The Return of a Dynasty - [O]rganization of [M]odern [E]xtreme [G]rappling [A]rts

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In the late 1990's A promotion thought of by friends, raised the bar in wrestling history. OMEGA which is a North Carolina based company of 14 friends who had a passion for the wrestling bussiness. Once the owners, Matt and Jeff Hardy, went to work for WWE, OMEGA fell.

2008 a man inspired from the Hardy Boyz DVD and the OMEGA, Uncommon Passion DVD explaining OMEGA and how it was formed wanted to bring it back. He Jack Johnson, a good friend of Thomas Simpson, on of the three founders of OMEGA. One night Jack asked Thomas for the Hardyz' adress and phone number. Thomas asked why and Jack said in due time he would know.

A Phone Call conversation with Jeff Hardy, who was at home with a vacation, convinced Hardy to agree with returning OMEGA. Jeff called his brother Matt to tell him. Matt was unsure if both of them should join in fear of their jobs in WWE. Matt finally agreed to it and he went off to tell the big boss, Vince McMahon. Vince told Matt that if he and Jeff start caring more about OMEGA, then WWE they will not hold the WHC and The WWE title at all in their careers. Matt said that is a risk he is willing to take.

Matt went around looking for possible signers. He found Super Crazy, Evan Bourne, Ron Killings, Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder. Matt also got Gregory Helms to sign on. Jeff went around indy shows and found some for the company, Shannon Moore, Jack Evans, recentely released Santino Marella, also recentely released Jamie Noble, Trevor Murdoch, and Brian Danielson.

Matt also got long time friend Joey Abs to join. Joey's demons have left and hopes to be big in the company.

Jeff got CW Anderson, a retired OMEGA alumni, to join as a commentator. Matt got a recentely fired Joey Styles for badmouthing WWE/ECW on to join as commentators also.

Jack Johnson went to Thomas Simpson's house and gave him a video tape telling him to play it. Thomas played the tape which happened to be a commercial airing the return of OMEGA. Thomas was in shock as Jack told him the TV deals that he got. He got TV deals with Both Carolinas, Both Virginas, Ohio, and Pennslyvania. Jack asked Thomas to be apart of it and book the shows in the 6 states that are the grounds of OMEGA. Thomas accepted which much interest in hoping OMEGA, becomes a big time company.

WWE sent Michael Hayes to get The Hardyz to come back, the Hardyz convinced Hayes to work for them as a commentator and leading booker. WWE was very unhappy with this.

Jeff Hardy returned to WWE just a month before the return of OMEGA. Hardy lost a US title match against Shelton Benjammin. Matt Hardy lost his ECW title to Elijah Burke, Gregory Helms starting losing matches against SD jobbers. Coincidence? They thought not. This was WWE getting back at them for OMEGA, so they respond to this by leaving WWE.

It's a week before he return and the OMEGA website was luanched!

OMEGA's Golden Boys:

Owner (Both off and on screen) - Thomas Simpson
Commissionar - Jack Johnson
Commentating team - Michael Hayes, CW Anderson, and Joey Styles


Willow The Whisp (Jeff Hardy)
Matt Hardy
Gregory Helms
Shannon Moore
Venom (Joey Abs)
Curt Hawkins
Zach Ryder
Brian Danielson
Super Crazy
Matt Sydal
Ron Killings
Jack Evans
Santino Marella
Jamie Noble
Trevor Murdoch
Matt Striker


OMEGA Heavyweight Title:
Current - N/A
Former - N/A

OMEGA Junior Heavyweight Title:
Current - N/A
Former - N/A

OMEGA New Frontiers Champion:
Current - N/A
Former - N/A

OMEGA Notes:

Shows are one hour long and once a month OMEGA holds a 2 1/2 hour event. Tag Titles are in the thinking process but tag teams are a little short right now. Shows days differ on certain tv stations. Show is called OMEGA Nitro. It's the beginning of December, 2008.

Evil Austin

well the backstory was great and I must say that it does look intersting. I also must say after reading it that the other Omega BTB the one with GardsJR and Leviathan do have a bit of competition on their hands. Good luck with this and Ill be reading. Feel free to check out my BTB anytime.

And lastly one other thing cool name you gave Jeff Hardy after one of his trademark areal moves I guess thats his new in ring nickname.


Actually. Willow the Whisp was one of Jeff Hardy's characters in the old OMEGA.

[YT]57sOym5lncg[/YT] <--- Vid of Willow the whisp (Jeff Hardy, masked one) vs. Surge (Matt Hardy)

I felt that having the Hardyz would be not as unique as I wanted OMEGA to be so I thought about bringing Jeff Hardy as one of his old characters.

Also in case you wanna know. Willow The Whisp's Finshers are Shooting Star Splash and Whisper in the wind, both while opponent is laying on the ground or standing up.

Evil Austin

oh that I actually didn't know, sorry -TJ- I guess I learnt something new I thought you made up that name.


No need to apology, it not like you badmouthed me or anything. Just liked to point that out.

Also, Joey Abs is going to be called Venom, his OMEGA name. ;)

THE Renegade Diesel

Active Member
Jun 26, 2008
Reaction score
This is looking good -TJ-. I have something OMEGA based coming around soon so I guess we will go at it again. Good luck with this, and I will read.


One more thing, unlike my past attempts at btbs, this one I will plan ahead. I want to have atleast four month's worth of shows done (12 Regular Shows, 4Supershows) before the end of this month. So ummm yeah I hope this becomes my most succesfull show. First show should be up later today or early tommorow.


OMEGA Nitro: Week 1 December

OMEGA's Music Video plays and the shows begins!

JS: Welcome to OMEGA! I am Joey Styles followed by OMEGA Alumni, CW Anderson and wrestling legend, Michael Hayes!

