
1. What are your thoughts on Matt Hardy??? Is he worthy of the WWE Title in your mind???
No. to me, he doesnt have "it" . Doesnt have the look of a champ. The Hardys really don't need singles belts to be over. The WWE mostly uses them as props to get someone over. I think Matt Hardy needs to win a mid card title before he can think about the WWE title. Which i think he will get the US/IC title, but no world titles.
2. What do you the WWE should do with Cryme Tyme?
Something. I think their skits are really funny, but their in ring work, could use a tune up. Theres several different ways the WWE could use them. A few months ago i said they could put JTG in the cruiserweight division and turn Shad heel. Before i did that though i'd give them a good run as a tag team. (All tag teams should be a SD imo) Perhaps win the gold, although it wouldnt hurt just to see them fued with the champs and lose.
3. Do you think HHH will challenge for the WWE Title when he returns?
The belt always revolves around HHH. He's the #1 vetern the company has. I'm almost certain he will main event come 24. They could build him up with a fued when he returns then win the rumble. None the less, i think he's tired of putting guys over, and then those guys screwing it up. (Orton)
1)do u think triple h will go to become the next ric flair and win it sumthin close to 16 times ? when will he retire?
He's at what 10 now? I dont see him getting 16 titles. 12-13 at the most i think. He's been busy putting guys over. Next year their will be another crop of guys that need pushes. The wwe will turn to HHH, because he will be one of their only veterns left. Had HHH not get injuried for wm 23, i thought he and kennedy should go one on one. HHH could have picked up the win, wiht Kennedy gettin major exposure, and ultimately putting Kennedy over as well.
2)what are ur thoughts about tna takin down wwe one day ?
Thats crazy. No way in hell. I see Tna folding a few years down the road. They are spending too much money, and not making enough. I could see ROH becoming competition for WWE (i dont consider TNA compettion) I think TNA will fold and a handful of guys will go to ROH and they will slowly grow. I think TNA biggest problem was they tried to grow too fast.
dont believe in becomin a 24 hours champ so as far as i'm concerned, kane wasnt really a wwe champ
If i was world champ for 24 hours i'd make sure you knew about it and i'd be saying it every 5 minutes. Champ is a champ. Big guys like Kane don't get long runs. He should have had his run this first year in the WWE around 98 or so, but that was the austin era. Rumors say austin wasnt supposed to bleed, but that was BS. Kane is a official champ in my book.
1=Will WWE INVADE TNA?!!?!?!
Nope, do they even exist in the wwe eyes?
2=Will John cena Goto TNA?!?!?!?
He may go to Disney land or Universal Studios, but thats as close as he's gettin to the impact zone.
3=Will WWE Bring Back PAUL HEYMAN?!?!?!?!?!
I'd like to think so. I little surprised we havent seen him back yet. I think we will see Heyman back within the next year, although it could be TNA, ROH or WWE. I think the Wwe would want to hang onto Heyman. Certainly he could be creative help to he new ECW.
4=Will Rob Van dam keep his contract and not let it expire
Sounds like he's lettin it expire. I answered the where will he go/what will he do question already in like the second post. Its kinda long so i won't repeat it. But basically i think he will take a little time off.
1. What are your thoughts on the "chairman" La Parka or La Park whatever he is called now?
Crazy mexican. Alright in the ring, but mostly used a side show. I never really seen him accomplish much in the states, however in mexico he's won a few belts. I guess i wasnt a big fan of his. nor was i big of WCW durign that time. I watched it, but wasnt really into it.
2. What do you think would have heppend to Sting if he signed with the WWE?
See Booker T. He would have had to claw his way to the top. I think it would have took him a while, but i think ultimately the WWE could have made him a even Bigger star. Sting would have had to work a lot of days in the wwe, and wasn't ready to work that many days i at that stage in his career. He says he seen how wcw guys were treated, but he was pointing a few bad examples and not looking at guys like Booker, Rey, Helms, Beniot. They all had to earn their stripes again. But if he didnt want to start over, and didnt the more mature content of the wwe. Oh well. I think Sting is happy in TNA.
1. Do you think the I.C title has become a joke?
Yea lol, well no. Not a joke, but its certainly lost its prestige, or value over the years. Not because the champions, because its not defended on ppvs like WM.
