Chess said:J-Dawg.
And those fuckers were so annoying on Gears last night, how many motherfucking smoke bombs did they throw at us? They were just spamming it the entire timeno:
Wordlife said:when I get my Gears 2 back from my uncle.... ^chessarmy, jdawg, any other iwf members, and I need to play gears2
Ass Clown aka Axis said:If you require a poll to decide your name on the internet, then you should probably log off.
Onoz I Do Pozt Err'day On Teh Intranetz!!11
Edit: Fuck you all and your anti-caps lock filters.
^^ Fuck off, I bet if you made a thread such as this one.. No one will even bother opening it, never the less posting in it to change your username. Last I checked this was the Hell In A Thread so it doesn't really matter what goes on in here. Its kind of sad that you ruined the section some time ago..
On a happier note, I voted J-Dawg, and you should just change your user guideline thing to Be Jealouse. Or the BJJD thing would also be cool. Either way your awesome BJ. Tehehehe
Axis was by far the most entertaining poster in HIAT, but whatever floats your boat.
Further proving the fact that your an ass clown. Good job.
Hecks yes. We'll definitly have to have Kassidy on our team too. He's a god at the game, that makes 4 we need one more. Doesnt' Stinger have 360 also?
"ass clown (ás kloun) n.:
one, who, through the fault of his parents conception, is a skid mark in society's collective underwear."
Every well-educated person knows that "your" is possessive, indicating that the word (or in this case, words) to follow belongs to the subject. Therefore, I was curious as to what you were trying to say about my "an ass clown."your an ass clown