Santino Marella comes out to heat. He enters the ring and grabs the mic.

CW: Yeah and look who we got here.

Hayes: Yeah Santino Marella the goofball.

Santino: Hello-a, Santino Marella fansa. I ama herea to the OMEGA-a anda I willa be the-a bestsa ina OMEGA-a.


Santino: Justa take-a look ata thissa!


Santino: For my opponenta tonight-a. Your Deaf Meat!

Matt Sydal comes out and enters the ring to the cheers of the crowd.


Match #1
Singles Match
Matt Sydal vs. Santino Marella

The match begins with a lock up. They stand their ground for a few seconds until Santino shoves Sydal into the corner. The ref asks for a clean break. Santino does so and then goes for a right hook, but Sydal ducked it and nails a jumping back kick. Santino falls in a sitting position against the turnbuckle. Sydal runs and nails a turnbuckle dropkick right in the mush of Santino's face. Sydal grabs the boots of Santino and drags him in the middle of the ring. Cover 1...2... kickout! Sydal jumps to his feet and jumps in the air for a standing moonsualt, but Santino catches him with his knees. Sydal rolls around the canvas in pain. Santino gets to his feet and stomps on the back of Sydal. Santino then jumps in the air and lands his left knee on the back of Sydal. Sydal rolls out of the ring as Santino stands up and holds his hands in the air to heat from the crowd.

Sydal gets on his feet and jumps on the apron. Santino then takes a little long tuanting the crowd. He turns arond to Sydal who springboards off the ropes and nails a missle dropkick in the face of Santino! Cover 1...2... kickout! Santino rolls out of the ring. Sydal waits in the ring for Santino to get up. Santino gets up and Sydal goes for a slingshot crossbody plancha, but Santino rolls out of the way and Sydal crashes on the mat. Santino lifts Sydal up and he shoulder trusts Sydal into the rail. Then Santino throws Sydal in the ring as Santino enters himself. He drops an elbow on Sydal and makes the cover. 1...2... Sydal gets his foot on the ropes. Santino drags Sydal to the middle of the ring and puts him on his back to slap on a surfboard chinlock.

Sydal tries with all his power to get out, but Santino uses his entire body weight to keep Sydal down. Finally Sydal uses ever ounce of strenght he has to reach to the ropes. Santino breaks the hold at the 4 count. He and the ref start argueing a little bit and finally Santino drops an elbow on the back of Sydal. Santino pulls Sydal to the middle of the ring and lifts him up. Santino scoops and slams sydal followed by a standing splash and the cover, 1...2... kickout! Santino lifts Sydal up for the silcer, but Sydal pushes Santino off. Santino advances towards Sydal and eats a swinging buzzaw kick followed by a beautiful standing moonsualt. Cover 1...2... kickout! Sydal lifts Santino up and dropkicks him in the knee.

Santino drops to both knees and Sydal stands on top of Santino. Sydal tuants to the crowd to a pop. He then nails a moonsualt ontop of Santino to the amazment of the crowd. Sydal rolls Santino over and makes the cover, 1...2... kickout! Sydal climbs to the top. He signals for the Shooting Sydal Splash and goes for it, but Santino moves out of the way and Sydal crashes and burns. Santino lifts Sydal up and nails the Slicer! Cover 1...2...3!

Winner: Santino Marella via pinfall!

Santino start over celebrating his win like he just won the WHC.

(Camera cuts backstage to Willow The Whisp)

Willow: Matt Hardy!


Willow: I saw your little video on the OMEGA website. You stated that no one was going to stop you from becoming the OMEGA World Heavyweight champion at OMEGA's first supershow, Entering an OMEGA Year, I hate to say it but you won't be champion as long as I'm in existent!


Willow: You see, OMEGA has new managment that won't confine me to the New Frontiers title. I'm above that now and I will prove it to you.


Willow: Next week! I have Gregory Helms, your buddy.


Willow: I will chew him up and PUKE him out! Then I'M COMING FOR THE OMEGA TITLE!

Willow storms off to heat from the crowd.


JS: A look at the prince of extreme, Matt Hardy.


Jamie Noble comes out to a pop.

Bryan Danielson comes out to a mild reaction.

Match #2
Singles Match
Jamie Noble vs. Bryan Danielson

The match begins with a shot from Noble. Bryan side steps it and Noble get's on his feet without slowing down. Bryan takes a shot, but Noble sprawls on him and locks a front headlock. Noble goes behind Bryan and locks his arms around the gut of Bryan. Bryan stands and Noble nails a lifting takedown. Noble spins around and locks a front headlock on. Bryan gets to his feet and elbows Noble in the face and nails a Northern Lights Suplex! 1...2... kickout! Bryan lifts Noble up and nails some european uppercuts, pushing him against the turnbuckle. He steps back and goes for a flying elbow, but Noble ducks and Bryan elbows the turnbuckle. Bryan staggers back holding his elbow. Noble turns Bryan around and kicks him in the gut. Noble goes across the ropes and nails a knee in the temple of Bryan. Noble then makes the cover, 1...2... kickout!

Noble locks a leg scissor on Bryan and brings the pressure on Bryan. Bryan tries to break it, but Noble hits a crossface club on Bryan. Bryan tries to break it and eats another crossface. Bryan rolls to the ropes and grabs it. Noble lets go and he and the ref has a small discussion and he lifts Bryan up. He nails Bryan with a forearm smash. Bryan staggers back and kicks Noble in the gut and hits a tiger suplex! Cover 1...2... kickout! Bryan lifts Noble on a sitting position and puts a crucifix lock on and starts nailing Noble with rapid MMA style elbows. After about 20 seconds of rapid elbow shots the ref finally breaks it.