2. What wrestling company do you think is better Wrestling wise and Storylines. TNA or WWE?
Tough question because im not a fan of TNA. Storylines i'd go with WWE for sure. Although I've liked the Young/Roode Fued a lot. Wrestling wise is tough, because the WWE can put on great matches on tv. Tna saves it for PPV and does a lot of off the wall type stuff. TNA has better guys for in performances, and put on better wrestling overall. So i'd say TNA for wrestling, BUT the wwe can match them, if they wanted. (which they dont) Wrestling wise, ROH blows them both away.
3. Should Undertaker have been made champ, despite the fact he is old injury proned and was only working part time?
Yes, I think it was just a stroke of bad luck. SD has nothing. They don't know who to push, and when to push them. Their roster is kinda messed up. I think that is was perfect ending for his WM streak. Hopefully he sticks with the 15-0, bc i dont see anyone beating that ever.
4. Who should John Cena lose the belt to and why?
Mr Kennedy at 24, because its Kennedys Time. He has "it" He's a heel that you love to hate. Almost everyone enjoys his work, in and out of the ring. I believe its time to put over the other young guys, and Kennedy is the first name i think of. Although i could see Cena losing and winning the belt back during 07. Its a long year. Not sure to who. I thought Orton was prime for a run this year, but he's messed that up. The WWE can push Carlito to a main event heel now, but i dont see him winning hte wwe championship. Perhaps Edge??
1) does vince have too big an ego to make him ecw champ so is it a good business move?
I think it was for the good of ECW. Shane would have been better for in ring work. I think we need to wait and see how it plays before we can really judge it. Last week was great and im looking forwards to RVD vs Vince. I wonder if they will do the Title vs Contract match, as i suggested. Ulitmately i think he will get their faces more over now, because they never had a great heel. I dont think Vince will have the belt for a long time.
2)should tna stars like aj styles let their contracts expire and jump to wwe?
Not AJ Styles. I think he's a perfect fit for TNA, and they should use him better. I thought Monty Brown would be a good fit in wwe. Its still early, but he could make a name for himself in ECW. I think the wwe may be interested in Shelly, Sabin, Cage, Young, Roode, Joe, Petey, Senshi. Those are the only guys i see having a chance to do well in the wwe. Most of them would be in hte cruiserweight division, which gets very little exposure. But thats the 8 guys i think the wwe would take. I dont see many of them going to wwe, but i think the wwe would be intersted. Right now i dont think the wwe really wants much TNA talent. The wwe wants the compettion.
No. to me, he doesnt have "it" . Doesnt have the look of a champ. The Hardys really don't need singles belts to be over. The WWE mostly uses them as props to get someone over. I think Matt Hardy needs to win a mid card title before he can think about the WWE title. Which i think he will get the US/IC title, but no world titles.
2. What do you the WWE should do with Cryme Tyme?
Something. I think their skits are really funny, but their in ring work, could use a tune up. Theres several different ways the WWE could use them. A few months ago i said they could put JTG in the cruiserweight division and turn Shad heel. Before i did that though i'd give them a good run as a tag team. (All tag teams should be a SD imo) Perhaps win the gold, although it wouldnt hurt just to see them fued with the champs and lose.
3. Do you think HHH will challenge for the WWE Title when he returns?
The belt always revolves around HHH. He's the #1 vetern the company has. I'm almost certain he will main event come 24. They could build him up with a fued when he returns then win the rumble. None the less, i think he's tired of putting guys over, and then those guys screwing it up. (Orton)
1)do u think triple h will go to become the next ric flair and win it sumthin close to 16 times ? when will he retire?
He's at what 10 now? I dont see him getting 16 titles. 12-13 at the most i think. He's been busy putting guys over. Next year their will be another crop of guys that need pushes. The wwe will turn to HHH, because he will be one of their only veterns left. Had HHH not get injuried for wm 23, i thought he and kennedy should go one on one. HHH could have picked up the win, wiht Kennedy gettin major exposure, and ultimately putting Kennedy over as well.
2)what are ur thoughts about tna takin down wwe one day ?
Thats crazy. No way in hell. I see Tna folding a few years down the road. They are spending too much money, and not making enough. I could see ROH becoming competition for WWE (i dont consider TNA compettion) I think TNA will fold and a handful of guys will go to ROH and they will slowly grow. I think TNA biggest problem was they tried to grow too fast.
dont believe in becomin a 24 hours champ so as far as i'm concerned, kane wasnt really a wwe champ
If i was world champ for 24 hours i'd make sure you knew about it and i'd be saying it every 5 minutes. Champ is a champ. Big guys like Kane don't get long runs. He should have had his run this first year in the WWE around 98 or so, but that was the austin era. Rumors say austin wasnt supposed to bleed, but that was BS. Kane is a official champ in my book.
