The downfall of TNA - hogan and company

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Mar 4, 2010
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I read over at about a viral video TNA put out that got 40,000 views on Youtube, yet didn't put the video up on Impact last week when over a million people were watching.

Now that just reeks of WCW.


whomever is REALLY in charge of TNA is making a great effort at completely RUINING what was working to being the BEST wrestling on TV.

lets count the ways...

1) they brought in hogan

2) they got rid of the BEST wrestling gimmick, the 6-sided ring

3) they brought in hogan and company

4) they have made a joke out of arguably the BEST wrestler in the world today, AJ STYLES

5) hogan is actually gonna do what only he really considers "wrestling"

6) after all the years of building up the best young stable of wrestlers, they bring in a bunch of old WWE rejects

7) they brought in hogan

8) they are making a joke out of Jeff Jarrett *why would he actually agree to do these things? unless the REAL story build-up is him retaking the company and kicking ass on all hogan crony's at the end of the year when all their contracts are up???

9) with that huge ego to feed it is only a matter of time before they totally RUIN TNA beyond repair and give him the title belt

10) the back-stage antics and interviews were always weak but the wrestling saved it, but now we are maybe getting about 30minutes of actual wrestling per 2hour show tops

11) everyone and I mean everyone is totally kissing hogan ass on screen

12) belts are currently held by the WORSE of the cast of wrestlers (with exception of AJ STYLES) - global champ cant wrestle out of a bag and they make his matches last a couple of minutes before crowd boo's him out of the ring... tag champs are totally talentless, cant make a pee-wee wrestler using their combined skills... doug williams, x-division champ??? isnt that supposed to be for the small and quick guys??? tara as womans champ? the division DOES lack talent in ring mostly, but she is really one of the worst. actually watch her and see how stiff she really is

13) no TRUE wrestling fan really likes or wants hogan anywhere near a wrestling organization... how much are they paying the stooges in the crowd? they'd have to be paid alot to actually cheer for hogan, anyone remember just 6months ago when the loudest BOO's were made when any mention of hogan was even HINTED at

and the NUMBER ONE reason I will stop watching TNA on may 7 (yes stopping even before monday nite) is HOGAN. only thing that could be worse (could it GET any worse???) is the nite that Ed Leslie shows up. and yeah with all the other crony's you KNOW he will...


1. OH NOEZ!!!1 THEY SIGNED THE BIGGEST WRESTLER EVER...What a horrible business decision.

2. Really? The BEST? You'd figure if they used the BEST thing ever in every single match they should be the number once company. And who did it benefit aside from maybe the X-Division. Give me a break.

3. Again... OH NOEZ! Hogan...AND COMPANY!? Say it isn't so! Not Eric Bicshoff one of the greatest wrestling minds ever. And Hall and Nash? CURSES! They've already captured every title in the company. Oh wait....

4. They made a joke out of AJ? No, they gave AJ some purpose and depth. And as CenaMark said, they had to pair him with one of the best ever to even do that. So yeah, wouldn't say he's the best... far from it.

5. Seeing as Hogan has probably the biggest fan base of any wrestler ever, I'd say what he considers wrestling is a pretty good estimation of the product. Vince built an empire on the guy, I think he might have an idea what draws.

6. What old WWE rejects are taking the place of these phenomenal wrestlers you've mentioned? Kennedy? Who else? The product is STILL revolving around young guys. AJ, Joe, Pope, Abyss, Morgan, Hernandez, Beer Money. So what, they cut the X-Division down, they didn't draw anyway.

7. Really? Shut up.

8. Yeah, that's the point. They're berating and degrading him, it's part of the storyline. Ya know, making people feel like shit is one of those things that heels tend to do.

9. How many times does the guy have to say he can't wrestle, nor does he want to. And you know him the title would build MASSIVE heat on him... and regardless of what you may think...a win over Hogan is still a win over Hogan to whoever he would choose to put over.

10. Yeah, they're building a storylines. I don't know if you've realized but the largest wrestling company in the world is mainly ENTERTAINMENT based lately. It's what draws the majority of the fans in.

11. Uhhh yeah, it's Hulk Hogan and they are guys working in a just above indie grade company.

12. Really, you're going to complain about who they have the titles on? I thought it was full of ex-WWE hacks. Every single belt aside from the KO title is held by a TNA original. See a flaw in your logic anywhere? Yeah...awesome job.

13. No TRUE wrestling fan likes Hogan? Really..just shut up.


This just to me seems like a wannabe smark trying to start a Hogan-bash thrend.


I cannot call myself a Hogan mark but he has done some good things for TNA tbh. Him coming in did nothing but spark the casual fans interest in what TNA was going to do. I know of some blindly loyal WWE fans that started watching TNA just to see what they were all about and see what Hogan was going to do. Sure he brought in some older guys but are guys like AJ being totally buried? No, they teamed him up with Flair, who is one of the best mic men ever. As much as I love AJ I even admit it's painful to listen to a AJ promo.

Mister J

Feb 25, 2010
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I don't see Hogan and his friends holding anyone down in TNA. AJ Styles would've been a race car driver if he was in WWE.
Dec 23, 2008
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How long before Brutus Beefcake and Horace Hogan make their way to TV? The Nasty Boyz are already on TV, after everyone said they'd never come back.