The ref and Brian have a arguement. Noble comes from behind Bryan and nails a neckbreaker. Cover 1...2... kickout! Noble starts stomping on Bryan. Noble takes a step back and charges and nails a running flipping senton. Noble stands on his feet and he lifts Bryan up. Noble puts him on his shoulders for the Gut Buster, but Bryan floats behind Noble and nails a Dragon Suplex pin! 1...2... kickout! Bryan lifts Noble up and nails a european uppercut. He nails another and Noble fights to stay on his feet and eats another European Uppercut. Noble falls and Bryan locks a octopus stretch on. Noble shows his strenght as he lifts Bryan up and falls right on his back. Bryan gets up and gets nailed on the chest with a palm chop.

Bryan staggers back and nails a knife hard chop on Noble. Noble staggers back and punches Bryan straight in the face. Bryan doesn't react to the punch and goes to clothesline Noble, but he ducks the clothesline and nails a neckbreaker! Cover 1...2... kickout! Noble lifts Bryan to a sitting position and locks a chin lock on. Bryan tries to break it, but the pitbull keeps it on and forces Bryan to use more of his strength then usual, to grab the bottom rope. Noble lets go and he and the ref have a short discussion. Noble lifts Bryan up and puts him in Northern Lights Suplex position, but Brian nails a knee to the gut of Noble and locks in the tiger suplex position and nails it! Cover 1...2... kickout! Bryan lifts Noble up and puts him in a suplex position and lifts him up and stalls on it. Noble wiggles and falls foward and locks the Guillotine chokehold on!

Bryan sprints foward and slams Noble back first into the turnbuckle. Noble falls down in pain. Bryan lifts him up and nails a quick release german suplex. Bryan then advances towards Noble. Noble holds on his back in pain. Bryan locks in the Cattle Mutilation! Noble screams in pain at the instant it is lock on, but Danielson is touching the bottom rope with his knee. The ref breaks it up and forces Bryan off. Bryan gets in the ref's face and they trade words. Noble gets to his feet and advances, sneaky, to Bryan. Noble catches Bryan with a schoolboy! 1...2...3!

Winner: Jamie Noble via pinfall!

The fans are cheering for both men in this great match. Noble advances towards Bryan and sticks out his hand for a handshake. Bryan looks down at his hand and leaves. THe fans boo as Bryan leaves up the ramp pissed off.


Matt Hardy comes out to a pop!

Hardy: Venom! I saw what you said about me on You called me an egotistical failure?


Hardy: Let me remind you of who kept you from getting fired in WWE back in the days of your stupid drug taking ways?


Hardy: Me! First you steal a girl from me in the old Omega days, then I have to help you fight your demons in the WWE, only to let yourself get released in my absence?


Hardy: Now I got my time to talk and we got one more thing to finish. Me vs. Venom, winner goes to Entering An OMEGA Year's main event for the OMEGA world title! Now get out here.

Venom comes out to heat form the crowd.

Venom: You were always jealous of me Hardy. I was always a better wrestler then you and it's time to prove it. Let's go

Main Event
Winner advances to Entering an OMEGA Year to challange for the OMEGA Heavyweight title
Venom vs. Matt Hardy

The bell rings at a quick lockup by both men. Venom backs Hardy in the turnbuckle. The ref asks for a clean break, but Venom punches Matt straight in the face and he falls to the ground. The ref and Venom trade words as Matt gets to his feet. Venom advances towards Matt and gets kicked in the gut and punched at by Matt. Left, Right, Left, Right, the punches raining on Venom. Matt charges off the ropes and back at Venom who catches Matt with a quick release belly to belly suplex. Venom raises his hands in victory and nails a timed stomp on Hardy. Then another, then another. Venom then lifts Hardy in a sitting position and locks a chin lock on. Hardy tries to escape, but Venom's grip is strong.

Hardy wiggles his way to the ropes and finally gets a foot on it. Venom lets go on the ref's 4 count. Venom lifts Hardy up and throws him against the turnbuckle. Then Venom grabs the arm of Hardy and brings him foward for a huge clothesline, but Hardy ducks it and nails a flashback! Cover 1...2... kickout! Venom tries to get up, but Hardy locks an armbreaker on. Venom starts trying to wiggle his arm free, but can't. Finally Venom lifts Hardy in the air with the armbreaker and drags him over to the ropes and forces the ref to break the hold. Venom shakes his arm as Hardy gets up and eats a huge clothesline from venom that sends Hardy into a 360 flip! Cover 1...2... kickout!

Venom locks an armbreaker of his arm on Hardy with one hand and locks a chin lock with the other. THe fans are right behind Hardy as Hardy tries to get together and reach the ropes. Hardy begins to reach the ropes, but Venom changes the armbreaker, chinlock combo into a sleeper. Venom drags Hardy to the center of the ring and the ref begins to check on Hardy. Hardy begins to fade and the ref checks him. 1! 2!! Hardy's hand stops halfway as he uses the cheers from the crowd to come back. He gets to his feet and elbows his way outta Venom's grip. Venom staggers back and forward to clothesline Hardy, but Hardy catches him and nails the side effect! Hardy then climbs to the top rope and nails a diving leg drop! Cover 1...2... kickout! Hardy is in shock! Venom begins to stand as Hardy signals for the twist of fate.

He kicks Venom in the gut and goes to hit the Twist of Fate, but Venom reverses it into a northern lights suplex! Venom lifts Hardy up and puts him in an Olkahoma slam position and drops him on the turnbuckle. Venom goes across the ropes for the snake eyes, but Hardy ducks and turns Venom around and nails the side effect! Cover 1...2... kickout! Hardy goes over to the ropes and nails a springboard diving moonsualt on Venom! Cover 1...2... kickout! Hardy checks with the ref as they exchange words. Venom gets to his feet. Hardy turns to get big booted by Venom. Venom lifts Hardy up for the Venom Spike, but Hardy wiggles free and turns Venom around. Hardy nails a right hook followed by the Twist of Fate! Cover 1...2...3!

