Promos The Keys to Success

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Neo Genesis
Apr 16, 2016
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The Keys to Success



The show link.

After another rough night at the office for him, Brian Toogood, covered in sweat after his main event loss, is limping through the backstage area in a rage. Still feeling the effects of his last two matches, he holds his ribs and pushes past attendees backstage at the Petersen Events Center, and he nearly pushes one into a framed picture of an old PITT University Basketball team. Grabbing a nearby chair, he flips it over and continues his rampage where he throws water bottles and food off of a table and onto the floor. The snob from Buffalo flips the table over, knocking over a trash-can in the process, and he is still not done letting the backstage area feel it after his loss. Letting out a shout that nearly breaks the sound barrier, he voices his frustration.

"I should have had him!" Brian holds his ribs and continues on. "How can I lose to some greasy-haired Brit two times in a row?! His country is dealing with fucking Brexit and yet he can focus on a match and make me have to tap!?"

Two attendees who are kinda enjoying seeing BTG have a meltdown, chuckle between themselves. Noticing it, Brian Toogood approaches them. "Stop laughing! He is a monster! He took advantage of poor me who was wrestling hurt! I was wrestling hurt! What kind of hero does that!?"

One of them mutters to the other, "He still tapped," and Brian cuts a glare.

"So you're telling me you wouldn't have tapped!? He tried to rip my limps off! I have a clothing line to pitch and it is hard to sell someone on a pants design if you're missing a leg!" He leans closer to him. "You're lucky I just had a match and I don't want to touch your dirty body or else I'd love to make you tap out right here..."

"We're not in a match..."

The person tries to lay that simple fact on him, but Brian yells back. "Don't care!"

Then he limps away. Holding his ribs he hits his arm against the wall and heads down the hallway, ranting to himself.

"Why would those DUMB doctors even clear me to begin with!? I had a brutal street fight against some freak of a dumbass who is disrespecting the title by saying he won't even show it. Tch, I would have shown it. I would have shown the world as it was wrapped around my handsome waist, showing everyone exactly what it meant to be Toogood. But noooo, that dumbass had to kick out of everything I threw at him then somehow got possed by a zombie and rose out from the chairs I buried him in and threw me onto it like a savage!"

Letting out a groan of annoyance, Brian proclaims.

"The doctors here suck!"

"Oh really?"

Brian Toogood turns around to see a smaller man in a company polo-shirt and a name tag that reads "Dr Collet." The doctor folds his arms and says firmly "Then how about we get you checked up... Now?"

Turning around, Toogood scolds him. "And what if I refuse?"

"Then..." He says bluntly. "You're going to have to take it up with Slate Bass and Eden. Considering they told me to check up on you after that main event."

The self-proclaimed 'Golden Traveler,' mutters, "Shouldn't they be obsessed right now with that rainbow bitch...Fine..."

The doctor points down the hall. "My office is third door down to the left. I got to look at Corey after his loss tonight, so you get about 15 minutes to chill out before I see you."

Reluctantly, like a little kid going to time out, Brian heads down the hall and goes into the doctor's office. There is the usual cushioned table you sit at for your family doctor there along with sinks, medical supplies, and pictures related to human anatomy. Brian Toogood hops up to take a seat on the table and folds his hands back behind his head. Closing his eyes, he tries to calm himself down the door creeks open and a girl says in a flirtatious way.

"Did someone call for a nurse?"

Brian Toogood jolts up and gets a grin on his face. A girl who is relatively short, about five foot 4, and with long blonde hair walks in. She has a sky blue, flowery dress on, and makeup. She grins at Brian who is instantly made happy.

"Best... Nurse... Ever..."

The girl walks over to Brian and gives him a hug and a kiss, sitting up to him and keeping her hand on his thigh. "So, how's my man feeling?" She says, putting her other hand on his cheek.

"I'm doing way better now that there's a total 11 here next to me, Stacey." He says to his girlfriend who, stops the flirting for just a moment and is plain with her boyfriend.

"I mean how are you doing after that match?" She looks at his leg and ribs. "I told you that it was risky wrestling so soon after that street fight."

"I know... I know..." Brian looks to the side.

"And look what happened? You had to take a loss to that guy from some third world country." She shakes her head. "No wonder we left their dumb empire..."

"Would you have rather had me tap out, or you not have a boyfriend walking ever again?" Toogood raises his eyebrow at his girlfriend. "Because I don't think Miss Stacey Keys would have liked that."

"I wouldn't have, but please, we could have hired someone to take care of you. We have more than enough money to handle that."

Getting his flirt on, Brian says. "I mean, I know you would take care of me," and he winks at Stacey who grins and grabs his chin.

"Well, of course, babe, I'd do anything for you, hehe." But then Stacey gets back on a serious note. "But I want my boyfriend to be successful. I'm hoping to get you a sponsorship with my daddy's financial service, but he said you need to get a few more wins and get this company to a bigger audience."

Brian rolls his eyes. "Well of course, but someone decided to add the US flag to their company logo kinda limits our international appeal."

"And," Stacey adds, "They have some dumb nerd on the roster who dresses up like it's the Fourth of July every day! How are you meant to advertise your company to the rest of the world if you call him the 'Embodiment' of your company!?" Brian pats her shoulder as she mutters. "I hate nerds and weirdos..."

Getting angry thinking about it, Brian slams his fist against the table. "That geek! He got me out of my peak mental condition when he taunted me before my match! And the idiot poked my ribs, my injured ribs."

"I know!" Stacey growls. "That tye-dye girl should have hit him harder down below the belt. He shouldn't be allowed to have kids..."

Getting a light-bulb in her head, Stacey Keys looks towards her boyfriend. "Say, I have an idea. A good way to help you get back on a roll worthy of yourself."

Brian turns to Stacey and says, "So, you're going to tell me my keys to success?" and her, being probably the only person on Earth who finds that or anything about him appealing, giggles. "See what I did there, Stac'?"

"I know," She kisses him. "You're so clever. But what I was thinking is you talk to your bosses and next week get a chance at revenge against the Eaglebrain."

"You mean, Patriot?"

"Well duh, I mean, he doesn't even have a first name, so what else should I call him."

"Yeah, that's weird..."

"I know, right?!"

Hooking his arm around Stacey's waist, Brian asks again. "Then what?"

"Well, the obvious thing is to kick his sorry ass red, white, and blue..."

"Now I see what you did there, hehe." Brian chuckles.

"And in the meantime, rest up." Stacey lightly touches his ribs which cause him to wince. "And I'll maybe help 'massage,' any injuries you have." Then she lightly rubs his sore knee. "Then I'll help you stretch it out." She winks at him. "And come time for your match, Patriot will find out he is nothing more than a loser."

"And you'll help me celebrate?" Brian smirks at Stacey who nods and kisses him before accidentally hitting his ribs, causing Brian to yelp out loud.


"Yeah, babe, maybe I'll get you some ice."

Brian nods. "Yeah, sounds pretty good."

Stacey Keys kisses Brian on the cheek before leaving the room to get him some ice. Brian, grinning ear to ear, leans back and says.

"So this is what it's like to be in love? Hehe..."

On that note, the scene fades away with a potential match being made for next PrimeTime, a rematch from Foundation and, we got our first glimpse into Brian Toogood's love life.

OOC: So I can save Stacey's colour code. #b76e79
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