The irony is worth itAnd man, Deezy being a insufferable cunt know-it-all? Who'da thunk it.
of course my right to life is slowly being stripped. what the fuck. it's so hard to live in this shitty world as a confused young adult who's having rights stripped from them by old people on the edge of death. they've went ahead and removed LGBTQ+ rights, next is the rights of people with autism, and it'll spiral until all that's left is the elite. fuck this shitty country, fuck this shitty world, what's the point when at the end of the day i'm going to be treated inhuman by the people in powerYou're now allowed to deny people service if they're gay according to the Supreme Court's ruling today
Itll b too late by then too. This is why its never been two sides. One side is actively trying to destroy everything.And the ones not complaining now or speaking up, will be when it’s their rights that are came after. As long as shit doesn’t affect them they don’t give a fuck. That’s the sad part of this whole damn country, people like that.
Funny how people like MLK get assassinated but these traitors never do huhWhen Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito die, I'll be fucking celebrating their deaths for being corrupt pieces of Christofascist shit. Just like Scalia, that fat pigsty mound of rotten dirt.
Well tbf they made the decision saying that States can't decide election rules.It does matter but how long until thevsupreme court makes that optional by restricting more voting rights n giving more powers to states to null results they dont like?
Bastards live a long life. It's exactly why Vince McMahon and Donald Trump are still alive despite being a despicable shitbags.Funny how people like MLK get assassinated but these traitors never do huh