The RAW midcard is awful

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Carlito: Push this man, in 05-06 he was a legit upper-midcard heel and he was over. He even got a WWE Championship match at one point, he can work, he can cut a good heel promo, why is he used as a comedy character?

I honestly can't stand Carlito and wish he would go away forever. I have no idea why this guy is even popular.

Jack Swagger: I'm not his biggest fan, I think he's a poor man's Kurt Angle with hair, but he can work. I think with the right booking Swagger could mature into a solid midcarder who could challenge for the U.S Title. He shouldn't be jobbing to Santino

Evan Bourne: The typical smark wants this guy to be WWE Champion, lets be realistic for a minute, that won't happen in any of our lifetimes. However, if pushed correctly, Bourne could be a solid Rey Mysterio esque underdog babyface who could really get over if given the chance. The little kids will cheer for him because of his size, but nobody will give a shit if he's not on the show or jobbing every week.

Chris Masters: He's wasting space on the roster right now, they need to either give him a decent push or send him home. Masters sucked in 05, but I think since his return he's improved tremendously. I wouldn't mind if Masters was injected into the U.S Title picture, as long as he can keep from injecting other things into himself...ok, that was lame. FAIL

MVP: I've been impressed with MVP for years, while some of you may think his promos about his past are corny, I enjoy them. He comes off as a likeable character who isn't afraid to admit that he was an ex con. But, at the same time, he turned a new leaf and you can't help but cheer for the guy as he looks to make the best of his "second chance". See? He has a good character, but WWE keeps him in the midcard to rot. Not cool.

Eve Torres: Ok ok ok, I know this has nothing to do with the RAW midcard, but I just wanted to point out that Eve Torres is probably one of the best in the divas division and its a shame that she isn't in the Title picture right now. Instead of appearing in awful comedy segments with Jerry Springer, she should be feuding with Maryse over the belt. Eve pwnz.

These, I agree with. Eve is REALLY good in the ring, one of the better females, yet she gets wasted.


I honestly can't stand Carlito and wish he would go away forever. I have no idea why this guy is even popular.

He is popular? Last I checked he gets less of a reaction then Shelton fucking Benjamin.


Oh sorry LHR I misunderstodo what you meant lol. No need starting an uneccesary argument. The only thing that was ever cool about Carlito (no pun intended) was when he and his body guard Jesus or whatever the fuck "stabbed" Cena during his inital push.


Why isn't Eve champ yet? They keep putting the belt back on Mickie, Michelle and Melina and there never seems to be anything fresh in the female divisions.


Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
^^^ Eve looks uncoordinated in the ring. She should take dropkicks out of her moveset and she'd be much more appealing to me.


I thought they were gonna steadily push Eve since she first started competing... Typically, they launched her stongly and have done nothing since.

IMO they need more Diva's that have a physique that suggests they may actually be able to hurt someone.


They do that with a lot of the Divas, give them a little mini push and then realize the ones they use consistently (Mickie, Michelle, Beth, Melina, Maryse, Gail) are better why bother.
Especially Alicia Fox who seriously looks to be about the most dangerous person I have ever seen in the ring. She stiffs the shit out of everyone, not to mention every bump she takes she lands squarely on her just looks ridiculous.


Why isn't Eve champ yet? They keep putting the belt back on Mickie, Michelle and Melina and there never seems to be anything fresh in the female divisions.

I actually used to dislike Eve but now I really like her. She's grown on me and she has gotten better in the ring. Obviously not the best but still good compared to a lot of the other Diva's.


With christian, tatsu and regal back on raw does the mid card still suck? I thinks a damn good improvement if you ask me. Now just book them right. I can see most of them on superstars now anyways.