^^^And they both got booed out of the building. I can understand booing Jeff, who was drugged out of his mind and stinking up everything he touched at the time, but Matt had a nice match with Homicide. Just goes to show how stupid RoH fanboys are, too cool to cheer guys who have actually been somewhere in the business.
Dragon could be an asset to the E if used right, but in many AmDrag fanboys' eyes "used right" means multiple title reigns and head drop moves aplenty, which isn't going to happen. What could realistically happen is the guy has a nice introduction run on ECW, maybe wins the strap, goes to the wrestling show, Smackdown, and has good midcard feuds and has many memorable matches. Maybe some midcard title reigns. That would be a nice career for a guy that size.
Here's some things people need to realize about indy guys they get wet over going to WWE. Head dropping moves are BAD. Especially in the E where the schedule is so grueling, most indy scrubs don't get 200 bookings a year, let alone 300, so it has to be understood that moves that are that risky are stupid, especially when you consider a head dropper severely shortened the career of the biggest money maker this biz ever saw.
As sad as it is to say this, size does matter. Nobody under 200 lbs (except Rey of course) ever drew a dime in the biz. At any time period. That's just the way it is and no matter what the booking, it will never work, never has. People just wouldn't believe in a 185 midget trumping bigger muscleheads, wrestling is fake but just not that unrealistic.