The RAW midcard is awful

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Why does WWE insist on making the RAW midcard look like a bunch of jabronies? Aren't these guys supposed to be "the future" of the WWE? Here's what I think WWE should do with some of the guys on the RAW midcard

Carlito: Push this man, in 05-06 he was a legit upper-midcard heel and he was over. He even got a WWE Championship match at one point, he can work, he can cut a good heel promo, why is he used as a comedy character?

Jack Swagger: I'm not his biggest fan, I think he's a poor man's Kurt Angle with hair, but he can work. I think with the right booking Swagger could mature into a solid midcarder who could challenge for the U.S Title. He shouldn't be jobbing to Santino

Evan Bourne: The typical smark wants this guy to be WWE Champion, lets be realistic for a minute, that won't happen in any of our lifetimes. However, if pushed correctly, Bourne could be a solid Rey Mysterio esque underdog babyface who could really get over if given the chance. The little kids will cheer for him because of his size, but nobody will give a shit if he's not on the show or jobbing every week.

Chris Masters: He's wasting space on the roster right now, they need to either give him a decent push or send him home. Masters sucked in 05, but I think since his return he's improved tremendously. I wouldn't mind if Masters was injected into the U.S Title picture, as long as he can keep from injecting other things into himself...ok, that was lame. FAIL

MVP: I've been impressed with MVP for years, while some of you may think his promos about his past are corny, I enjoy them. He comes off as a likeable character who isn't afraid to admit that he was an ex con. But, at the same time, he turned a new leaf and you can't help but cheer for the guy as he looks to make the best of his "second chance". See? He has a good character, but WWE keeps him in the midcard to rot. Not cool.

Eve Torres: Ok ok ok, I know this has nothing to do with the RAW midcard, but I just wanted to point out that Eve Torres is probably one of the best in the divas division and its a shame that she isn't in the Title picture right now. Instead of appearing in awful comedy segments with Jerry Springer, she should be feuding with Maryse over the belt. Eve pwnz.

Anyways, there's a few guys in the RAW midcard who WWE continue to bury and it isn't necessarily the smartest thing to do. This roster could be so much better if the creative team actually got creative and came up with stories and angles for some of the guys who really need it. Guys like the ones I mentioned above, who have potential but don't get the chance to showcase it. They have no problem pushing guys like Legacy, Miz, and Kofi, but there's other guys who can use some help as well. I know SOMEONE has to be a jobber, but thats what Santino and Primo are there for.



Because Raw is more entertainment then wrestling... It's stupid and just wrong to waste guys with good talent.


I just hope guys like Zach Ryder don't get stuck in the RAW midcard limbo


He'll be use for comedy skits...

All a bunch of bullshit to be honest.


Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Seattle, WA
I completely agree with you that RAW doesn't utilize much of its midcard properly, and I like the format of your post so I'll take the names you've mentioned, and give my input on them as well.

Carlito: Carlito is pretty much a victim of his own laziness, if the internet reports are true. Still, he can go in the ring, and if given an actual storyline, he has the skill and a unique look to bring a lot to the upper mid-card. Main eventer, he is not, but he could be an anchor for the mid-card ranks.

Jack Swagger: RAW has totally wasted him. I hope he goes to SmackDown! during the draft and gets a chance to really shine. He can wrestle extremely well, and has a unique mix of size and speed that makes him stand out. The only problem is his lisp, but give him a mouthpiece, and he'll be just fine.

Evan Bourne: Another amazing wrestler who has been totally wasted on RAW. The fact is that Mysterio isn't getting any younger, and if they want to have an underdog fan favorite that the fans can actually get behind and not expect to lose every week, they need to start building Evan up now. I'll be honest, I was hoping that when he faced Sheamus leading up to the Rumble that he'd earn the title shot at the Rumble (If Hardcore Holly can get a title shot at the Royal Rumble, anyone can.) Still, Evan is a grade-A talent, and deserves better than he's getting on Raw.

