Oh I do disagree, especially because life has no happy endings. What did everyone expect in Seinfeld ending? Elaine & Jerry married? George working? Kramer the millioner? There's no happy endings in life. It's just death in the end. Happy endings are load of crap and a fairytell, regardless of it being the TV show.
Look, you like closures. That's fine. I like them too. Breaking Bad gave you closure. But it was cliche. Tell me it wasn't? It was a very good cliche, but it's still a cliche.
Sopranos also gave you the closure which was hinted through every episode in Season 6, and was executed perfectly in the end. It's something diferrent, and when you really sink your teeth in to details, you get to know the brilliancy of it.
I'll always defend Sopranos as a whole, but also I'll always praise the ending, because it is a closure to a fantastic story. People like being given things on a platter. Well, tough shit. You were given a closure in Sopranos, it's your bad you don't follow details.
So, we seem to have reached a dead end here. You wanna convince me to whatever it is you wanna convince me (or someone else here who is a sheep, he knows who he is), and I wanna convince you to something else, but we can't reach an "agreement". Maybe some other time.
Go rate raws 9 or 10/10 bro.