Segments here were pretty similar in real life so not much to say, but love the fact that we WILL get Bret/Shawn III in here and this feud will get a proper blow off.
Bearer's secret is most likely Kane and hoping you can put a different spin on that if it's the direction you're heading.
Austin/Pillman is probably my favourite angle at the moment. So much unpredictability, and again, in this universe, I'm really hoping you capitilise on this and we get a PPV feud blow off at some point.
The Hart Foundation starting a petition to get rid of Monsoon gets a thumbs up from me to.
Feels like Los Boricuas are still pretty fresh and gathering momentum, so I feel like you might have pulled the trigger a bit to early on their first loss, tbh. Think they should have been built up as more of a threat first.
Eh, I have no interest in the DOA tbh.
Triple H promo was cool. I don't think he ever addressed the curtain call stuff during this time period, and this feels like the first sign of a new attitude for him, which could lead to an eventual DX formation down the track.
Vader/Cactus feud being revisited is great. A shame you won't be able to focus to heavily on their history in WCW, looking forward to these two destroying each other though.
Not much to say about the KOTR tournament yet. Still really early stages, but I'll be keeping an eye on it.
The Sunny segments were fun throughout the night to lol. Peeping Austin is a wild caption to.
A solid Raw as ever here.