The Final Deletion II is happening!

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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Cheese is what makes wrestling fun.

I guess for some people, which is fine. Not my preference though. Makes sense though why people who like cheese would like it of course.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
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A non-beleiver.

JK, but for me, the appeal is in the fact that this storyline is so weird, and out there, that it becomes entertaining because of its flaws. Plus Matt Hardy is so "in tune" with his "broken character" that he is making it a walking meme machine. Spouting countless "quotable lines" he has just became a guilty pleasure.

Plus Senor Benjamin is a legend.


Ah, okay. Yeah, for me, WWE does a bit too much story line. I am able to overlook the excessive story lines of Lucha Underground simply because the wrestling is really good. But for me the most important thing about wrestling is that it has to maintain suspension of disbelief. When it does this, I can get into a match and even though every part of me knows it's not a real fight, I can convince myself for a few minutes that it is... and that makes it enjoyable.

This was way too over the top and I spent too much time just thinking it was weird... there was no suspension of disbelief possible for me... it just came across as something that should be on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

But that's just my outlook. I don't disparage anyone for enjoying it because we are all entertained by different things. If others enjoy it, I am happy for them. I just won't ever get it.


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Jan 7, 2014
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I enjoyed this very much. However, I think they relied on the meme spots, in fast succession. They had the fireworks, Skardgard, and the whole deal. I would have no problem with it, but they didn't space it out and it seemed like a quick solution to a lack of substance.

I enjoyed, overall, though.

Black Wizard

Apr 24, 2016
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Nocturne City
Both parts of The Final Deletion have been the best things I've watched in wrestling in a long time.
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Lovable Kind of Filthy
Apr 1, 2012
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Ah, okay. Yeah, for me, WWE does a bit too much story line. I am able to overlook the excessive story lines of Lucha Underground simply because the wrestling is really good. But for me the most important thing about wrestling is that it has to maintain suspension of disbelief. When it does this, I can get into a match and even though every part of me knows it's not a real fight, I can convince myself for a few minutes that it is... and that makes it enjoyable.

This was way too over the top and I spent too much time just thinking it was weird... there was no suspension of disbelief possible for me... it just came across as something that should be on Mystery Science Theater 3000.

But that's just my outlook. I don't disparage anyone for enjoying it because we are all entertained by different things. If others enjoy it, I am happy for them. I just won't ever get it.

To kind of respond to this and your other post... The Final Deletion was aired when I wasn't watching TNA (background: TNA started airing on a channel I don't get, then when it switched channels I kept forgetting I could start watching it again.) and I never did remember to go back and watch it, but saw the rave reviews about it here. Without seeing it, I started getting back into watching TNA on a regular basis and became genuinely amused and entertained with the "Broken Matt Hardy" character, along with "Brother Nero." I didn't know about the background, but they just amused me right away.

Generally speaking, I'm not a big fan of over-the-top stupidity or much stupidity at all, for that matter. I mean, there's a reason I'm not a big fan of Will Ferrell. That being said, while this whole "Broken Matt Hardy" and especially the Delete or Decay segment might seem to be over-the-top stupidity in the wrestling world, I still thoroughly enjoy him and enjoyed the segment this past week. To me his character just looks cool, and sure he's pretty out there, but it entertains me and holds my interest. I enjoy wrestling, and like you I enjoy more matches with a minor bit of story line included to basically explain why the match is happening or to keep things going. But, I think a big reason I enjoyed Delete or Decay and enjoy "Broken Matt Hardy" is because I don't view it within the rest of the wrestling program. I basically view them as a separate thing. Almost like a break from the wrestling program, if you will. "Hey, we've had X number of matches, let's take a break and see what 'Broken Matt Hardy' is up to." Even with the matches and all, I just don't take it seriously and view it as a separate part of the rest of the show. Maybe that doesn't make much sense, but it's how I take it and how I look at it.

Now, if I tried to take it seriously, or even if I chalked it up as a regular wrestling match and regular story line, then I'd probably be like you and just look at it as sheer stupidity and get annoyed by the whole thing. But with me not taking it seriously and viewing it as an entirely separate thing from the rest of the TNA program, I'm able to just enjoy it as pure entertainment and amusement.


