The last HHH vs HBK feud?

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Action Jackson

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 24, 2013
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The last segment on RAW was about to heat up between HHH and HBK before the dull and unnecessary ending..

I know HBK is retired, but I'm sure if he would do one more match, he would do it with HHH.

Sure as hell they could pull off something big again like they did in the past.
This time to get HHH over once more in his business role.

Would you mark?

Shit yes. Any real fan would mark out.

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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I never knew people took wrestling retirement so seriously. You marks realize this is just entertainment, right?

I value those who keep their words, it's not a wrestling thing. As for the entertainment point, the biggest takeaway from my post should've been that if Shawn's coming back, I want it against someone he's hasn't faced before because as I've explained, HHH vs. HBK for the umpteenth time doesn't do anything for me. When I wrote, "I'd rather Shawn stay retired but if he was going to come out of retirement to face someone he's faced a dozen times before I'm going to be rather upset when there are plenty of people who I'd rather see him face that he's never even had a one-on-one match with before like CM Punk." I was clearly saying I'd be upset about who he's facing, not coming out of retirement people (didn't think I had to point that out but it's should've been when I focused the reasoning behind being "rather upset" over the opponent selection not the return to wrestling) . Yes, I harped on the fact that I'd rather him keep his word and stay retired (and I would, it's just who I am and for the record the logic that I shouldn't care and/or should like something I dislike because it happens frequently is one of the stupidest arguments I've ever heard [with this stated, Shawn's case is different from other wrestlers so don't think I was explicitly referring to all wrestlers who came out of retirement when I said "If he's going to be another schmuck who doesn't keep his word" [hell as I previously stated, it's not a wrestling thing, I wasn't even specifically referring to wrestlers but people in general who make a big deal not to do something then relents anyway]) but if people actually took that post and thought I'd be upset at him coming out of retirement in general (which I'm assuming is the case judging from several of the posts after mine) then they failed to comprehend the entire point of my post. Which to put succinctly, I rather him stay retired but if he didn't I'll only care if it was against the likes of Punk/Lesnar/Bryan/Dolph/Cesaro (throwing his name in there because Cesaro's a beast and I somehow forgot about him while making my last post [probably because I did so when I was tired as hell, probably the reason I feel I have to make this post)]) even though it ultimately doesn't matter because people have been predicting this match happening again every single year since he's retired.

And obviously I wasn't just responding to you Dolph's but Action Jackson didn't reply to me with anything slightly conducive of discourse (though, I suppose I could respond to the "real fans would mark" line but that's usually a laughable & conceited line if meant legitimately and I doubt it was, seemed more of shot at people who are against the idea of Shawn returning which is fine) and so I only quoted you. Speaking of "conducive of discourse," and this is probably the most important part of this unnecessary explanation that's gone on for too long anyway, my general disposition [nowadays] towards pretty much everything in life, especially wrestling, is apathy. Every post I make on this site has a level of hyperbole to it, even this one. When you get right down to it, I wouldn't care if he returned to face Triple H, I just won't watch it. I'm not a fan of it clearly, and I'll probably be a little bothered when I read he chose to face Trips over any of the people aforementioned as prefered alternatives for me and I will lose some respect for Shawn (if you don't grasp the concept at this point, you never will and yes, I understand why people don't care at all) but ultimately I don't care. However, if all my posts were "I don't really care" then it wouldn't contribute anything at all and I'm someone who only posts when I feel I have something to add to the discussion so I exaggerate my feelings on the subject matter, even if it's just a tiny bit, to make my point and hopefully provide something that generates something of value. So, to summarise, I wouldn't mark even if my principles were different and Triple H was a fresh opponent because I frankly don't care enough about wrestling anymore to get more than mildly miffed at it for more than a couple of seconds.
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Lockard 23

The WWF/E Guru
Feb 10, 2012
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Union City, Tennessee
I'm skeptical that this is happening. As mentioned, there's been rumors before about Triple H and Shawn Michaels competing against one another at a Wrestlemania, most notably at 29 this year. Those rumors stemmed from the fact that they butted heads during the "End of An Era" build to Wrestlemania 28. There was even speculation that they would do a one year build starting the next night after 28, but it all turned out to be false (the sources were Wrestlezone, which is among the least credible of sites.)

I doubt it will happen this time either (especially with Bryan/HHH seemingly set for Mania, and I can't see that match happening at any other PPV) but if it did, it would be fitting for Triple H to retire wrestling his best friend one last time. If Wrestlemania XXX weren't so close to HHH's recent heel turn (can't see him going back babyface less than a year later, though maybe I'm wrong), then I'd say that HHH could even turn back babyface after losing the match cleanly to Shawn and then they embrace each other with a hug or some shit. Very similar to the End Of An Era match, only without Taker there this time. (And if this match happened, I would hope and expect it to be a pure wrestling match, just like their classic on Raw in December of 2003, as opposed to a match that would have any sort of stipulation attached to it.)

Also, like others, I would like for Michaels to keep his word because I like finality with things and I like when people actually mean it when they say they're hanging the boots up. Can't say I would be literally upset if he did return for only one match, though.

Dat Girl

Airhead and bubbly
Jun 2, 2012
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Favorite Wrestler
@Mustafar Reginald you need to write a book about wrestling....or anything :mog:

I do agree though with the person I tag as for the part where I'd rather Shawn fight someone who he hasn't fought before as oppose to Triple H. I say Triple H can find a corporate champion to go against Bryan again, I would say someone fresh and new. I say put Antonio in this spot. It can be a HHH/HBK feud as term of promos, and Antonio can fight through a few wrestlers that try to help Michaels take the power away from Triple H, but they fail. Eventually Shawn says he's going to take matters into his own hands and decides to come out of retirement to fight Antonio. The only thing about this is, that Shawn would have to lose and another wrestler, possibly from NXT, would have to help Shawn finally succeed. I see if Shawn takes down Antonio, then it'll be HBK vs HHH again.

I don't really mind the whole coming out of retirement stuff, it just really doesn't effect me. The only thing that matters if is he puts over someone new, or helps push new talent. Coming out of retirement just to win one more match, even if it is an entertaining script, just seems to have no effect for me in the long run.

Action Jackson

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 24, 2013
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Oh shit... look at the big brain on Mustafar.

I wasn't referring to you Mustafar. I love you and your overly verbose posts. I'll maaake love to you... if you want me to... and I'll hold you tight... baaaby all through the night!

Seriously though, I was just saying that real fans would totally dig HBK vs HHH. I don't know how you can't mark out for that. Not YOU per se, the general "you".
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Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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Oh shit... look at the big brain on Mustafar.

I wasn't referring to you Mustafar. I love you and your overly verbose posts. I'll maaake love to you... if you want me to... and I'll hold you tight... baaaby all through the night!

Seriously though, I was just saying that real fans would totally dig HBK vs HHH. I don't know how you can't mark out for that. Not YOU per se, the general "you".

Such a great song. Nice reference, anyway I didn't think you were referring just to me for the record but the people who wouldn't care for it in general as I can understand why someone wouldn't care about HBK vs. HHH again but it's cool. It's probably not even accurate to call me a fan anymore at this point anyway.
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