I agree with Bryan fighting Brock: wish it could've happened. Every aspect of that match would be great. The one who conquered The Streak faces the one who beat all of evolution in the same night to capture the championship. It would be gold. Undoubtedly, that was most likely the plan heading into Summerslam. Of course, however, Bryan got injured and is currently sidelined; thus, we had Cena become champ as he was the only "bigger" face that people could see battling Brock. And Cena is dependable, whether you like him or not.
I have a feeling, based off how the Cena and Brock match went, that DB will be first in line to face Brock right when he returns... I see them letting Brock reign until DB comes back and is the one to beat the one....that is unless DB can't return anytime soon and his neck is still in piss poor condition.