In my opinion, this guy is an AWESOME heel... When I watch raw (which I watch like a movie, and get into it) they guy actually pisses me off. Hes very good at getting reactions, and he pulls off his gimmick very well...
When he first came, he was a face. But that was kind of weird, because the thing with him being a fan was weird, and he was able to talk on occasion, but it didnt mean anything, because he was just an italian with a funyn accent, but the accent, and his screw up of our language served no purpose.
Anyways, he didnt really go far, and it was clear he wouldnt go far at all with being a face and all...
So then, we see him turn heel. Im not sure exactly when it happened, but I know dating Maria had a large part in it. And when he was stopping Faroouq... I mean Simmons, from dating Maria, that really pushed him as a heel. Fromt then on, the past 7 or 8 months, his mic skills and accent have meant something. It allows him to be funnier, piss more people off, and just be a stuck up prick
So, it seems he has all the makings of a very good upper midcarder. Mic skills are definate yes, and if he can show off the in ring skills that he has (but wwe doesnt let him show us) I think he could be a good addition to the upper mid card.
Right now hes one of the most hated in WWE, and great at getting a reaction, but wwe has him jobbing... Right now, WWE doesnt need a prick jobber, they need a prick mid carder, so I dont know why they arent pushing him.
-What are your thoughts on Santino, do you think hes playing his character well?
-Do you agree he should be pushed?
-Heel or face?
Answer the questions
When he first came, he was a face. But that was kind of weird, because the thing with him being a fan was weird, and he was able to talk on occasion, but it didnt mean anything, because he was just an italian with a funyn accent, but the accent, and his screw up of our language served no purpose.
Anyways, he didnt really go far, and it was clear he wouldnt go far at all with being a face and all...
So then, we see him turn heel. Im not sure exactly when it happened, but I know dating Maria had a large part in it. And when he was stopping Faroouq... I mean Simmons, from dating Maria, that really pushed him as a heel. Fromt then on, the past 7 or 8 months, his mic skills and accent have meant something. It allows him to be funnier, piss more people off, and just be a stuck up prick
So, it seems he has all the makings of a very good upper midcarder. Mic skills are definate yes, and if he can show off the in ring skills that he has (but wwe doesnt let him show us) I think he could be a good addition to the upper mid card.
Right now hes one of the most hated in WWE, and great at getting a reaction, but wwe has him jobbing... Right now, WWE doesnt need a prick jobber, they need a prick mid carder, so I dont know why they arent pushing him.
-What are your thoughts on Santino, do you think hes playing his character well?
-Do you agree he should be pushed?
-Heel or face?
Answer the questions