
[Hogan] stole the show at almost every single one of those Wrestlemania's. If you were to ask people to name one match from every Wrestlemania that Hogan has been in, in almost every single one, the Hogan match would be the first one that comes to people's mind.
Savage stole the show at WM, 3, 4, 5 & 7 (and arguably 8!) so that's half the first 9 outta the window straight away. WM6 granted, best match of the night. WM 8.... So you're telling me that the crap that Hogan & Sid served up stole the show above Save/Flair & Bret/Piper... RUBBISH! 9... FUCK OFF!
I'm not gonna get caught up in the same old Hogan arguments, but no, just no.
The main events get engrained in the memory regardless of how good they are (because they're promoted so much harder). This is NOT stealing the show.
I'd say his best Wrestlemania match was against Warrior. They had nearly 68,000 people on their feet for over 20 minutes.
I'd rank it second behind his match with Savage, but fair do's.
[Re: Savage/Hogan]LOL The typical comment about a Hogan match. It's true that Hogan worked the same match for many years, but it’s also the same match that almost every wrestler works when the face wins. The bad guy beats up the face, and the face comes back in the end and prevails.
Typical, but in the case of this match completely justified. I understand Hogan didn't need to be the greatest athlete in thw world to be the great worker that he was, but Savage/Hogan at WM5 is the archetypal one-sided performance (not match) and indeed one of Savages best matches (a standard which is generally much higher than you're average Hogan match).... Don't quote me on it, but I'm pretty damn sure it was Hogan's longest WM match and that's down to the efforts, skill and athleticism AND storytelling ability of one (Macho) man.
This I agree with. I believe that his match against Steamboat is the greatest of all time. His match against Warrior is not far behind.
So you're basically agreeing with my assesment of WM 3 & 7 then afterall? :roll: