The FWA 2022 Awards Thread!

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Sep 13, 2022
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It's that time of the year. No, not Christmas. Fuck Christmas. It's FWA award season!

Below are the categories we're putting on this year. Please submit a list of up to three nominations in each category. The top five (or more incase of a tie) nominations from each category will then be put forward for the second vote (to be explained at the time, but it's the same as last year).

The deadline for sending in your nominations will be New Year’s Eve at midnight pacific (so the end of 2022). The second round of voting will begin shortly after from the shortlists, with the winners announced in the middle of January some time.

The period in terms of what is eligible is from January 1st to December 31st, 2022. The first promo cycle in that window is Fallout 010/Meltdown X, and the last is Fallout 024/Meltdown XXIV. The pay-per-views in that cycle were The King of the Deathmatch, The Grand March, Carnal Contendership, Back in Business (Night One/Two), The Anniversary Show, and Lights Out.

The suggestions here are just what has sprung to my mind when writing this post or what was mentioned in the mod chat when I asked. These aren’t a limited list of what you can vote for. You can vote for whatever you like at this stage.

Please feel free to use this thread to discuss or suggest stuff yourself.

Best Promo.
Vote for the promo that you think was the best posted between January 1st and December 31st, 2022.

Best Character.
Vote for the character that you think was the best between January 1st and December 31st, 2022.

Best Tag Team.
Vote for the best tag team of 2022.

Most Improved.
Vote for the handler that you think improved the most between January 1st and December 31st, 2022.

Best Match.
Vote for the best match write-up posted in 2022.

Cosmic Playground II [Fallout Nephews def. Meltdown Nephews) by Jon.
Thomas West def. Michelle von Horrowitz (Carnal Contendership) by Jon.
Carnal Contendership match (Carnal Contendership) by Man.
Jailhouse Blues II [Team Meltdown def. Team Fallout] (The Anniversary Show) by Man.
The Golden Opportun match [Chris Peacock def. Gabrielle, Kayden Knox, Mike Parr, Cyrus Truth, Devin Golden, and Jeremy Best] (Lights Out) by Man.
Mike Parr def. Shawn Summers (Back in Business, Night One) by CBK.
Michelle von Horrowitz def. Chris Kennedy (Back in Business, Night One) by SS.
Danny Toner def. Alyster Black and Devin Golden (The Anniversary Show) by SS.

Best Feud.
Vote for the best feud that took place, partially or wholly, in 2022.

Mike Parr vs. Shawn Summers, culminating at Back in Business, Night One.
Danny Toner vs. Alyster Black, culminating at Lights Out.
Danny Toner vs. Devin Golden vs. Alyster Black, culminating at the Anniversary Show.
Fallout vs. Meltdown, culminating at the Anniversary Show.

Best Storyline/Angle.
Vote for the best storyline or angle that took place in 2022. Note that this is different from the best feud and shouldn’t be the same things you voted for in the same category.

Rupert Watkins and Fallout secede from the union.
The formation and travails of Executive Excellence.
Danny Toner finally rises to the top.
Alyster Black’s hunt for the world championship reaches its climax.
The Meltdown X Bounty.
The Meltdown Tag Warz Tournament.

Best Show.
Vote for the best show (that’s pay-per-view or television episode, i.e. Fallout or Meltdown) that was posted during 2022.

Back in Business, Night One.
Back in Business, Night Two.
Lights Out.
The Anniversary Show.
Fallout: The Musical.

Best Title Reign.
Vote for the best championship reign that took place, partially or wholly, during 2022.

Alyster Black and the X Championship.
Golden Rock and the FWA World Tag Team Championships.
Chris Crowe and the North American Championship.
Danny Toner and the FWA World Championship.

Best Rookie.
Vote for the best new handler/character in the FWA. Anyone that debuted after September 1st, 2021 is eligible to win the best rookie award. The handler must be new to the FWA (note that this is the handler, not the character).

Dubb (Jeremy Best and Bryan Baxter)
TigerPrincess (Vampyra and Princess Nova)
Welshy (Anderson Vega)
KoA (Darius Wright).

Best Moment.
Vote for the best individual moment of 2022. Also known as the OMG! AWARD.

Danny Toner aligns with Rupert Watkins and Executive Excellence at the culmination of Back in Business.
Nova Diamond cashes in to win the FWA World Championship from Devin Golden on Meltdown.
Meltdown invades Fallout: Rebirth.
Mike Parr is revealed as Executive Excellence’s fourth man, wins the FWA North American Championship.
Thomas West shocks the world and wins the FWA World Heavyweight Championship against Michelle von Horrowitz in only twelve seconds.