Winner: Matt Hardy via pinfall!

Hardy raises his hand in the air but at the entrance ramp is Willow The Whisp, who was watching the match at the ramp. He points to Hardy and signals for the OMEGA World Title.

Show Over!

The Leviathan

Active Member
May 7, 2007
Reaction score
Best Match: I really liked the action between Noble and Danielson, I was quite shocked though seeing Noble pull out the victory against the greatest wrestler alive.

Worst Match: I enjoyed reading all of it so there's no worst match for me.

Promos: You only got 2 promos and I just think they made some point and tried to start a feud in each promos.

Additional Feedback: This is a great first show there TJ, I really liked seeing Jeff as the heel here. I am looking forward to the next show.


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Best Match-Santino/Sydal--All the matches I thought was good but I go with this for the outcome. It seems that 90% of wrestling fans are Sydal marks and it was surprising to see Santino come out on top.

Worst Match--They were all written so there is really a worse match but if I have to choose one I will go with the Gibson/Danielson just based on the outcome but thats splitting hairs

Promos--Levi said it best. Jeff Hardy as an original character and heel is great. I think it is very smart to not really have them as brothers which would then be kind of hard for them to have a feud.

Overall--I like the idea of a small roster especially with the stars you have. I find it unique as it is definately not the same thread u read over and over again in a BTB.


News and Notes:

Matt Striker has signed with OMEGA! He is also schedule to wrestle in the next broadcast of OMEGA.

Willow The Whisp vs. Gregory Helms is set to open the next show.

At "Entering an OMEGA Year" Santino will be in a match to determine the New Frontiers Champion. His opponent is unknown though.

Jamie Noble and Bryan Danielson are schedule to wrestle at "Entering An OMEGA Year" for the Junior Heavyweight Championship. They are also going to have a rematch from the return show on the show before "Entering An OMEGA Year".

Other Promos throughout the next two shows will help complete the match card.

Zach Ryder and Kurt Hawkins has made an tag team open challenge for "Entering An OMEGA Year".


OMEGA Nitro: Week 2 December

OMEGA's Music Video plays and the shows begins!

JS: Welcome to another installment of OMEGA!!!!

Hayes: What a show we got for you today!

CW: And we're going to kick off with two OMEGA Originals going at it!

Willow The Whisp comes out to heat as he walks down the ramp FU'ing the fans.

Gregory Helms comes out to a pop as he points to Willow and shows the belt sign.

Match #1
Winner advances to Entering an OMEGA Year to challange for the OMEGA Heavyweight title
Willow The Whisp vs. Gregory Helms

They circle around the ring looking for a chance to strike. Willow goes for a shot, but Helms side steps him. Willow get right to his feet and hops over Helms who tried for a shot of his own. Helms gets up and Willow locks a headlock on. Helms pushes Willow off. Willow rebounds off the ropes and back to Helms who nails a quick arm drag. Willow gets to his feet and nails an arm drag into a pin. 1... kickout! Helms rolls to his feet and nails a monkey flip on Willow, but Willow flips in the air and lands on his feet, he goes across the ropes to duck a clothesline by Helms and catches him with a rolling pin, 1...2... Helms reverses it into a modified school boy, 1...2... Willow reverses it into another version off the rolling pin 1...2... kickout! Helms rolls to his feet and charges Willow who nails a drop toe hold.

Willow goes across the ropes for a leg drop, but Helms moves out of the way and Willow lands on his ass. Helms goes for a buzzaw, but Willow ducks it and rolls to his feet to nail a hip toss, but Helms lands on his feet and nails an arm drag. Willow rolls to his feet and does the same. Both men roll to the feet at the same time. STAND OFF! Willow and Helms break away from the stare to soak in the crowd's appreciation. They circle again and lock up, but Willow kicks Helms in the gut and puts him leg around the head off Helms and flips himself behind Helms and lifts him up and nails an Atomic Drop. Helms staggers foward holding his lower back and Willow nails a dropkick in the back.

Cover! 1...2... kickout! Willow nails a few stomps to the chest of Helms as he starts tuanting the fans in his unique kind of way. Willow goes across the ropes and nails a dancing elbow drop. Cover 1...2... kickout! He lifts Helms up and does a split and comes back up with an uppercut. Helms holds his chin and turns around. Willow goes across the ropes. Helms notices him trying to chop block him and hops backwards and over Willow. Willow gets up and walks right into a hurricanrada from Helms. Willow rolls out of the ring. Willow walks around thinking off a move while Helms is waiting for him. Willow jumps on the apron and gives Helms the middle finger. Helms walks over and grabs willow, but Willow nails a stunner on the ropes. Helms gets shot back as he staggers backwards.

Willow springboards himself off the ropes and at Helms for a crossbody, but Helms catches him with a dropkick! Helms nails a few stomps and an elbow drop. Cover 1...2... kickout! Helms sizes Willow up. Willow gets to one knee and Helms goes across the ropes and nails the Shinning Wizard! Cover 1...2... kickout! Helms can't believe it! He lifts Willow up. Willow ducks a clothesline and kicks Helms in the gut and lifts him up in a suplex and brings him down for the front slam. Willow climbs to the top rope. He goes for the Shooting Star Splash, but Helms moves out of the way, but Willow lands on his feet. He climbs to the top rope again and waits for Helms to get to his feet. Willow nails the Whisper in The Wind! He climbs again and nails The Whisper in The Wind Senton Bomb! Cover 1...2...3!

Winner: Willow The Whisp via Pinfall!

Willow holds his hands in the air and notices Matt Hardy standing on the entrance scouting Willow. Willow points at Hardy and shows the belt sign.


(Backstage in The Commissionar Jack Johnson's Office)

Bryan Danielson walks in the office to little heat.

Bryan: I understand your looking for a Junior Heavyweight Champion, well look no further then me!


Johnson: Now look here Danielson. Your right about me looking for a Junior Heavyweight Champion, but you aren't my best choice to hold that title. Jamie Noble is!


Bryan: Noble got a lucky win against me and your gonig to award him the title? He doesn't deserve it!

Johnson: Well prove to me you want it, next week you'll wrestle Jamie Noble, if you win you got Noble again at "Entering An OMEGA Year" For the Junior Heavyweight title in your type of match.

Bryan: And if noble wins?

Johnson: He will become the Junior Heavyweight champion and you won't get a chance for it at "Entering An OMEGA Year"

Bryan stares a whole right threw Johnson as he leaves, shutting the door.


In The Ring is Santino Marella.

Santino: Hello-a mya fansa.


Santino: Now-a The-a twoa persons to-a face a-off-a are battleing for a chance-a to face Santino Marella at "Entering An OMEGA Year" for the-a Newwa Frontiersa Title. No matter-a who winsa tonighta, I will become Newwa Frontiersa Championsa.


Santino: Cuase-a Ima The-a.........


The crowd erupts as Ron "The Truth" Killings comes out to a huge pop. He enters the ring with the mic. He walks right up to Santino's face.

Truth: Wassup!

Santino rolls out of the ring. He grabs a chair and sits to watch the match.

CW: What a shock! The Truth is here in OMEGA!

JS: And wants a shot at The New Frontiers Championship!

Matt Striker comes out to heat as he is holding a microphone.

Striker: Well my two road blocks on my way to the New Frontiers Title are you two? An Ex-Con and a man that has the education of you Santino?

Fans react differently to what Striker says.

Striker: I'm the smartest man in the WWE. Much smarter then you Truth and especially you Santino. I'm who I am becuase I'm smart enoguh to make the right decisions, couldn't say the same for you huh Truth?


Striker: Two small road bumbs on my way to the New Frontiers Title. Wassup? My fist in your face.

Striker enters the ring.

Match #2
Winner Advances to "Entering An OMEGA Year" To face Santino Marella for the New Frontiers Title
Ron "The Truth" Killings vs. Matt Striker

A lock up. Striker slips a headlock on. Truth tries to break free, but fails. finally he throws him across the ropes. Striker rebounds off the ropes and comes bacik for a clothesline, but Truth splits to duck it. Striker goes across the ropes and back at Truth who rolls backwards and nails a monkeyflip on Striker. Striker rolls on his feet and runs right into a huge calf kick. Truth gets on his feet and sizes Striker up. Truth goes across the ropes for a cross chop corkscrew, but Striker ducks it. Truth lands on the canvas hard. Striker walks over and puts Truth in a chin lock and wrenches it. Truth tries to fight, but Striker wrenches harder.

Truth gets to the ropes. Striker is forced off and starts stomping on Truth. Striker lifts Truth up and irish whips him across the ropes. Truth ducks a clothesline and rebounds off the ropes and back to striker with a dropkick! Cover 1...2... kickout! Truth nails a standing corkscrew moonsualt! Cover 1...2... kickout! Truth gets to his feet and goes across the ropes and does a cart wheel followed by a senton leg drop, but Striker moves out of the way and Truth lands on his ass. Striker stands up and buzzaw kicks Truth in the chops. Cover 1...2... kickout! Striker lifts Truth up and nails a snap ddt! Cover 1...2... kickout!

Striker lifts Truth up and irish whips him across the ropes. Truth ducks a clothesline and rebounds off the ropes. Striker ducks a cltohesline of Truth. Truth rebounds off the ropes and slides under the legs of Striker. Truth turns around to a huge slap by Striker. The fans gasp at the sound of the slap. Truth staggers back a bit and charges Striker. Striker sides steps Truth and kicks the elgs from under him. He lands hanged up on the middle and top rope. Striker kicks Truth in the back and nails a neckbreaker! Cover 1...2... Truth gets his foot on the rope. Striker pulls Truth to his feet and drags in to the middle of the ring. Striker goes to nail the golden rule, but Truth breaks away and kicks Striker in the left knee. Striker lands on his knee and Truth goes across the ropes and nails the Scissor Kick! Cover 1...2...3!

Winner: Ron "The Truth" Killings via pinfall!

Ron raises his hands in victory as Santino looks up at him. Santino points at him and claims that he will not win the title.


Venom comes out to heat from the crowd.

Hayes: This man made an open challange for "Entering An OMEGA Year" Against a non OMEGA Pioneer.

Jack Evans comes out to a pop!

JS: This man is set to wrestle a debuting wrestler at "Entering An OMEGA Year"

Main Event
Singles Match
Jack Evans vs. Venom

They circle up. Evans goes for a shot, but Venom lifts his leg away from Evans. Evans gets on his feet again and goes for another shot, but Venom does the same. Venom then locks up with Evans and throws him down on the canvas. Evans rolls on his feet to duck the clothesline and nails the drop sualt landing right on his feet! Venom lands on a sitting position and eats a dropkick from Evans. Cover 1... kickout! Evans nails a few quick stomps and he stands on top of Venom and lands a moonsualt! Cover 1...2... kickout! Venom tries to get to his feet. Evans sizes Venom up. Venom gets to his feet and ducks a heel kick. Evans turns around to get nailed with a heymaker of a right hook.

Evans falls down and Venom nails an elbow drop on Evans. Venom then starts nailnig Evans with quick, strong stomps. He begins to torture Evans some more then finally lands a leg drop and stands on his feet and raises his hands in victory. Venom raises Evans up on his feet and goes for a left hook but Evans ducks it and starts nailing Venom with quick lefts, rights, and a back hook kick sending Venom out of the ring. Evans springboards off the ropes and nails a corkscrew seated senton on the outside! The crowd is in amazment as they clap the great showing of athleticism.