Lovable Kind of Filthy
Apr 1, 2012
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^ It's too early for me to be making long rambling posts about wrestling, but hopefully that made a tiny bit of sense. :)

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
^ It's too early for me to be making long rambling posts about wrestling, but hopefully that made a tiny bit of sense. :)

It makes sense, but I guess I just don't have the ability to make that separation in regards to TNA and most of wrestling. I guess for TNA, it's difficult because it's a promotion I took very seriously for years... the early years, it was forming into what could have conceivably could have been my favorite promotion ever... so maybe it's that which keeps me from letting myself see in it what others see in it.

In contrast, the Lucha Underground story lines do not bother me and they are completely outlandish... yes, they are serious outlandish.... but still, with Joey Ryan and Honky Tonk Man posing as police and Dario Cueto having murder charges dropped against him.... it's completely ridiculous. But it still doesn't bug me. And it makes me wonder if the problem that I have with TNA is simply hard feelings that will never go away?

No idea.
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Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score
Watched it, LOVED it, can't wait for more. Pure entertainment, if you can't understand why it's good then you probably don't like jcvd or seagal movies. [HASHTAG]#PrayForSenorBenjamin[/HASHTAG]

Actually you're wrong. I do like Jean Claude Van Damme and Seagal movies. Just because I didn't like this one thing doesn't mean you can making sweeping generalizations about the sort of thing I like. That's pretty unfair, actually. Like every other human being who watches TV and movies, my individual tastes are simply that. My tastes are very eclectic and are not defined by this one thing.

Saying that I can't understand why it is good also completely misunderstands my point. My question was not whether it was good or bad. It was why people liked it and those are two completely different points. People can like things that are bad. I like the movie "House of the Dead" and "the Pirate Movie," two of the worst films ever made. But I find them enjoyable. My inquiry had nothing to do with whether it was good or bad but I was simply curious why others liked it and I didn't disparage their opinions or make assumptions about them in any way. It was genuine polite curiosity. There have been times when people have explained to me why they liked something, and afterwards I grew to like it as well. My question was an attempt to see why people liked and to see if I could acclimate to their viewpoint. Many times when others tell you why they liked something, you can more clearly define what you didn't like about it.

As I stated, wrestling for me, is still seen as a sport. I have never been a fan of the WAY over the top story lines. But occasionally I do enjoy them. For example, Lucha Underground's stories are completely ridiculous. But I like them. So this inquiry was an attempt to understand the disparity I have here, it was not in any way a put down of the people who enjoyed this segment.
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Senhor Perfect

Dec 5, 2012
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Actually you're wrong. I do like Jean Claude Van Damme and Seagal movies. Just because I didn't like this one thing doesn't mean you can making sweeping generalizations about the sort of thing I like. That's pretty unfair, actually. Like every other human being who watches TV and movies, my individual tastes are simply that. My tastes are very eclectic and are not defined by this one thing.

Saying that I can't understand why it is good also completely misunderstands my point. My question was not whether it was good or bad. It was why people liked it and those are two completely different points. People can like things that are bad. I like the movie "House of the Dead" and "the Pirate Movie," two of the worst films ever made. But I find them enjoyable. My inquiry had nothing to do with whether it was good or bad but I was simply curious why others liked it and I didn't disparage their opinions or make assumptions about them in any way. It was genuine polite curiosity. There have been times when people have explained to me why they liked something, and afterwards I grew to like it as well. My question was an attempt to see why people liked and to see if I could acclimate to their viewpoint. Many times when others tell you why they liked something, you can more clearly define what you didn't like about it.

As I stated, wrestling for me, is still seen as a sport. I have never been a fan of the WAY over the top story lines. But occasionally I do enjoy them. For example, Lucha Underground's stories are completely ridiculous. But I like them. So this inquiry was an attempt to understand the disparity I have here, it was not in any way a put down of the people who enjoyed this segment.


I wasn't directing it at anyone in particular. It was a generic comment made to the general population that doesn't like it.

Jacob Fox

Quiet You
Sep 22, 2014
Reaction score

I wasn't directing it at anyone in particular. It was a generic comment made to the general population that doesn't like it.

Ah sorry then. But as this thread is not about disliking the angle and I was the only one who expressed dislike, it was a reasonable assumption even if it was incorrect. :)