Best Return.
Vote for the best return by a character in 2022.

Tommy Bedlam (Tommy).
Phillip A Jackson (PheTom).
Jason Randall (Jimmy).
WOLF (Wolfs Rain).
Chris Kennedy (Jiggy).

Best Non-Mod Contribution.
Vote for the user who you feel has contributed most and best to the overall FWA community, both in terms of ‘the product’ and out of character.

Most Handsome Mod.
Vote for the mod that has graded you to win the most this year, or the one you find otherwise most appealing.

Eligible: Jon, Man, Dubb, Jimmy, SS, TGO.​
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Sep 13, 2022
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Oh PM your votes to me, Mandalorian, Jimmy, and Dubb. Thanks.

The Gipper

The Gipper
Jan 10, 2014
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Oh PM your votes to me, Mandalorian, Jimmy, and Dubb. Thanks.
Also pm them to me simply because I’m nosy!

casually plants another sign to vote me for non-mod of the year. 3 years in, its gotta work at one point

The ScapeDubb

Cry me a river
Sep 14, 2022
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The ScapeDubb

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People should also use this thread to list 2-3 of your own personal favorite promos that you did this year. Don't be afraid to hype your own stuff! I have a horrible memory so a refresher would be nice and I know not everyone reads every promo so some things might've gone unnoticed by some.


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Sep 14, 2022
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im hyping any dany toner promo like the god hype man i am


Sep 13, 2022
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Just to clarify what dubb means, last year I got everyone to send me their three favourites from their own output and I put together a 'for your consideration' post based on that. It was basically the best post that year on the forum because I'm super bad ass.

I'm not doing that this year because I'm lazier than I was but it was a great way of remembering some brilliant promos that maybe I wouldn't have remembered when putting my list together.

For my own, I'll go with:
1. "Perfume" (vs. Nova Diamond, Gerald Grayson, FWA World Championship, The Grand March). - a 17th century French orphan with no sense of smell watches a young upstart perfumer take over the Parisian scene. Homage to the Patrick Süskind novel of the same name.
2. "she stares at the sea" (vs. Chris Kennedy, Back in Business Night One). - Quiet drops Michelle and a young orphan off at an undiscovered island, where she helps and hinders an old man who wants to catch a legendary fish. Homages to Melville and Hemingway but mostly an original story.
3. "SPLICE!" (w/ Gerald Grayson, vs. Cyrus Truth and Krash, Noah Stocke and Sean Hughes, Tag Warz Final, Meltdown XXIII). - at the culmination of the Connection's time travel arc, altered versions of people from the past (including an army of Chris Peacocks and Leon Trotsky) break out into the present and cause mayhem.

I also forgot to mention in the main post that it's not really against any rules to nominate or even vote for your own stuff but it's not really the done thing.

The ScapeDubb

Cry me a river
Sep 14, 2022
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Here's what I'd like to highlight of my own stuff:

1. The Baxter Who Stole Disco (vs. Chris Peacock, Fallout 023) - an homage to the Dr. Seuss classic about a grinchy little character who looks to bring about the end of disco in Cock-ville.
2. Krash Crusades - Chapter 7: Closure (Golden Opportunity Match, Lights Out) - The conclusion of the Krash Crusades saga for Jeremy Best as he returns to the site of Krash's disappearance.
3. Camp Fallout (vs. Undisputed Alliance, Back in Business) - dealing with the heartbreak of the Undisputed Amigos not being a thing, Jeremy envisions himself and Bryan as kids at summer camp where Jeremy is being bullied by a young Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage.
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Sep 14, 2022
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i dont expect nor deserve to win the promo of the year. not that i need to win (i did it last year #humblebrag) but i never pass up a chance to blow my own horn so... also: tryhard alert

1. T.G.M a.k.a The Grand March a.k.a The Glass Menagerie a.k.a The Promo That Lost To Perfume Which Is A Bullshit Call (Not Really, I'm Just Salty In Case You Couldn't Tell) - (Nova Diamond vs MVH vs Gerald Grayson @ The Grand March 2022): After his successful cash-in, Nova Diamond tries to enjoy the finer things in life as the highly-esteemed world champion, however his simulation sickness has other plans. Hallucinations make his days a living hell and he eventually finds himself hallucinating a whole twisted rendition of Tennessee Williams' break-out play The Glass Menagerie where he's trying to be the only breadwinner in a 1930s St. Louis family, take care of his delusional sister Michelle and come to terms with the fact that he's sold his dreams and personality to be successful until he finds an out in Gerald Grayson, a perfect would-be gentlemen caller for the dreamer Michelle. Perhaps if I didn't build the whole promo on the concept of 'Michelle and Grayson make each other happy in their delusions and Nova just lets them be and leaves St. Louis' then maybe it wouldn't actually play out with Grayson being pinned by Michelle and Nova don't bothering getting back into the chase and leaving FWA instead.

