Also, Carter got the short end of the stick because he was stuck having to deal with a bunch of bullshit and was at the tail-end of one of the most divisive points in American history. We're talking an entire generation that had become gravely suspicious and paranoid of the government after the debacle of Vietnam and the Watergate Scandal, not to mention Nixon and Ford winding up the War on Drugs (which by Nixon's own Domestic Affairs Advisor John Ehrlichman's admission, was targeted towards minorities and anti-Nixon groups).
He was in a lose-lose situation and the oil crisis and the Iranian Hostage Crisis were just untenable for him. The guy could not fix all of these issues inherent in society at once.
He was in a lose-lose situation and the oil crisis and the Iranian Hostage Crisis were just untenable for him. The guy could not fix all of these issues inherent in society at once.