*Fireshock is at the gorilla position backstage, preparing for his match with Chris Young. Just before he is about to walk through the curtain, an interviewer approaches him*
Faith Brewer: Fireshock can we get a minute or two before your match with Chris Young tonight at Ignition?
*Fireshock turns to look at the interviewer with disgust look*
Fireshock: You have one minute.
Faith Brewer: Fireshock Ch..
Fireshock: No, it’s Lord Fireshock. How many of you peasants are going to get this wrong, bloody hell. Lord Fireshock, its four letter word how difficult is that to say ?
Faith Brewer: Cough, Lord Fireshock Chris Young is planning to inflict a lot of damage on you in your match tonight, after his series of loses. My question is, are you prepared to handle the amount of suffering Young has threaten to deal out to you tonight in your match?
Fireshock: Did he really? Did he really threaten to try hurt me out of everyone on the roster tonight? Oh, Christopher you are a man of many words, words that sadly will never get put into use. In the game of hurting people, there is only one man who knows how to play it better than anyone else. Me, that is because Young I don’t just say I will hurt someone and never execute it. No I go down to that ring and inflict the highest levels of damage a human body can take in that ring.
*Fireshock pulls his shades off for the moment*.
Fireshock: So, Mr Young if you expected to damage yours truly in the most brutal, vicious and inhumane way possible. I hope you have a great plan in that sick head of yours, because the smartest man in wrestling today has already come up many, many solutions to dismember you limb from limb. With the most powerful weapon on my side …
*Fireshock point to his head*
Fireshock: My mind.
*Fireshock walks off, through the curtain to his match*
Mentions @impactking
Faith Brewer: Fireshock can we get a minute or two before your match with Chris Young tonight at Ignition?
*Fireshock turns to look at the interviewer with disgust look*
Fireshock: You have one minute.
Faith Brewer: Fireshock Ch..
Fireshock: No, it’s Lord Fireshock. How many of you peasants are going to get this wrong, bloody hell. Lord Fireshock, its four letter word how difficult is that to say ?
Faith Brewer: Cough, Lord Fireshock Chris Young is planning to inflict a lot of damage on you in your match tonight, after his series of loses. My question is, are you prepared to handle the amount of suffering Young has threaten to deal out to you tonight in your match?
Fireshock: Did he really? Did he really threaten to try hurt me out of everyone on the roster tonight? Oh, Christopher you are a man of many words, words that sadly will never get put into use. In the game of hurting people, there is only one man who knows how to play it better than anyone else. Me, that is because Young I don’t just say I will hurt someone and never execute it. No I go down to that ring and inflict the highest levels of damage a human body can take in that ring.
*Fireshock pulls his shades off for the moment*.
Fireshock: So, Mr Young if you expected to damage yours truly in the most brutal, vicious and inhumane way possible. I hope you have a great plan in that sick head of yours, because the smartest man in wrestling today has already come up many, many solutions to dismember you limb from limb. With the most powerful weapon on my side …
*Fireshock point to his head*
Fireshock: My mind.
*Fireshock walks off, through the curtain to his match*
Mentions @impactking