2. Metamorphosis - (Nova Diamond vs Phillip A. Jackson @ Back In Business Day One): A promo that is a follow-up to a promo I never wrote. Nova is back in backwoods Louisiana to help detectives and his old friends Oswald and Herbert as the local medium is murdered by the hands of what's assumed to be the murderous shapeshifting killer that also went on a murder spree until he was stopped by Nova, Oswald and Herbert. Throughout the promo Nova reveals further details on the old case to the detectives in form of special encounters with other local people. At the end, he goes into the shapeshifter's lair and finds Phillip A. Jackson's likeness in front of him. But of course, nothing was as it seemed. Spoiler Alert: Oswald, Herbert, The Shapeshifter and all the special encounters are different aspects or stages of Nova Diamond's life and career. Nova Diamond finally reveals he wanted to face PAJ because he's the most similar to him career and personality-wise and it would be the closest thing to facing himself before finally leaving FWA and finding peace with himself. Also a homage to True Detective Season 1. If only I managed to write the original promo I had in mind...

3. 'i never promised you a rose garden' A.K.A The Lowest Scoring Title Winning Promo Of The Year Because I Decided To Cash-In Against a 2K Golden Promo For #TheHardestRoad - (Nova Diamond vs Devin Golden @ Meltdown at New York): After experiencing a panic attack before trying to cash-in on Randy Ramon, Nova Diamond takes a leave of absence from FWA and falls back into his old habits of self-destruction ... only to wake up suddenly two years in the past in the beginning of The Division Invitational Tag Classic ... where his partner is Devin Golden instead of Kevin Cromwell. Filled by hatred and vitriol against Devin Golden and his manipulative ways in his original time, Nova decides to go on with this partnership anyway perhaps a sense of keeping his enemies closer. They turn out to be a surprisingly successful tag team and Nova grows to appreciate Devin. Then the timeline continues to flow, Devin Golden wins the world title, Nova Diamond wins the Golden Opportunity briefcase. After having two years to reflect on everything, from his previous beliefs about people to his inability to strike when his moment is just fingertips away, Nova Diamond finally makes a decision on what to do. Everything comes to a conclusion during Devin Golden's title defense against Danny Toner. Spoiler Alert: Thomas Princeton has trapped Nova Diamond in a simulation machine without his consent to prepare him against Devin Golden for a cash-in.

may consider caesar promo against uncle a honorable mention ... or not. idc.
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Sep 30, 2022
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I don't expect it to win, mostly because I don't think it's on the site any more but I'd like to nominate

UNTITLED PROMO-! Lizzie Rose vs Mike Parr and Johnny Johnson. It's something I'm very proud of and I'm glad I got to mark the passing of an old friend the way that I did

Comeback Kid

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Sep 13, 2022
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I'm publicly voting to help draw more attention to this.

Best Promo.
I feel bad that I cannot answer this because I haven't read many promos. The select few that I have read have been really good but my goal is to get better at reading the work of others. There are some really talented writers in the fed and I know I'm missing out on some good stories that are being told.

Best Character.
At different parts of the year, so many people started to show signs of some real growth in their characters. The person with the best character this year though has been Devin Golden.

Best Tag Team.
Two tag teams immediately came to mind for this award - MOOT and MvH/GG. Because of their dominance throughout the year though I'm giving this to MvH/GG

Most Improved.
Tommy Bedlam - hands down the most improved from when he last was in the FWA versus now.

Best Match.
The best match has to go to Toner VS West, right? When we did the live read of that match there was so much to that match that made it feel like a real main event/closer of the biggest show of the year. I believe Jon wrote that match.

Best Feud.
I truly believe that Shawn Summers VS Mike Parr was the feud of the year. No one was coming close to us and I will die on that hill.

