The Federation Years ▪ 1997 Slammy Awards & Shotgun Saturday Night ▪ Mar 21-22, 1997 ▪

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Oh hey, I’m just going to go ahead and picture 97 Sunny dancing on the desk again.

Bulldog promo before this match did exactly what it needed to. Hyped the Rumble and the no comment on his issues with Owen keeps the intrigue around that angle here. Again, Bulldog winning but being unhappy with Owen’s help in the aftermath here keeps things ticking along. Good stuff. Hoping we might get another match between these two teams as well.

I guess the interruption of The Nation was an okay way to add some actual heat to this match. The right team went over, and Faarooq wanting more damage done due to the disrespect before the match made sense, and cleverly allowed for Ahmed Johnson to make the big save. Logical booking.

Eh, Honkey Tonk Man still isn’t doing anything that interests me yet, and attempting to recruit AAA stars doesn’t feel like the right direction either.

Sunny promo was good, with the promoting herself over Marlena, but also teasing some more risqué stuff which works for Shotgun. Enjoyed the golden gimp line here to, thought that was good stuff.

I honestly thought I would have preferred The Executioner as the strong, silent type. Not sure if I’m reading to much into it, but if the whole “who is it under the mask” becomes a thing, that’s probably a fun angle.

Marlena/Sunny stuff just sounds like a big ball of fun. The usual heel stalling tactic from Sunny was fine, and Marlena dressing in a skimpy outfit again suits Shotgun. Fun stuff here with the chaos afterwards.

I think there’s been a mistake here as the Austin/Windham match isn’t here. Aftermath worked well simply because Austin starting fights with basically EVERYBODY to hype the Rumble has been awesome.

Not much to comment on the AAA, a generic showcase for sure here.

Kind of felt like Mankind was always going over The Executioner here. Terry Funk appearance is cool, given their history, plus pretty sure Funk had a pretty memorable appearance on the early days of Shotgun in real life if I remember right. Anyway, a Foley/Funk promo is most likely to be enjoyable.

Solid episode of Shotgun…

The Latin Lover is one of the few or potentially only AAA characters that has come in and been interesting. Enjoying his stuff here with Sincere so glad he got the win over another AAA talent who’s just been treated as generic to this point.

I’m a little torn on the Shawn interview. He admits to having a fear of failure so instead of train hard, he decided to spend the last week partying? Doesn’t sound like the smartest idea in the world. With all that said, this gives hype to the title match at the Rumble, and I’m intrigued on the result, because if Shawn wins, I’m pretty sure I know what the Mania mian event will be.

Solid enough win for Billy over Horowitz. As much as he’s not amazing as a singled guy, at this point in time, happy for Billy to keep getting his push.

Bret interview was fine, hyping the Rumble and his situations with Austin and Bulldog/Owen. All the Bulldog/Owen talk makes me think The Hart Foundation is still coming into play in this BTB, and if so, I hope it has a different spin on it as compared to real life. Also maybe a little surprised there weren’t any comments related to Shawn/Sid in here when discussing the Rumble.

I’m happy you’ve tried to put Bradshaw in an actual storyline, but honestly not sure I’m really all that into what’s been happening at the moment. I guess a nice win for Bradshaw at least, and we’re unsure how he and Uncle Zeb will turn out.

Sid’s interview was good. Really liked the part where he played on Shawn’s earlier admittance of fear of failure, laughing at it and claiming he didn’t feel anything like that. Would love for Sid to permanently take out the Lotharios at the Rumble later on tonight as well.

Austin promo was good, basically cutting a promo on everybody which suits his character to a tee at the moment. Think the mentioning of Sid and Shawn here is probably exactly the element I thought was missing from Bret’s promo earlier.

Terry Funk officially in the Rumble? Cool.

Glad you’re not doing much with Fake Diesel because that’s an awful gimmick. Jake Roberts getting a win is fine enough way to end the show.

Solid stuff, can’t wait for the Rumble. Should be awesome.


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I love the way you wrote your Royal Rumble. It's similar to way I wrote mine with the pictures. Very well written and done. As writing a Rumble always take a lot of time to complete. So this was very very well done.

You do an amazing job on your presentation. This is one my favorite BTB's. Keep up the great work.

Edit: I forgot to add that I absolutely loved Mike Awesome with The Jackyl. I think that pairing is Awesome no pun intended. Mike Awesome is one those guys who I believe could have been a bigger player than he was. Putting him with Jackyl should hopefully help solve his charisma issue.
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Sep 19, 2022
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Been looking forward to this one, the build for the Rumble has been top notch. And just a general comment, but the display is really slick looking as always!

I was never a big fan of the minis when watching this as a kid, so I don't have a whole lot to say on this Free-For-All contest. But I can appreciate that they would at least be exciting for the live audience and obviously you've done a lot of work to get over this tie-in with AAA in the run up. Fair play to you for the detail in the write-up, but this was never really my thing. But the face team winning and giving us a happy lead-in to the main show make sense.

It makes me laugh looking back that from Survivor Series to this point, Shawn was painted as this compassionate guy worried about his elderly mentor when in reality he was a massive asshole who hated having Jose around. But fair play to you sticking with that theme for the opening video and hyping up the Michaels' homecoming and how his experiences recently would have gave his character a bit more of an edge to him.

Liked the fast start to this match from Mero, even though this is for a title it's got a very personal feel to the feud given what's happened to get to this point. I don't know if I've said it before or not, but I really dig the partnership of Helmsley and Perfect, especially when it was Mr. Hughes who played this role in real life. Do you have any plans for Chyna? Anyway, the match was a solid affair, you would expect Mero to put on a show with his quicker pace while Helmsley tries to slow him down, but the ending was fun with the Perfect and Sable involvement and then Hunter stealing the cheap victory. The post-match with Mero decking the referee is interesting, that could lead to a few different things but I'd be happy if this feud continued for another title match between the two to blow it off once and for all. But for a pay-per-view opener this was grand, had decent action and was nicely booked with a little wrinkle to Mero's character afterwards. A good start to things.

I always liked these little comments from the guys in the Rumble, and this is the year of British Bulldog's infamous "I'm going to win the Royal Rumble because I'm bizarre!" comment, so I'm hoping that makes the cut later on. But yeah, the comments from Bret and Mankind were fine, nothing ground-breaking but serve their purpose of hyping the Rumble match.

Much like with the minis earlier, this was never really my thing and I was never a big win of the real life version of this six man we got. But I'll give credit again to the write up, the action was fast paced and I can imagine it would have been exciting. The fact that Juventud was pushed as the star of the contest suggests he will be sticking around longer than the other AAA guys maybe? But then again, you've had Abismo Negro be part of the winning team and then walk out, which suggests maybe these guys will be sticking around a little longer? Who knows!? I can appreciated this for what it was, a showcase match for AAA that would pop the crowd, but it wasn't my thing. Although Juventud becoming part of the roster would be cool, he's so different to anyone the WWF had at this time that he would really stand out in the midcard if that's the road you go down.

Loving Terry Funk being involved, if I remember right this was pretty much a one-and-done with him before he returned in December '97. So I hope that by having him involved and giving him interview time that he'll be involved a bit more. Can't ever have too much Terry Funk.

It's still weird to me having Crush as the token white guy amongst The Nation, but this rivalry with Ahmed and D'Lo has got to be coming to a head soon I think. I'd be ok with it running to WrestleMania for a blow-off match, but don't drag it out way longer than it should have like they did in real life. And one small criticism here would be that Faarooq talking about being the toughest man in the WWF is rather similar to what Funk had to say just moments earlier. I think those two back-to-back would just be repeating each other and you should have went a different route with Faarooq's words, but I'm doing a lot of nit-picking here.

I really like this pairing of Rocky and Vader, makes a lot of sense with how Cornette has courted Rock since he arrived in the company and now wanting revenge given how he was rebuffed. And Vader still has plenty to offer at this point in his run, so this is a really smart bit of booking for me. As for the match, I'm a little surprised at Vader winning, I thought for sure this would be a shock, upset win for Rock to establish him as a real prospect in the company and to prove he doesn't need Cornette in his corner to be successful. I appreciate that you gave Rocky a bit of an out with the broken ribs, but this whole set up screamed young babyface overcoming the odds to me. Obviously I'll hold judgment here as you've no doubt got the bigger picture in mind, but this feels like a bit of a miss to me as I'm reading right now.

Yes! Bulldog, he's bizarre! Great stuff!

Obviously Austin and Undertaker is a massive match to have on the undercard, and I thought in general this match was pretty well written. Austin trying to slow things down early to then take control is pretty textbook, then the run-in to the ending being pretty back and forth and both guys suffering from the referee being taken out of things keeping things pretty even, I liked everything up until this point. I wasn't thrilled to see The Nation involved, as I don't think the match really needed it. Either guy winning without The Nation being involved doesn't hurt either of them, so this felt a little overbooked to give Undertaker an out for the loss. I also feel like I could have done with a mention of this in the interview with The Nation earlier, it was very much focused on the rivalry with Ahmed, so this felt rather out of left-field. Also, where was Crush? We had the tuxedoed goons, Kama and Faarooq, but Crush was mention in the interview but not involved here? I feel like we have to get Undertaker and The Nation as a rivalry moving forward, but I'm not sure it does Austin any favours on this night. Again, I will defer judgment until I see how things play out, but I'm not sure this does much for 'Stone Cold' and Faarooq now seems to have his thing with Ahmed as well as Undertaker now.

