The Coven

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Isn't that a daisy?
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA

  • Kleio De Santos (Leader/Manager/Singles Competitor)
  • Blair Ravenwood (Tag Team Competitor)
  • Celestia Ravenwood (Tag Team Competitor)
  • Bellatrix Bordeaux (Singles and Tag Team Competitor)​
  • Grandma Ethel (Manager)​

The Coven started as just a pair of sisters up to no good. Blair and Celestia Ravenwood, originally competitors on Ground Zero Season 3, sought to grow their sisterly Coven into something big. But for that, they needed a leader, one who was strong and powerful. They found one with Kleio De Santos, and have spent the last year trying to recruit her. She was stronger than they anticipated, as she went on to defeat a Windigo and completed The Seven Trials. How far will this group go?

MovesKleio De SantosBlair RavenwoodCelestia Ravenwood
KicksFront Snap Kick, Side Snap Kick, Round House, Flying Jumping Scissors Kick, Crescent KickLow Drop Kick, Knee Strike, Ground Stomps,Soccer Ball Kick, Muay Thai Kicks, High Drop Kick, Spinning Wheel Kick
PunchesSuperman Punch, Front Jab, Elbow Strike, Spinning Back Fist, UppercutBoxing Uppercuts, European Uppercut,Mounted Punches, Quick Jabs, Elbow Smash, Fists of Fury, Backhand Chop
HoldsKimura Lock, Heel Hook, Bar Choke, Indian Death LockArm Bar, Hammer Lock, Sleeper HoldFigure Four Leg Lock, Camel Clutch
TakedownsHip Toss, Shoulder Throw,
Dropping Body Drop, Sweeping Loin Throw, Leg Sweep
Scoop Slam, Suplex, Mat Slam, SnapmareHuricanrana, Jumping DDT, Monkey Flip
MiscClothesline, DDT, Lou Thez Press, Ground and Pound, Neck BiteWrist Clutch & Elbow, Tree of Woe,Frog Splash, Elbow Drop, Diving Spear, Diving Crossbody, Falling Thez Press
FinishersFlying Elbow Drop, Letters to Kleio (Twist of Fate)Shining Witch (Shining Wizard)The Hex Bomb (Swanton bomb)
Fighting Styles:

Kleio was trained by her mentor and adoptive father Saint Sulley in the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai. She brings an MMA mix of fighting to the ring, and is dangerous on the ground earning the nickname "The Boa Constrictor". Her real life counter part would be like her base pic Claudia Gadelha, or any MMA ground specalist.

Blair Ravenwood fights more like a technical striker and grappler. She is slower and more calculated in the ring. She's always on step ahead, and is good at anticipating her opponent's attacks. Her real life counter part would be more like Randy Orton.

Celestia Ravenwood is a high flying high risk fighter. She is much more impulsive in the ring than her sister, and won't think before taking a huge risk. She'll launch her body from any height, and is just as content hurting herself as she is hurting her opponent. Her real life counter part would be Jeff Hardy or Rey Mysterio.


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Isn't that a daisy?
Sep 13, 2022
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Added Trixie and Grandma Ethel to the members list, and Trixie's profile is copy/pasted here. I'll probably add a profile for Ethel soon.
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