The downfall of TNA - hogan and company

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Mar 5, 2010
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whomever is REALLY in charge of TNA is making a great effort at completely RUINING what was working to being the BEST wrestling on TV.

lets count the ways...

1) they brought in hogan

2) they got rid of the BEST wrestling gimmick, the 6-sided ring

3) they brought in hogan and company

4) they have made a joke out of arguably the BEST wrestler in the world today, AJ STYLES

5) hogan is actually gonna do what only he really considers "wrestling"

6) after all the years of building up the best young stable of wrestlers, they bring in a bunch of old WWE rejects

7) they brought in hogan

8) they are making a joke out of Jeff Jarrett *why would he actually agree to do these things? unless the REAL story build-up is him retaking the company and kicking ass on all hogan crony's at the end of the year when all their contracts are up???

9) with that huge ego to feed it is only a matter of time before they totally RUIN TNA beyond repair and give him the title belt

10) the back-stage antics and interviews were always weak but the wrestling saved it, but now we are maybe getting about 30minutes of actual wrestling per 2hour show tops

11) everyone and I mean everyone is totally kissing hogan ass on screen

12) belts are currently held by the WORSE of the cast of wrestlers (with exception of AJ STYLES) - global champ cant wrestle out of a bag and they make his matches last a couple of minutes before crowd boo's him out of the ring... tag champs are totally talentless, cant make a pee-wee wrestler using their combined skills... doug williams, x-division champ??? isnt that supposed to be for the small and quick guys??? tara as womans champ? the division DOES lack talent in ring mostly, but she is really one of the worst. actually watch her and see how stiff she really is

13) no TRUE wrestling fan really likes or wants hogan anywhere near a wrestling organization... how much are they paying the stooges in the crowd? they'd have to be paid alot to actually cheer for hogan, anyone remember just 6months ago when the loudest BOO's were made when any mention of hogan was even HINTED at

and the NUMBER ONE reason I will stop watching TNA on may 7 (yes stopping even before monday nite) is HOGAN. only thing that could be worse (could it GET any worse???) is the nite that Ed Leslie shows up. and yeah with all the other crony's you KNOW he will...



Feb 19, 2010
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One thing thats definitely stupid about TNA right now is the Abyss angle. I mean Hogan giving him his Hall of Fame ring and telling him that it holds powers possessed by hulkamania, give me a break. And Abyss used to be a true monster character in TNA, but now he looks more and more like a GOOF every week. Storylines like these will bring a fall to TNA very quick.
Mar 4, 2010
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whomever is REALLY in charge of TNA is making a great effort at completely RUINING what was working to being the BEST wrestling on TV.

That would be Dixie and Hogan (he's got the book). Blame them.

lets count the ways...

1) they brought in hogan


2) they got rid of the BEST wrestling gimmick, the 6-sided ring

Agreed again, this only helped them stand out more, something different then what the WWE is producing. Now they look like a second rate WWE.

3) they brought in hogan and company

Agreed again, with Hogan controlling the book his buddies are gonna get more airtime then anyone else. Why the fuck are the Nasty Boys back? Were there really fans calling for their return? Seriously?

4) they have made a joke out of arguably the BEST wrestler in the world today, AJ STYLES

Ah, Little Naitch.

5) hogan is actually gonna do what only he really considers "wrestling"

But that's because all the fans are chanting his name. Forget that the TNA directors have told the crowd to not chant what they want. He has to step in the ring for them, brother.

6) after all the years of building up the best young stable of wrestlers, they bring in a bunch of old WWE rejects

To be fair they were doing that long before Hogan signed on.

7) they brought in hogan

Agreed yet again, this guy thinks because he was the biggest guy in the WWF in the 80's and WCW in the 90's he knows the business. Hogan always forgets to give credit to the people that made the storylines up and those who made them work. Hogan's his own freaking mark.

8) they are making a joke out of Jeff Jarrett *why would he actually agree to do these things? unless the REAL story build-up is him retaking the company and kicking ass on all hogan crony's at the end of the year when all their contracts are up???

I wouldn't count on that happening, considering how bad Jeff fucked up by getting with Karen Angle, he's been low on the pecking order and will probably stay there.

9) with that huge ego to feed it is only a matter of time before they totally RUIN TNA beyond repair and give him the title belt

Destination X is right around the corner, brother.

10) the back-stage antics and interviews were always weak but the wrestling saved it, but now we are maybe getting about 30minutes of actual wrestling per 2hour show tops

Remember that three hour Impact where they promised more wrestling? They clocked in maybe a full hour of wrestling total.

11) everyone and I mean everyone is totally kissing hogan ass on screen

They gotta earn, brother.

12) doug williams, x-division champ??? isnt that supposed to be for the small and quick guys???

Nah, anyone can be the X champ, it's not a light weight or cruiserweight division man.

