
5. Back suplex
6. Arm Drag
7. Lariat
8. Big Boot
Taunts: Motioning to the opponent to bring it on.
Movesets: ???
Match Tactics (Clean/Dirty): Clean
Match Style (Select three):
Weapon of Choice: Chair
Specialty Match: Ironman Match
Character Rep: