Good day to you readers, and an extremely warm WELCOME to the very first edition of THE KYRO FACTOR with me, Kyro, making my online Wrestling Blog debut!
It has only taken me 38 years, a Wife, 2 kids and a Mortgage to finally step out the IWC shadows and ‘get amongst it’! I have been a Wrestling fan since I was 7 years old, vividly remembering watching Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior at WrestleMania 6 on a VHS tape and thinking it was 2 real life Gods fighting for control of Mount Olympus. From this match I was hooked, and started to collect as many Wrestling tapes and toy figures as I could which would lead to a life-long fandom which has had many ups and downs...
I have always been in the ‘shadows’ of the IWC, reading but never posting, following news sites and amazing columnists like DaveyBoy and Mr Tito on the old LOP forums who I must credit for getting me interested in writing. Also shoutouts to my Youtube faves like Simon Miller, Busted Open Radio and dare I say the Wrestling Observer!
I feel now is the time to turn my true passion in life, Pro Wrestling/WWE, into my hobby and embrace my creative side. This little venture might only last one Blog or I could still be going in 10 years time...
I do not intend to have a fixed schedule at the moment. I will post when I can and when I feel like it, keeping in mind I have a full-time job and family to keep entertained as well as this hobby! I might post about a certain topic or storyline that interests me. I might post a random Raw or Smackdown review. I will likely post my predictions for PLEs. Whatever the vibe of my mind is, I will post about. I like to keep things flexible and not be too rigid which could dull the enjoyment of doing this.
I absolutely loved the Attitude and Ruthless Aggression eras of WWE. For the times, it was awesome and created so many stars that are still relevant today. I thought WWE went through a bit of a lull from 2015 to 2022, with some truly horrific booking decisions (I am looking at you Big Dog Roman Reigns!) and Vince McMahon’s EGO ruining the product. I mean, do we all remember poor Pat McAfee having to sell those putrid clotheslines at WrestleMania 38....Cringing as I type.
The less spoken of Vince the better.
The revival of WWE in the last couple of years in my opinion has come from Triple H taking control of Creative and being helped by the AMAZING Bloodline story which was triggered by turning Roman Reigns heel and into our beloved Tribal Chief.
This was long-term storytelling rebooted in WWE, and it has paid dividends as right now WWE is on its biggest hot streak since the attitude era. The company is COOL again in the mainstream and many celebs (Hey Travis Scott) are desperate to get involved. Whilst no company is booked perfectly, here are a few things I love about the current WWE:
- Wins and Losses matter. Momentum is built and stars created by WINNING
- Longterm storytelling which allows more audience investment in the characters
- Less scripted promos with more freedom for those that benefit from it
- Some longer title reigns which has built up prestige of the titles again
- Storyline investment for the midcard and lower card make EVERYTHING feel important
- Thriving Women’s division
- NXT performing very well under the guidance of Shawn Michaels
Oh boy, where do I start with this one......Why John why?!? This moment genuinely shocked me in a way I have never been shocked as a WWE fan of over 30 years (maybe a Column idea for another time!). The IWC has been in meltdown and it is amazing to see how one booking decision can create so much opinion and debate online.
Personally, I LOVED the heel turn. I was perfectly happy to see Cena come back and play his greatest hits, probably win title 17 and then head off into the sunset. Kudos to WWE creative and Cena himself for having the BALLS to swerve us all and completely go off the beaten track. It is a moment we will never forget and will allow Cena to express a new side of his character before he hangs up his boots. This will also elevate Cody to a new level. EVERYONE IS A WINNER.
I am curious to see if John will remain a heel or if there is some sort of redemption arc at play where he will turn babyface again by the end of the year. My guess is we will get one of two scenarios play out:
1. Cena wins the title via Rock/Travis Scott shenanigans at WrestleMania 41 as a heel and remains a heel champion right up until his last match in December where he will drop the title to a conquering babyface (Cody/Punk) and then head off for retirement.
2. Cena loses to Cody at WrestleMania 41 and then becomes conflicted about his decision to turn heel in the following months. This will eventually lead to him betraying The Rock and turning back babyface and reconnecting with the fans. Cena can then rediscover his eye of the tiger (his RUTHLESS AGGRESSION) and fight his way back to a title match for his final dance in December. Imagine his last ever match is for a chance to win the 17th title....the SENSE OF URGENCY for that match would be off the charts!
Whatever scenario we get, or anything completely different, I trust the WWE completely with this and believe this could be one of hottest years in WWE history. Let’s just all sit back and enjoy the ride of HEEL JOHN CENA trying to win that 17th Championship. What a time to be a WWE fan!
Well that is that, my first introductory edition of THE KYRO FACTOR done. If anyone has made it to the end I sincerely thank you. I am very rusty and this is the start of my writing journey and I am more than open to any constructive criticism, feedback or suggestions. I really hope to improve my writing style as I gain more experience.
Until next time, take care all and remember POSITIVE VIBES ONLY!
Follow me on X - @kyrowrestling
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