13) no TRUE wrestling fan really likes or wants hogan anywhere near a wrestling organization... how much are they paying the stooges in the crowd? they'd have to be paid alot to actually cheer for hogan, anyone remember just 6months ago when the loudest BOO's were made when any mention of hogan was even HINTED at

The crowd is pressured with what to chant and what not to chant. Didn't you see the video?

One thing thats definitely stupid about TNA right now is the Abyss angle. I mean Hogan giving him his Hall of Fame ring and telling him that it holds powers possessed by hulkamania, give me a break. And Abyss used to be a true monster character in TNA, but now he looks more and more like a GOOF every week. Storylines like these will bring a fall to TNA very quick.

I think it's a rib on the HoF, and how much of a joke it is.


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Mar 5, 2010
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per #10 (less wrestling) and #6 (WWE rejects)...

this past week - in 2hours if my count is right there were 4 matches that together were less than 20minutes (and I have trouble counting anything with robb terry as a "match") and 4 small "skirmishes" that were less than 10... it was almost 2/3 thru the show and there had been only 2 matches

and previous rejects vs current rejects? I'll take anyone previous over nasty's, anderson, orlando, 1-2-3 kid, bubba, and ed leslie (just a matter of time in SOME capacity)... heck, bring back shark-boy and blue-meanie

and yes I agree completely that w/o the youngsters and w/o the 6-sided ring it really IS a WWE-jr now and with the move to mondays means TNA will be dead inside two years with what they're giving us now...

and as a side-note... with sting maybe being the only person hogan has "wrestled" and hasnt beaten... only matter of time before they get them both in the ring so hogan can humiliate sting too (anyone remember "warrior" in WCW??? brought in for one reason only)

and one LAST side note... anyone but me remember how TNA "REALLY" began??? with jarrett kicking the shit out of hogan with a chair with a fake invite to join TNA? anyone remember that and understand the jarrett storyline now???
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia
I agree with pretty much all these things. I've started watching TNA since Jan 04 and I have to say, there were a few 'eps' ... like 2, where I was sort of enjoying it. however, this is my biggest and most annoying problem with TNA right now...

They have this stain, the constant 'smell' of competing with WWE. They don't focus on their storylines alone, they are ALWAYS throwing in comments/niches etc of how they're competing with WWE, and how they're better.

Frankly, I think it's the most ridiculous thing. The last two weeks now, Bisch has made comments like "special guests? you serious, that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Keep at it, man..." and "You wanna make a TNA version of the american football league, and compete with them? Thats stupid..." Seriously, why is that needed? Why not just have Bisch play his stupid as "I'm a big heel, oh now I'm a face, wait ... now I'm a heel again, face, heel, face, tweener and all round douche bag" gimmick.

I seriously hope that Hogan breaks something, ANYTHING, in his 'wrestling match' come March 8th, WHICH GOES LIVE BROTHA, and can't show up on television on MONDAY NIGHTS LIVE, FROM MARCH 8TH BROTHA!

See, even I can do it. That's how lame it is. Work on building new talent, not bringing in washed up WWE wannabes like Anderson, and really make a mark against WWE. Because, when it's all said and done...and you've gone bankrupt because Hogan just wanted that 10% more, you'll look back and wish you'd really tried.

The end.


^ The swipes at WWE are so fucking lame. I don't recall the WWE using any kinds of tactics like that. I know they made a few jokes about Hogan back in November and maybe said one thing after Hogan came aboard but they don't shove it in people's faces like TNA does. DURRRR LOOK AT US, WE THINK WWE SUCKS BUT WE GET SOME NINJA DUDES TO KIDNAP SAMOA JOE LOLOLOL.


whomever is REALLY in charge of TNA is making a great effort at completely RUINING what was working to being the BEST wrestling on TV.

lets count the ways...

2) they got rid of the BEST wrestling gimmick, the 6-sided ring

Shut the fuck up. The best gimmick ever? Give me a damn break. The six sided ring never drew anything.

4) they have made a joke out of arguably the BEST wrestler in the world today, AJ STYLES

Arguably the most over rated wrestler in history. They had to pair him up with the greatest heel of all time just to get him over as a heel and he still looks like a baby who can't hold his own.

11) everyone and I mean everyone is totally kissing hogan ass on screen

Why shouldn't they...he's the greatest wrestler of all time.

13) no TRUE wrestling fan really likes or wants hogan anywhere near a wrestling organization... how much are they paying the stooges in the crowd? they'd have to be paid alot to actually cheer for hogan, anyone remember just 6months ago when the loudest BOO's were made when any mention of hogan was even HINTED at

What's your definition of a true wrestling fan. So if you like wrestling and like Hogan, you aren;t a real fan?


The 6 sided ring was their 'signature' but who really gives a fuck about it? A ring is a ring. I don't give a shit.

