I hearby rename "Hell In a Thread". It's new name will be "The Bar Room".
The Bar Room will be for good posters who can dish and take insults, who will shit on n00bs that love their wrestling shows more than life itself. If you have two or more signatures with shirtless wrestlers, prepare for negative response.
The Bar Room will not be a place for people to come to resolve their little internet fights. I promise, nobody gives a fuck about you.
The phrase "you're mean" will result in a warning, because again, nobody gives a fuck.
The Bar Room will be a unique forum in which "stfu" will be responded to with " ". If we take the time to tell you to shut up, then at least you're being noticed. That being said, use discretion. You'll be able to tell if you're not liked.
Any threads that are made to talk about wrestling will end in a warning being issued to the creator. If any threads are hijacked and turned into wrestling discussions, then the participants will be publicly reprimanded and be issued a warning.
Warnings will be in my head only, not on paper, so don't dispute them. Axis Warnings aren't like regular warnings. They're better.
If you say "lol", then you're probably homosexual.
Welcome to a new era, bitches. Now, let us begin the Age of Axis.