Chris Masters: While Masters has certainly improved, he's not really doing much. Also, his new entrance music does not stand out like his old music did, and that's a huge drawback. Either push him as the strong freak of nature that he is, or don't use him at all, because Masters is simply too muscular to believably lose to some of the guys on the roster.

MVP: One of my current favorites, I knew that sending him to RAW would kill all the momentum he had on SmackDown! MVP was on the cusp of the main event on the blue brand, but once he got shifted over to RAW, he's been floating around the mid-card, with no seemingly no chance at upward mobility. RAW is where mid-carders go to die, unfortunately, and this is the case with MVP's momentum.

Eve Torres: I don't watch Women's wrestling, so I can't comment.

Now a few of my own.

Chavo Guerrero: If all they're going to use him for is to get Hornswoggle over, then what's the point of keeping him. All it's doing is making a mockery of the Guerrero name, and it's disappointing.

Primo: Ever since he and Carlito split, he's RAW jobber when everyone else is busy. No use for the guy.

Santino: Perhaps the only wrestler on the roster that should be in a comedy roll at all times. When he's on, he's golden, but when he's not, it's painful to watch.


Oh yeah... They're burying the Guerrero name... And Chavo is an awesome wrestler.


None of those guys are midcards...They are the curtain jerkers and jobbers.

The midcard features guys like The Miz, Show, Kofi, DiBiase, Rhodes, and Sheamus. Yea, Sheamus is the WWE Champ, but I don't think anyone should consider him a bonafide main eventer at this point.

All of those guys are featured prominently and have been pushed well over the last year or so. It seems the midcard is in great shape. Also, a lot of the main eventers move back and forth from midcard to mainevent. DX has been featured prominently in many midcard fueds over the last serveral months, as has Chris Jericho

Not everyone can be pushed. You need jobbers and comedy characters to run a successful promotion. They play a vital role in getting the midcarders and main eventers over.

The Rated R CMStar

I agree with Cenamark. I am not even going to go one by one talking about each guy, but I am extremely curious as to how exactly you would push Carlito and Swagger toward the US belt, Masters, Guerrero and Bourne into a more prominent role and MVP apparently to the main event while keeping Kofi Kingston, Miz and Legacy in the same spots as they are?


Active Member
Jan 23, 2010
Reaction score
Blackpool, England
I think MVP is the only one out of the ones you mentioned that is championship material, but I disagree with chessarmy, the ex con gimmick has been used too much recently, we hear the same speach it seems like every week; 'I no I have made mistakes, but nobody is perfect. I have done my time...' ect ect ect ect.


None of those guys are midcards...They are the curtain jerkers and jobbers.

The midcard features guys like The Miz, Show, Kofi, DiBiase, Rhodes, and Sheamus. Yea, Sheamus is the WWE Champ, but I don't think anyone should consider him a bonafide main eventer at this point.

All of those guys are featured prominently and have been pushed well over the last year or so. It seems the midcard is in great shape. Also, a lot of the main eventers move back and forth from midcard to mainevent. DX has been featured prominently in many midcard fueds over the last serveral months, as has Chris Jericho

Not everyone can be pushed. You need jobbers and comedy characters to run a successful promotion. They play a vital role in getting the midcarders and main eventers over.

Yup, I'll agree with you 95% on this one. While these guys have been relegated to curtain jerker/jobber roles there is some potential in said names. However, it's obvious WWE doesn't see it so it's all pretty much a moot point. The fact that they're going ahead and spilling all of ECW's talent into RAW and Smackdown along with creating a show entirely for the purpose of creating new stars kind of shows they don't really have too much faith in WWE's current mid-card in general.

I mean let's be brutally honest. Would you really want to see Masters or Carlito holding a major title? I sure as hell wouldn't.


I saw Carlito holding a major title up a few years ago...

But the ball was dropt there.


I believe he and some people in the higher ups in the WWE had some disagreements, thus his de-push from future Main eventer to his current state.


I am not 100% sure, I have read it on a few different Wrestling blogs and shit like that, if anything it's just a theory.