Evans tries to get to his feet but can't. Same for Venom. Evans gets to his feet and rolls in the ring. The ref and him have a discussion as Venom begins to get to his feet. Venom, using the barracade, gets on his feet and Evans rolls back outta the ring to re-begin the count. Evans nails a few quick chops and finally a hurricanrada! Evan rolls in and out the ring again. He lifts Venom up and goes for a spinning heel kick, but Venom ducks and nails a huge clothesline instead! Venom raises his hands in victory as the crowd shows their affection. Venom throws Evans in the ring. Evans gets to his feet as Venom awaits Evans to get on his feet. Venom kicks Evans in the gut and nails the gutwrench suplex!

Cover 1...2... kickout! Venom gets up and grabs the ref by the t-shirt and starts yelling at him. The Ref pushes him back to a pop from the crowd as he shows who he is. Venom and The ref argue for what seems like forever, or just long enough for Evans to get on his feet. Venom turns around a super kick from Evans. He climbs to the top rope and attempts the 630 splash, but Venom moves out of the way! Evans holds his back in pain as Venom lifts him up for the Venom Spike or Crucifix Bomb and nails it! Cover 1...2...3!

Winner: Venom via Pinfall!

(Camera goes backstage)

Matt Hardy is laid out.

EMT-1: What happened?

EMT-2: I don't know! Helms do you know?

Gregory Helms shows on the camera screen.

Helms: It must of been Willow the Whisp that bastard!

Camera zooms on Matt Hardy

Show Over!


Current "Entering An OMEGA Year" Match Card

OMEGA World Title Match
2 out of 3 falls

Willow The Whisp vs. Matt Hardy

New Frontiers Title Match
Singles Match
Santino Marella vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings

Tag Team Open Challange
Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder vs. ??? and ???

Venom vs. ???

Jack Evans vs. ???


Sep 15, 2008
Reaction score
Good show.

Willow winning to face Matt Hardy is a good move. I like the idea of the two biggest names in your league wrestling each other in your first ppv back.

Danielson and Noble match is interesting but I think you just have made it for the ppv not next week. I think it is obivious that Danielson will win to set up the match for it anyway.

I'm not a fan at all about Striker and was disappointed to see him show up in OMEGA but he's here lol. The Truth was the good choice as the winner and hopefully he will be jobbing to Santino soon.

Venom/Jack Evans--Good matchup. I like the finish with Evan missing the high risk move and Venom picking up the scraps and finishing him off.

The ending--Good suspense for next week but I believe it is Gregory Helms that laid Matt himself.

Overall--I read this and are torn over Santino. He is the champ but now thinking about I hope he loses to Killings so he can go after Matt. Just because I think Santino is the best heel on your roster. Good show, nothing great but nothing bad.


OMEGA's Music Video plays and the shows begins!

Matt Hardy and Gregory Helms comes out to a pop. They enter the ring and Matt grabs a mic.

Matt: Last week, I was attacked. By who you ask? I think it's pretty clear.

Fans chant "Pussy Ass Willow!"

Matt: I think you have the answer. Willow The Whisp tried to get an early advantage over me for "Entering An OMEGA Year" By attacking me from behind and laying me out. Well I'm still standing, you didn't get the job done!


Matt: So listen here carefully! Willow get out here and let's do this right now!

Pop! Matt waits, but Willow doesn't show up.

Matt: What if I turn my back to the entrance, will you come then?

Matt turns around and waits.

Matt: Well come on...........

Gregory Helms attacks Matt with a forearm club to the back of the head as he continues to unleash lefts and rights. A confused and groggy Hardy tries to fight back, but fails. Finally Helms nails a DDT and awaits for another chance to further the damage on Hardy. Hardy gets up to a knee and eats The Shinning Wizard! Helms grabs the mic as the fans boo.

Helms: Matt Hardy. What did he do after my hard fought match last week? He gave me tips. As I remember I dealt him a lost in HIS FINAL MATCH of the old OMEGA! As far as I'm concerned those tips are an act of disrespect.


Helms: But that is just what I would expect from Hardy. Always "trying" to be nice to gain morale and rise up in the ranks for his good nature and not his skills!


Helms: Hardy is not an OMEGA Pioneer! All he ever does is act nice and he rises a bar in the ladder. OMEGA was about a passion and Matt has none of it! I.......

Shannon Moore comes out and into the ring and unloads lefts and rights with a fury like none other until Helms is forced to retreat up the entrance ramp and away from Moore.

JS: A cowardly act form Helms just put a huge bulls eye on him!


(Backstage in Jack Johnson's Office)

Jack Johnson and Thomas Simpson are sitting on the couch holding drinks talking like the good friends they are. Shannon Moore walks in the office to a pop.

Moore: Did you see what just happened! DID YOU?!?

Jack: Calm down. Why are you here.

Moore: I want a match with Helms tonight!

Thomas: Woah, Moore. I understand your mad, but we don't have room for a match tonight, but I got something else. You vs. Helms at "Entering An OMEGA Year"?

Moore: Fine.

Jack: Wait, I got a better idea. How about your match become a little better to your liking? A Pinfall TLC match. Tables, Ladders, and Chairs are legal in the match.

Moore: A Pin or Die TLC Match? Sounds like the perfect revenge. You got it!

They shake hands as the crowd pops at the match.

(Camera Cuts To The Ring)

UFC Ultimate Fighter Star Matthew Riddle comes out to a shocking reaction from the crowd!

Matt Striker comes out to a huge amount of heat.

CW: Matthew Riddle!?