Onto the Rumble itself, I'll start by again praising the presentation, thought it was nicely done and easy to follow. Owen Hart did a lot of the heavy lifting early on, but I really liked this debut of Mike Awesome. Obviously from my own thread you'll know I am a fan of The Jackyl, and I really liked him walking out with a microphone to introduce someone during the Rumble. I can't off the top of my head think of that ever happening, it's usually left to the announce team to tell who a mystery entrant is, so bonus points for the creativity of this. And it was good as well that he got a good run in the match and had a few eliminations, really interested to see what you do with him. Not a whole lot going on until Austin came in at 15, again it was good he lasted a while and had a solid showing. I also liked that you kept the real-life bit of Lawler getting up from the announce desk to enter the match, that was another rather unique thing at the time that I still remember. Although to go from Bret Hart getting rid of him in real life to Canek is a bit of a drop off! Owen eliminating Bulldog, we've had plenty of tension between them in the run-up to the show so it was a smart booking decision to include that to keep them simmering along. Mike Awesome's elimination felt a little awkward if I've read it right, he did a dive through the ropes to stop Funk attacking Jackyl only to then be dumped straight out by Austin? A little convoluted, could have just been Awesome was distracted by Funk approaching Jackyl, Austin sneaks up and dumps him out then Awesome gets into it with Funk, but that's just my take on it. Like I said earlier, I'm reserving judgment on this Undertaker/Nation situation, but again, Ahmed eliminating Faarooq, Undertaker on the outside with the steel chair to Crush, Kama being there... are you going for a Undertaker/Ahmed partnership against The Nation? That's was this feels like to me, so I really need to see how this plays out as I'm a bit confused as to where this is all going just now. Anyway, to the finish of the match. I thought this was really well booked, four top guys in Bret, Mankind, Undertaker and Austin, a real crossover of rivalries with the history these four have had between them in recent months and of course tonight in Austin and Undertaker's case. Great stuff with Bret surviving being eliminated only to sneak back in and get rid of Austin, a nice little nod to real life going ons. I liked this decision, as I'm assuming it gives you scope for a rematch between Bret and Austin at the February In-Your-House, while setting Bret up for being a heel going into 'Mania 13. In general, I enjoyed the Rumble, really liked the finish, I just have no idea what your plans for The Undertaker are, but I can live with that for now. This was good stuff.

And onto the main event. I think you kind of have to have Shawn win here with the whole hometown hero stuff, they didn't tend to screw hometown stars so much at this time, so Shawn walking out of The Alamodome feels like it has to happen. The action was solid, made sense to have Shawn fighting from underneath and having to show guts to hang in there before coming good at the end. The ending was good too, that nod back to Survivor Series with the camera delivers that poetic justice and The Lothario's get their measure of revenge too. All in all, this was another really well-written contest, and here's hoping we get the Bret/Shawn battle at WrestleMania 13 that we were denied in real life.

Overall, I enjoyed this, loads of nods to real life moments that I remember fondly. I found the booking decisions with Rocky and Undertaker/The Nation a little perplexing, but as I've said a few times, I'll wait and see how it all plays out before passing judgment. The Rumble and main event were both really good, really well booked and written and have but the uppercard scene on a great trajectory as we head towards 'Mania. Really good stuff man, enjoyed this a lot!
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Roy Mustang

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Aug 21, 2019
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Royal rumble review:

Fun pre-show match with the minis and fitting for the time with them being used by WWE a lot during that period.

Great opening match on the main card. Very fitting that Mero came out of the gate on fire and it took tricks from HHH and Perfect to get back into the match. HHH using the ropes was a good touch for him to escape with the win.

Fun AAA trios tag to fill out the card especially with the weaker roster back then.

A good show from the white meat babyface Rock but him losing here is the right call to get him in a position to turn heel and get the real Rock. Also always nice to see Vader get a push and I wonder if he will have a big match at WM

Undertaker and Stone Cold was a fun brawl. Bit shocked to see the Nation of Domination the victory but Stone Cold getting the victory is the right call.

Onto the rumble:

Owen Hart and Flash Funk is a fun pairing to get the match underway. Mike Awesome is an amazing addition to the roster and a proper menace into this match. Yokozuna getting tossed by everyone was a cool visual with Mike Awesome getting even more shine which is great. Stone Cold coming out and taking care of business was cool to see. Canek eliminating Jerry like that was a fantastic spot. Owen accidently knocking out British Bulldog is a fun way to keep that story simmering along.

Owen getting a long run is cool and Mero getting revenge on HHH was a perfect Rumble moment to allow him to move on. Vader as number 30 is the perfect game changer. I wonder if Ahmed joins the nation early here to take on Taker at WM? Amazing finish with a mirror of real life with a twist and further into Bret turning heel but also Stone Cold turning face. Very nicely booked rumble with a lot of threads going into WM.

Shawn winning in the main event was a good call as well and steps up the match that would have happened in real life if HBK was not being a dickhead at the time. I wonder if we get real life fuckery here?


Jul 15, 2024
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I like female superstars I thought Sable was bad ass at the Royal rumble and her new look with her new attitude look forward to seeing her on Sunday night heat or shotgun

Death By Looch

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Huge surprise at a tour in Germany in 1997? Sounds to me like the WWF might have secured the Wright Stuff for their roster... :proud