Best Storyline/Angle.
Fallout Inc/Executive Excellence Formation was probably the best angle in my opinion. It really gave us all that shock value when we were done reading BIB and then the news broke and we were all like WTF!

Best Show.
Lights Out 2021 was a REALLY good show! The show had hits from top to bottom

Best Title Reign.
Alyster Black as X Champion is probably the best title reign but towards the end of the year it did start to fizzle out as he set his sights on the World Championship.

Best Rookie.
It's Dubb!

Best Moment.
Danny Toner winning the world championship! I was legit happy for him to have won the belt - I think we all were.

Best Return.
Chris Kennedy should win this award. The return wasn't very long but it was probably the most memorable of all the returns.


Best Non-Mod Contribution.
This is a tough one. I'd probably say that Tig gets this one for how much he was putting out segments for Toner throughout the year.

Most Handsome Mod.
It's SS


Sep 13, 2022
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And the nominees are…

Alyster Black - “The Oroborus Anomaly” at ‘Lights Out’
Danny Toner - “Untitled” at ‘Back in Business’
Danny Toner - “Be Smart. Do More. Get Dirty” at ‘Lights Out’
MvH - “Perfume” at ‘The Grand March’
Note: all four of these promos are available to read on this forum in various places. I will provide links in the next day or so. We would ask that you make sure you’ve read all of the nominees before voting in this category.

Alyster Black
Danny Toner
Devin Golden
Michelle von Horrowitz
Shawn Summers

Bad Reputation (Gabrielle and Kayden Knox).
The Buddy System (Bryan Baxter and Jeremy Best).
The Connection (Michelle von Horrowitz and Gerald Grayson).
The Men Out of Time (Stu Grimes and Cornelius Aurelius Caesar).
The Spirit Walkers (Aka Yurei and Reagan Cole).
The Undisputed Alliance (Jackson Fenix and Nate Savage).

Dubb (Bryan Baxter and Jeremy Best)
Gip (Reagan Cole)
OMB (Kayden Knox)
Tommy (Tommy Bedlam)

The Carnal Contendership Match - Carnal Contendership - MAN
Shawn Summers vs Mike Parr, Three Strikes Match - Back in Business Night One - CBK
Thomas West v Danny Toner for the World Title - Back in Business Night Two - JON
Jailhouse Blues II: Fallout vs. Meltdown - The Anniversary Show - MAN
Cosmic Playground II: Nephews Civil War - The Anniversary Show - JON
The Golden Opportunity Match - Lights Out - MAN

Danny Toner vs. Alyster Black.
Fallout vs. Meltdown.
Danny Toner vs The Nephews.
Devin Golden vs Chris Peacock.
Mike Parr vs Shawn Summers.

Rupert Watkins and Fallout Secede from the Union.
The Formation and Travails of Executive Excellence.
Danny Toner Rises to the Top.
Alyster Black chases down the World Title.
Devin Golden’s mental health rollercoaster.

King of the Deathmatch.
The 17th Anniversary Show.
Lights Out.
Back in Business: Night One.
Back in Business: Night Two.

Alyster Black with the FWA X Championship.
The Connection with the FWA World Tag Titles.
Chris Crowe with the FWA North American Championship.
Harry the Sane Wizard with the FWA Gauntlet Championship.
Danny Toner with the FWA World Championship.

Dubb (Jeremy Best and Byron Baxter).
TigerPrincess (Vampyra and Princess Nova).
Dark Traveller (Darius Wright).
WelshyBOI (Anderson Vega).
Dustin DeWinde (Jeff Mason).

Nova Diamond cashes in to win the FWA World Championship on Meltdown XII.
Krash and Randy Ramon drown to death at Back in Business.
Danny Toner finally wins the FWA World Championship at Back in Business.
Rupert Watkins, Danny Toner, Gabrielle, and Kayden Knox reform Executive Excellence at Back in Business.
Alyster Black wins the FWA World Championship on Meltdown XXI.

Chris Kennedy.
Jason Randall.
Phillip A. Jackson.
Tommy Bedlam.

An Original Name.
Comeback Kid.
The Gipper.
Smooth Jazz Wolf.

Voting is now open. Please send the mods your winner and runner-up in each category. The winner of each category will be the nominee that gets the most ‘winner’ votes, with the ‘runner-up’ votes acting as a tie-break if needed.

Deadline for votes is ten days from today. That’s the 14th January. Let’s say 23:59 Pacific.

Congratulations to all of the nominees and thank you to everyone that nominated!​
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