Hayes: He is here in OMEGA!

JS: And he is going to compete in a match against Matt Striker?!?

Match #1
Singles Match
Matthew Riddle vs. Matt Striker

They lock up and Striker overpowers Riddle and forces him against the turnbuckle. The ref asks for a clean break and Striker does. Striker goes for a punch, but Riddle catches the fist with the palm of his hand. Riddle then moves to the middle of the ring and nails a quick arm drag. Striker rolls to his feet and charges Riddle, only to get shot at and taken down. Striker gets on all fours as Riddle uses his wrestling backround to break down Striker. He grabs the heel of Striker's foot and pushes him on his stomach. Riddle then locks in a half nelson and turns Striker over for a pin, 1...2... kickout! Striker gets on fours again and Riddle is back on him. He turns in front of Striker and locks a front headlock on. He hooks one of Striker's arm and turns him over for another pin.

1...2... kickout! Striker gets up and so does Riddle. They get up and Striker slaps him across the face. The fans gasp at the sound of the hard chop. Riddle looks down at his hand to check for blood. He then stands up and looks into the crowd as they cheer for Riddle to beat the shit outta Striker. He turns to Striker and Striker kicks him in the gut. Striker nails a club to the back. Riddle drops to a knee and Striker goes across the ropes and kicks him in the face. Cover 1...2... kickout! Striker stands Riddle up and kicks him in the gut and goes across the face. Riddle regains focus to dodge a clothesline from Striker and turns behind him and lock his hips and german suplexs Striker.

Riddle keeps the bridge, 1...2... kickout! Striker gets up and so does Riddle. Striker goes for a left hook, but Riddle ducks it and nails another german suplex. Riddle then lifts Striker up and puts him in another front headlock and knees him in the chest. He does it again. He nails one more to the face of Striker. Striker falls back out of the impact of the last knee. Riddle charges, but Striker ducks down and catches Riddle with a drop toe hold. Striker and Riddle get up at the same time. Striker goes for a left hook, but Riddle ducks it and striker turns around to get nailed with the Light's Out Right Hook! The fans gasp at the sound of the shot as Striker stares up in the lights. Riddle makes the cover 1...2...3!

Winner: Mathew Riddle via Pinfall!

The ref checks on Striker and holds up the injure sign.


Riddle exits the ring to get a mic and he re-enters the ring.

Riddle: I guess your wondering why Mathew Riddle is here?

Fans silence as Riddle holds the mic to he face to talk again.

Riddle: Very simple, to make an impact! And I will right here in OMEGA!


Riddle: And I'm going to start out with a bang. Yes, louder then the shot, Striker here recieved.


Riddle: I understand Venom had issued an open challenge against a non Omega Pioneer? Well look no further then me Venom. I promise you I won't give you the luxery of pinning you after my Light's Out Right Hook. I am going to beat you senseless!

Pop! Riddle leaves with his hands in the air.


Ron Killings comes out to a pop!

Super Crazy comes out to a pop!

JS: Some Tag Team action!

Hayes: Yeah Santino got Ron Killings and a partner of his choosing to take on Zach Ryder and Curt Hawkins who are looking for a "Tune" up match before "Entering An OMEGA Year".

Hawkins and Ryder come out to heat.

Match #2
Tag Team Match
Ron Killings and Super Crazy vs. Hawkins and Ryder

Crazy starts off with Ryder. They lock up, Ryder slaps an arm bar on, Crazy somersualts up and arm drags Ryder. Ryder rolls to his feet and Crazy trips the legs from under Ryder and then goes for a standing moonsualt, but Ryder moves out of the way. Crazy lands on his feet and charges for Ryder. Ryder side steps Crazy and sends him over the ropes, but Crazy lands on the apron with his feet. Ryder charges and Crazy shoulder thrust him in the gut. Hawkins runs down the apron and cheap shots Crazy in the temple. Crazy falls down on the mat hard as the ref begins to yell at Hawkins. Ryder exits the ring and starts working on Crazy with lefts, rights, and kicks to the gut. Ryder then lifts Crazy up and nails a snap suplex on the mat to a loud thud.

Ryder stands on his feet with his hands in the air to the heat from the crowd. Ryder enters the ring and he and the ref begins to discuss the beat down on the mat from Ryder for Crazy. Crazy uses the apron to stand up, but Hawkins runs over the apron and kicks him in the temple. Ron goes nuts as he jumps from his side of the ring and runs over to Hawkins. Hawkins lunges himself onto Ron, but Ron catches him in mid air with a huge calf kick. Ron gets into the laid out Hawkins, face and screams, "WASSUP!" Just then Ron gets nailed with a baseball slide, by Ryder. Ryder exits the ring and irish whips Crazy, Crazy reverses the irish whip into one of his own and drop toe holds Ryder, smacking his face agaisnt the baracade.

Crazy stands up and holds his arms in the air to the small pop from the crowd, as he rolls in the ring and flips to his feet. Everything on the outside becomes stable as Killings goes into his corner along with Hawkins going into his corner. Ryder enters the ring and they lock up. Ryder slaps a headlock on, Crazy tries to break free, but can't. Ryder then hits a headlock takeover and begins to strengthen his grip. Crazy's shoulders hit the mat. 1...2... kickout! Crazy tries to wiggle free, but can't. Finally he catches Ryder with a leg scissors. Ryder rolls out of it and on his feet, Crazy get's on his feet also. Ryder goes to lock up with Crazy and kicks him in the gut. A few clubs on the back and Ryder grabs Crazy by the hair and throws him into the ringpost. Crazy nails the post with a loud thud!

