THE Brian Kendrick...

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Does this guy have a shot at doing anything at all on Raw? I mean, first off, I think drafting him there in the first place was stupid. He seemed to have room to grow on Smackdown. If anywhere, ECW could've been a great place for him. He could've feuded with guys like DH Smith, Evan Bourne, and put on some great matches. Now on Raw, I see him being like he was before.
I know he doesn't matter that much, but it's still interesting to see what they'll do with him, if anything, after they spent time pushing him in late 2008. On Raw, he would be a good fit for the midcard US title picture IMO. I think he coul dmake a good heel champion with that belt, and they don't have anything to lose by putting it on him, really. But them actually doing that is a wild hope I guess. Maybe a tag team with Miz?
Anyone think he can actually do anything on Raw? Or is he just waiting to be released?


Miz (probably Chavo and DEFO Regal for that matter) will be ahead of Kendrick in the queue for the US title.... (Who'd have thought we'd be talkig about Miz in such terms? LOL) In hindsight the only reason he got that push on SD last year is becasue f the absense of Umaga & Kennedy.

I only see squash matches and general 'Jamie Noble'/'midget'-style treatment on the horizon for him on Raw.

I think there's something lurking in the fact that they drafted Zeke to ECW though.... He's blatantly more push-able in WWE's eyes and I think the main intention was the split them and get Zeke sorted as in in-ring competitor over on ECW before maybe drafting him back over to SD next year..... By then, IF BK is still in the company, he might get the ECW run that most of us see as the only answer for him.


Sadly, I'm leaning towards a few months of being squashed by the likes of Big Show and Batista...then being released.
It really sucks because this gimmick honestly has a shit load of potential.
^I really don't think his push had anything to do with the abscense of anyone... they wouldn't have completely repackaged him if that were the case. I think they had big things planned for Kendrick as evident by putting him in the title scramble just a little over a month after being sent over to Smackdown. He's got quite a considerable amount of talent and can honestly go just as good as guys like Bourne in the ring....dare I say better.
Big Zeke was originally just there to gain him more heat and to beat down his opponents...however I think the ridiculous amount of marijuana infractions severely changed WWE's outlook on this guy. The push quickly seemed to focus more on Zeke and even once they started billing them as a tag team their push fell flat in little more than a month.
I really don't think this is the guy to be giving up on. Sending him over to a stacked RAW roster when Smackdown is made for guys like him is a death sentence. Could you imagine a feud between Mysterio and Kendrick? Morrison and Kendrick? They would burn that fuckin ring down.
"THE" has swagger out the ass (no pun intended) and I really wanted to see him succeed when they repackaged him. He's got the gimmick down perfectly and in ring flare to make it count. Smackdown would have been picture perfect for this guy right now, but the fact that they sent him over to RAW really doesn't say much for WWE's feelings on the guy.
A tag team with Miz could be interesting...and they'de definately fit together...but I look at it this way. They're both former tag team wrestlers that WWE saw reason to put into singles competition for bigger better things. Putting them back in a tag team would be a huge step backwards for both of them.
I'm just crossing my fingers we don't see Kendrick go the way of London.
Dec 23, 2008
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Miz (probably Chavo and DEFO Regal for that matter) will be ahead of Kendrick in the queue for the US title.... (Who'd have thought we'd be talkig about Miz in such terms? LOL) In hindsight the only reason he got that push on SD last year is becasue f the absense of Umaga & Kennedy.

I only see squash matches and general 'Jamie Noble'/'midget'-style treatment on the horizon for him on Raw.

I think there's something lurking in the fact that they drafted Zeke to ECW though.... He's blatantly more push-able in WWE's eyes and I think the main intention was the split them and get Zeke sorted as in in-ring competitor over on ECW before maybe drafting him back over to SD next year..... By then, IF BK is still in the company, he might get the ECW run that most of us see as the only answer for him.

I laughed at the "midget-style" comment, lol


Active Member
Jul 13, 2008
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Easton, Maryland
When I heard he was drafted w/o Big Zeke, I thought he would just job to the big guys until he got released. But I actually think he may go into a tag team with the Miz. The Colons were drafted to RAW along with the tag titles. Miz went to RAW as well, along with both the Bella Twins. I don't think their program is over yet. Miz will want his title back, Bad Twin will still want to get her hands on the Good Twin. All The Miz needs to do is find himself a partner, and that partner is THE Brain Kendrick.


New Member
Jan 15, 2008
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Wasn't he de-pushed due to his weed habit though? I think Kendrick's a great worker, but he should never have been in the title mix at such an early stage of his new gimmick. The sad truth is that Vince doesn't like smaller wrestlers (look at Punk's title reign) and likely never will, no matter how good they are. The only real exceptions were Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio, but then they're the sort of guys who had the fans in their palms.


To be honest, I see him getting released during the next round of cuts, and teaming up with Paul London on the indy scene.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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I'm going with a few matches of jobbing if he actually gets airtime then that will be followed by. We wish you all the best in future endeavours. There isn't room on Raw for him. He will be overlooked simple as.


No, Raw has always been a place where the bigger guys usually get more air time. I've been saying this for a long time, I think they should make ECW a cruiserweight brand, where cruisers of all stature will get a chance to get on TV.
Dec 23, 2008
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^The only problem with that is, none of the cruisers have any charisma. Kendrick has some I guess.. Do we really want to see Rey "Same match every match" Mysterio as a main eventer on any show? Not me.