I did lol at it being called a gimmick, as if it's a wrestler. I'd call it a trademark/signature of TNA, is anything.


New Member
Mar 5, 2010
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6-sided ring IS/WAS a gimmick... it was used originally to set TNA apart and just turned out to be so different and cool. going back to 4-sided and they lose one of the things that makes them different than any other organization...

AJ Styles over-rated? no way... name another wrestler today that combines arial with mat wrestling. just needs to get rid of the stupid pele kick. flying forearm off the top rope is cool every time i see it...

hogan the greatest wrestler? how can someone be "the greatest" when they dont use or even know a single move? damn, even LUGER had more moves than hogan ever did.

TRUE wrestling fans to me (opinion alert) are those that want to see wrestling and not talk, those that prefer the moves of curt hennig over the stiffness of jim duggan, those that preferred the ring-antics of ECW over the camera antics of WWE. ric flair of the 80's/ early 90's (in or out of the ring) over any year of hogan (yes before flair got old and so choreographed you could predict every move he made before he did it). with a high salute to ricky steamboat, flair may have been "the greatest"


Feb 19, 2010
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6-sided ring IS/WAS a gimmick... it was used originally to set TNA apart and just turned out to be so different and cool. going back to 4-sided and they lose one of the things that makes them different than any other organization...

AJ Styles over-rated? no way... name another wrestler today that combines arial with mat wrestling. just needs to get rid of the stupid pele kick. flying forearm off the top rope is cool every time i see it...

hogan the greatest wrestler? how can someone be "the greatest" when they dont use or even know a single move? damn, even LUGER had more moves than hogan ever did.

TRUE wrestling fans to me (opinion alert) are those that want to see wrestling and not talk, those that prefer the moves of curt hennig over the stiffness of jim duggan, those that preferred the ring-antics of ECW over the camera antics of WWE. ric flair of the 80's/ early 90's (in or out of the ring) over any year of hogan (yes before flair got old and so choreographed you could predict every move he made before he did it). with a high salute to ricky steamboat, flair may have been "the greatest"

I see what your saying but remember its also about entertainment value as well, and although Hogan definitely was no where near the best wrestler in the ring, a lot of his appeal in the day was his Charisma he put in his promos. I admit I was a Hogan mark back when I was young and to me it was like watching a superhero going into battle and wanting them to win everytime. Oh and of course Vince had the money and the network machine behind Hogan so that of course pushed the wwe to the top of mainstream america.

Now I miss the 6-six sided ring and it was more then a gimmick, it was TNA's trademark for 6 years and it nice to see them trying something different from the rest of the promotions. But maybe this could benefit the wrestlers especially the ones coming in the company. They are always wrestling in a four-sided ring in the indy's and it's an adjustment for them to come and wrestle in a six-sided ring where the ropes are in different places and they have to train themselves to gain the instincts to wrestle a good match in the new ring. I just hope they at least get rid of that ramp though, it's looks horrible going into the ring on the same level.

It's up to you what you think a real wrestling fan is, and I agree that I love to see matches with the precision of mr. perfect and Ricky Steamboat, but they have to be entertaining to and that's also what set Mr. Perfect and definitely Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan apart.

And personally I do like AJ Styles new gimmick although when he came out in one of Ric's feathered outfits at the last ppv, that was a joke. Other then that though I think the Ric Flair AJ storyline is a good one! And I agree he's a good wrestler. Sorry for the long post!


Feb 15, 2010
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ST-Pierre, Quebec
The main problem TNA has is the fact that half the company is full of hasbeens and ex WcW destroyers aka Bishoff, Nash, Hall ect... When TNA realizes they have to push the now talent like Dinero, Styles and Anderson they will improve.

In my opinion taking the 6 sided ring is a big mistake, it was the one thing that made TNA different and interesting now it's just generic, and who was the idiot that signed off on the old WcW ramp... That itself just f*cked the high flying moves outside the ring.

But for now TNA is shit!

Seriously who wants to see Hogan and Flair wrestle..
Feb 7, 2007
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Brisbane, Australia

I HATE the ramp! I don't really care that they lost the 6-sided ring. Sure it was their 'thing', but the ramp is soooo fucking lame, and really fucks up outside ring shenanigans. It just reminds me of the 80's so bad, and that's not a good thing.


Definitely agree. TNA is really going down the crapper. I must say the HOF ring angle isn't bad, but come on...Abyss? That is one shitty choice to be the next Hogan. I can't believe half the stuff they put on TV these days mainly involving Abyss, atleast Ric gives him a zinger each show about being Blue, atleast someone on the actual show thinks he's Blue not just the fans. Why did they give Abyss Hulk Hogan music but keep his red creepy lights and same look? It doesn't make sense.


Sep 1, 2008
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wwe needs to push more legends and step the young guys back more