Hawkins tags in. He enters and clubs Crazy on the back again. Then Hawkins puts a hammerlock on and hammerlock scoop slams him. Crazy screams in pain as Hawkins holds his arms up in the air to heat from the crowd. Hawkins then begins to stomp on the beaten body of Crazy. Hawkins grabs Crazy by the hair after a few seconds of getting stomped on and drags him to Hawkins and Ryder's corner. Ryder tags in and they lift Crazy up. They irish whips him. Crazy rebounds off theropes and back to Hawkins and Ryder as they hip toss Crazy, but catch his legs and drops him down for a double back breaker! Ryder makes the cover, 1...2... kickout! Ryder gets up and pushes the ref. Ryder lifts Crazy up for the Lifting Reverse DDT, but Crazy floats behind Ryder and shoves him forward.

Ryder goes right into the face of Ron Killings, who nails him with a storng right forearm shot. Crazy then dropkicks Hawkins and he runs over to tag in Killings, but Ryder catches Crazy legs and trips him. Crazy lands head first onto the mat. Ryder lifts Crazy up on his feet and goes across the ropes for a clothesline, but Crazy ducks and rolls over to Killings and gets the tag! Ron runs in and knocks down Ryder with a forearm smash, then he nails Ryder with a calf kick. Hawkins runs in the ring and charges Ron for a clothesline, but Ron ducks it via split, and pops back up to a superkick on Hawkins. Ryder then gets up and Ron kicks him in the gut and nails a sit down powerbomb!

Santino Marella enters the ring and goes for a cheap right hook, but Ron ducks it and kicks him in the gut and lifts him up for a suplex and brings him down into the Stunner completing the Truth Or Consequences. Santino rolls out of the ring holding his neck as Ron screams at him. Hawkins and Ryder attack Ron from behind with a club in the back and lift him up and bring him down with the Lifting Reverse DDT! Cover 1...2...3!

Winners: Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder via Pinfall!

JS: What momentum Hawkins and Ryder msut have going into "Entering An OMEGA Year"!

Hayes: Yeah along with Santino screwing Ron Killings out of that match!


Jamie Noble comes out to a pop from the crowd.

Bryan Danielson comes out to heat from the crowd.

Main Event
If Bryan wins, he challenges for the Junior Heavyweight title at "Entering An OMEGA Year" Against Noble. If Noble wins, he wins the Junior Heavyweight title.
Bryan Danielson vs. Jamie Noble

They go to lock up, but Bryan kicks Noble in the gut and starts the match off with clubs to the back and Bryan nails another club to the back and sprints across the ropes and back to Noble with a huge kneelift, followed by a german suplex with a bridge. 1...2... kickout! Bryan lifts Noble up and nails repeated MMA styled elbow strikes to the face until the ref stops him. The ref checks on Noble as Bryan screams at Noble, "YOU WERE LUCKY!". Bryan lifts Noble up and nails a tiger suplex! Cover 1...2... kickout! Bryan again lifts Noble up on his feet. Bryan nails a european uppercut and Noble falls back on his ass. Bryan goes across the ropes for a big boot, but Noble catches it and rolls over for a single leg boston crab. Bryan tries to break free, but Noble's grip is to strong.

Bryan finally manages to reach the ropes. Noble breaks the hold at a four count. Bryan gets up and Noble nails a hurricanrada. Bryan rolls to his feet and charges Noble, who nails a drop toe hold and gets to his feet and nails a standing moonsualt. Cover 1...2.. kickout! Bryan gets to his feet and so does Noble. Noble ducks the Roaring Elbow and nails a quick snapping German suplex with a bridge! 1...2... kickout! Bryan gets to his feet and Noble kicks him in the gut and goes across the ropes for the Knee trembler, but Bryan side steps it, Noble goes across the ropes and back to Bryan who catches him for a belly to belly suplex. Cover 1...2... kickout!

Bryan lifts Noble up again on his feet and goes for a suplex, but Noble floats behind and nails a chop block. Bryan falls to one knee and Noble goes across the ropes and nails Bryan with a dropkick. Cover 1...2... kickout! Noble then lifts Bryan up to his feet and goes for a suplex, but Bryan arm twists out of it and kicks Noble in the gut. Bryan then goes across the ropes and back to Noble and catches him with a spinning DDT. Then Bryan rolls over and locks on the Fujiwara armbar. Noble screams in pain, but doesn't tap as he reaches the ropes. Bryan lifts Noble up for the Regalplex, but Noble punches the head of Bryan ultimately breaking his hold. Then Noble turns around and locks on the Paydirt! Bryan swings his arms around trying to break free, but can't.

Finally he charges forward, knocking the ref down and ultimately smacking against the turnbuckle. Noble breaks his grip and falls down holding his back. Bryan relizes the main picture and exits the ring. He gets a chair and throws it in the ring. He also enters the ring and lifts Noble up and nails the Regalplex right on the chair! Bryan then kicks the chair out of the ring as he smiles at the limb body of Noble. A New ref comes as Bryan locks on the triangle choke and and nails Noble with repeated MMA style elbow strikes until Noble passes out from the pain!

Winner: Bryan Danielson via submission!

JS: Wow what a night it has been for OMEGA.

CW: I Agree and it will be one special night at "Entering An OMEGA Year!"

Hayes: Well thanks for watching the show and we'll see you at "Entering An OMEGA Year!"

Show Over!


"Entering An OMEGA Year!"

OMEGA World Title Match
2 out of 3 falls

Willow The Whisp vs. Matt Hardy

Junior Heavyweight title match
Match Unknown Until The show

Bryan Danielson vs. Jamie Noble

New Frontiers Title Match
Singles Match

Santino Marella vs. Ron "The Truth" Killings

Pin, Win, or Die TLC Match
Gregory Helms vs. Shannon Moore

Tag Team Open Challange
Curt Hawkins and Zach Ryder vs. ??? and ???

Venom vs. Mathew Riddle

Jack Evans vs. ???