*A pre-made video starts to play on the titan-tron, before the production video can start to roll, a voice over says*
Voice over: The following is a joint Syndicate and Lord Fireshock production.
*The video starts to play, it shows a completely pitch black room. Slowly a single spotlight focuses on one part of the room, in that part of the room is Lord Fireshock sat in a dusty gold throne chair. The crowd start to boo, over just over seeing Lord Fireshock. *
Lord Fireshock: Good evening and welcome. This room has not been step into for a long time, for over three years to more actual. What is this room? I like to call it, the forgotten kings room. Gentlemen the lights please.
*The lights all come on, in the room there are six wooden dusty gold throne chairs*
Lord Fireshock: Before you all are six thrones. These thrones once belonged to six warriors, six unstoppable wrestlers and of course six kings. These kings all came together, to form one of the powerful and well known groups in wrestling. That group was known as the K.O.W.
*The K.O.W song briefly fade in and then quickly out. The fans cheer at the mention of K.O.W and start chanting it.*
Lord Fireshock: I know as soon I say that one name, all of you peasants will start chanting it to the top of the arena. How predictable you all are.
*Lord Fireshock gets up out of his throne. *
Lord Fireshock: But over time, one king grew angry. He decided, that he was tired of the other kings over shadowing his success and selfishly taking everything he wanted in his career for themselves. So, what happened?
Lord Fireshock: That one king decided to burn down the group. He wanted them to be forgotten about and for them to be overshadow by his success one by one.
*Lord Fireshock grabs an unlit torch from a table on the side of the room, he ignites it with lighter on from the same table.*
Lord Fireshock: That one king, is me. Since I left K.O.W, I have taken every action required to burn down every memory of that group and everyone in it. So, far it has worked a treat. Half of the Kings are gone, forgotten about and well mean nothing anymore. However, there are still former kings to deal with. One is our useless, bias to my brothers in the Syndicate and one step behind always General Manager Jet Starr. The Syndicate and I have turned his little company into a battle ground. Already huge damage has been done to Ignition, his roster and his role as the man controlling it all. But, don’t think we are done, not by a long shot. No, no Jet, yours fear are not over and will never be over with us around to cause your company pain like no other.
*Fans chant Jet Starr*
Lord Fireshock: The other former king though, is his brother. The man who got into our group years ago, just by being related to Jet himself. Bryce Frisco. You are no king Bryce, you never were. Just because you once a former world champion, classed as one of the dominant forces in wrestling in the last decade, you really think that makes me fear you? Bro, if you thought your arm being broken was bad, tonight we will finish the job. Because, I have the huge privilege of getting rid of you once and for all. Never again will we have to hear your voice, see your face and the name Bryce Frisco in Ignition will be no more. Your end has come for you and finally ……...
*Lord Fireshock sets the thrones of all the former K.O.W members ablaze, expect his own. He returns to sit on his throne.*
Lord Fireshock: I will be the last King standing.
*Lord Fireshock laughs as the thrones slowly burn down and barley resemble what they once were. The feed slowly fades out. *
Mentions: @Jet Starr, @Frosty, @Papa Franku's ear, @MintMidget69
Sitting here waiting for @LukeTheGreatFTW like