1=Will WWE INVADE TNA?!!?!?!
Nope, do they even exist in the wwe eyes?
2=Will John cena Goto TNA?!?!?!?
He may go to Disney land or Universal Studios, but thats as close as he's gettin to the impact zone.
3=Will WWE Bring Back PAUL HEYMAN?!?!?!?!?!
I'd like to think so. I little surprised we havent seen him back yet. I think we will see Heyman back within the next year, although it could be TNA, ROH or WWE. I think the Wwe would want to hang onto Heyman. Certainly he could be creative help to he new ECW.
4=Will Rob Van dam keep his contract and not let it expire
Sounds like he's lettin it expire. I answered the where will he go/what will he do question already in like the second post. Its kinda long so i won't repeat it. But basically i think he will take a little time off.
1. What are your thoughts on the "chairman" La Parka or La Park whatever he is called now?
Crazy mexican. Alright in the ring, but mostly used a side show. I never really seen him accomplish much in the states, however in mexico he's won a few belts. I guess i wasnt a big fan of his. nor was i big of WCW durign that time. I watched it, but wasnt really into it.
2. What do you think would have heppend to Sting if he signed with the WWE?
See Booker T. He would have had to claw his way to the top. I think it would have took him a while, but i think ultimately the WWE could have made him a even Bigger star. Sting would have had to work a lot of days in the wwe, and wasn't ready to work that many days i at that stage in his career. He says he seen how wcw guys were treated, but he was pointing a few bad examples and not looking at guys like Booker, Rey, Helms, Beniot. They all had to earn their stripes again. But if he didnt want to start over, and didnt the more mature content of the wwe. Oh well. I think Sting is happy in TNA.
1. Do you think the I.C title has become a joke?
Yea lol, well no. Not a joke, but its certainly lost its prestige, or value over the years. Not because the champions, because its not defended on ppvs like WM.
2. What wrestling company do you think is better Wrestling wise and Storylines. TNA or WWE?
Tough question because im not a fan of TNA. Storylines i'd go with WWE for sure. Although I've liked the Young/Roode Fued a lot. Wrestling wise is tough, because the WWE can put on great matches on tv. Tna saves it for PPV and does a lot of off the wall type stuff. TNA has better guys for in performances, and put on better wrestling overall. So i'd say TNA for wrestling, BUT the wwe can match them, if they wanted. (which they dont) Wrestling wise, ROH blows them both away.
3. Should Undertaker have been made champ, despite the fact he is old injury proned and was only working part time?
Yes, I think it was just a stroke of bad luck. SD has nothing. They don't know who to push, and when to push them. Their roster is kinda messed up. I think that is was perfect ending for his WM streak. Hopefully he sticks with the 15-0, bc i dont see anyone beating that ever.
4. Who should John Cena lose the belt to and why?
Mr Kennedy at 24, because its Kennedys Time. He has "it" He's a heel that you love to hate. Almost everyone enjoys his work, in and out of the ring. I believe its time to put over the other young guys, and Kennedy is the first name i think of. Although i could see Cena losing and winning the belt back during 07. Its a long year. Not sure to who. I thought Orton was prime for a run this year, but he's messed that up. The WWE can push Carlito to a main event heel now, but i dont see him winning hte wwe championship. Perhaps Edge??
1) does vince have too big an ego to make him ecw champ so is it a good business move?
I think it was for the good of ECW. Shane would have been better for in ring work. I think we need to wait and see how it plays before we can really judge it. Last week was great and im looking forwards to RVD vs Vince. I wonder if they will do the Title vs Contract match, as i suggested. Ulitmately i think he will get their faces more over now, because they never had a great heel. I dont think Vince will have the belt for a long time.
2)should tna stars like aj styles let their contracts expire and jump to wwe?
Not AJ Styles. I think he's a perfect fit for TNA, and they should use him better. I thought Monty Brown would be a good fit in wwe. Its still early, but he could make a name for himself in ECW. I think the wwe may be interested in Shelly, Sabin, Cage, Young, Roode, Joe, Petey, Senshi. Those are the only guys i see having a chance to do well in the wwe. Most of them would be in hte cruiserweight division, which gets very little exposure. But thats the 8 guys i think the wwe would take. I dont see many of them going to wwe, but i think the wwe would be intersted. Right now i dont think the wwe really wants much TNA talent. The wwe wants the compettion.